Wednesday, January 27, 2016

How to Use Happiness to Increase The Productivity

How to Use Happiness to Increase The Productivity

A must see video for all working professionals who believe in the Law of attraction. 2009 Vishen Lakhiani was asked to speak at Engage Today in Calgary along with such luminaries as Sir Richard Branson, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Stephen Covey, Nobel Prize Winner F.W De Klerk, Tony Hsieh, the founder of and world-famous artist Wyland. This speech was voted as one of the top 3 speeches of the entire event (along with Tony Hsieh and motivational speaker Sean Stephenson). Vishen talks about Flow: The Ultimate State of Human Existence. He then shared 10 tips on how to master this state and how to bring it to teams, families, and groups you lead. The video is just 39 mins. The last 13 mins are just Q&A with the audience (with a lot of jokes in between) This isn’t what you’d learn about in MBA school. Vishen confesses he has no business training (his degree is in Computer Science). But either way, Mindvalley is growing rapidly and averaging 80% growth year to y…
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How to Use Happiness to Increase The Productivity

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