Friday, January 29, 2016

Consciously Let Those Negative Thoughts and Feeings go

Consciously Let Those Negative Thoughts and Feeings go

We don’t want to avoid, ignore, or deny our negative thoughts and feelings.  That will only bury them within and create more resistant vibrations.  What you want to do is consciously let go of them.  You first have to be aware that you are having negative thoughts and feelings, and then let your mind know that you are not choosing those kinds of thoughts and feelings about a life experience you are having. You will still have the experience that may be making you resort to the negative but when you consciously tell the mind that you are doing it another way, and then you shift your focus toward a more positive thought and feeling, then you can still take care of the experience but now with a positive higher vibration. So how do you shift your focus when you are wrapped up in negativity?  You take a moment to close your eyes, take a deep breath in, focusing on your breath, tell the mind to relax the shoulders and neck, and then exhale ‘out’ the negativity while g…
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Consciously Let Those Negative Thoughts and Feeings go

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