Tuesday, January 5, 2016

When What You Want Doesn’t Seem Possible


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Yes, miracles happen.

Things that seem extremely unlikely, that we might hope for but don’t really plan on – sometimes they happen.

But it’s smoother manifesting when we learn to expect it; to see it as the next logical step.

How to do that when it’s something that seems so far out of reach?

Practice, my friend.

We practice it in our mind’s eye until it feels normal in there.

And pretty soon it will seem normal out here, too.

That’s the cue Universe is waiting for.

Abraham says we can’t manifest the “big thing” as long as we think of it that way.

When it’s no big deal, when we’ve come to expect it – that’s when we’re a vibrational match and that’s when we see it in real life.

In addition to seeing it in my imagination I also do these things to practice expecting the “big thing” until it feels like an “of course”:

  • Revel in stories where it’s happened for others. (If they can do it, so can I!)

  • Remember other “big things” that happened in my life. (I’ve done this before!)

  • Connect with someone who expects it for me. (Welcome to the power of a mentor!)

  • Remember how the system works: anything is possible. (If I can imagine it, I can have it.)

And then I get back to imagining it.

That’s the short version of how you put “miracles” within real life reach.

If you’d like more support, get hooked up with an LOA coach. My life changed more in three months of working with an LOA savvy mentor than in three years of working this stuff on my own.

And that’s a big part of how my LOA coach business went from pipe dream fantasy to real world fact.

Isn’t this manifesting stuff cool?!

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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

This subject matter was something I sensed you might appreciate.

The writer has a helpful point of view on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my readers.

Kindly offer your thoughts in the comments section below …

When What You Want Doesn’t Seem Possible

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