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“‘I should’, ‘I shouldn’t’, ‘you should’, ‘you shouldn’t’, ‘I want’, ‘I need’–these unquestioned thoughts distort the appearance of the good that is as common as grass. Reality won’t wait for your consent. It will remain just as it is, pure goodness, whether or not you understand.” –Byron Katie
Don’t know if you saw yesterday’s New York Times. But I’m wahooing and fist-bumping because the prestigious scientific journal Nature just published a huge study proving one of the principals I talk about in my books.
As you can imagine, not just everybody buys into the fact that things over here (say our thoughts) influence things over there.
But scientists at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands just proved one of quantum theory’s fundamental claims. Namely, that objects separated by great distance instantaneously affect each other’s behavior. Kinda a big blow to Isaac Newton and old-school physics.
Although these kind of non-local experiments have been going on since the 70’s (I wrote about Bell’s Theorem in E-Squared), there were still some nay-sayers pointing to loopholes. This new experiment, conducted by physicists at the Dutch university’s Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, ruled out all hidden variables and pretty much substantiates the weird quantum world formed from subatomic particles, a world where matter takes form ONLY after being observed and measured.
The Delft researchers entangled two electrons, separated them by nearly a mile and then measured the spin. They used diamonds with a tiny trap for the electrons and then placed them on opposite sides of the campus, ensuring that the information could not be exchanged by any other means. Well, guess what?
The electrons changed spins simultaneously. As Princeton physics professor John Wheeler famously said, “It’s one of the deep, happy mysteries that, at all times, we interact with and influence the world we observe.”
Why would we observe it any way except with big love and joyous gratitude?
Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and its equally-scintillating sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.
The author offers an interesting perspective on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to discuss it with my viewers.
Please provide your thoughts in the comments section below …
One more deep, happy mystery just proved by physicists at Delft University
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