Sunday, January 24, 2016

Three more reasons to call off the “life sucks” routine and start conjuring up magic

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This material was something I thought you might enjoy.

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“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”—Carl Sagan

Like Kevin Spacey, I play many roles. I’m a mom, a dishwasher, a journalist, a pickleball player. Recently, I’ve also been called to act as a town crier. To stand on the street corners of the blogosphere and scream, “Extra, extra. Read all about it. Life loves you. All you have to do is quit fighting and start noticing the magic.”

In that capacity, I’d like to pass on the following three stories that recently popped up in my inbox or what I jokingly call, my personal self-help channel. Enjoy!

1. “I would like to share with you my miracle, as you are collecting them. Soon after I asked the Universe to show me something cool, I put on an antique record from 1951 called American Indian Songs of the Southwest, which included a Zuni raindance. I was thinking how cool it would be if it could rain when I played the record, but then I didn’t think about it again.

I was three-quarters of the way through the record and enjoying the music, when my apartment was hit by a big downpour! I was totally impressed. And, the rain mostly stopped when the record finished.

Later, I looked up the weather forecast for my town for that day and the forecast called for zero preciptation, and the whole day had been really nice weather. Now, that’s a miracle.”

2. “My hubby and I had been talking things over and working through the exercises without much conclusive success. I still believed in the FP, but we had both written the butterfly experiment off as not successful. So about maybe two weeks later, I was looking out in the backyard and saw two huge beautiful butterflies feeding on some flowers. I called my husband over to show him and we joked about the experiment. As we were admiring them, out of absolutely nowhere, a stray cat jumps up, rips one of the poor creatures right out of the air and proceeds to eat it!

“Needless to say we were a bit dumbstruck… But wait, it gets better! Only a day or so later our back porch becomes practically infested with caterpillars! There was a constant supply of them on the INSIDE of our screened in porch, plus many more crawling up the outsides! It was crazy! I would attempt to scoop them up to release them in the far corner of the yard only to turn around and have like a dozen more popping out of nowhere! Needless to say I told my husband it may well be time to shut off the experiment before the universe REALLY got crafty… (The next day they were all but gone.)”

3. “I just wanted to say thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for sharing your words and experiments with the world. I’ve been through many trials in life, as everyone has; my daughter was born in January of 2014 with only the right side of her heart. Dakota has undergone two open heart surgeries so far, but today she is a happy 20-month old, learning and lighting up the room with the sound of her laughter.

“She has changed our lives completely and has inspired me to change my perspective, which has opened countless doors in just the last few years. After reading E-Cubed, I began to really understand the way manifestation works — and the keys to success: JOY and FUN! Letting go and letting God. My husband and I have been struggling financially for the last few years and I’ve been encouraging him to raise his awareness and to BELIEVE that good will come. I’ve made him aware of angel numbers as well, encouraging him to look around and notice the synchronicities that let us know we are not in this alone, that all is well and everything is for the greatest good of all.

“Two weeks ago, we received a check for $28,000 — just because. Our lives have been changed, we have the ability to really kickstart the life we’ve been longing to live, to raise our kids in a better place and to live more authentically. Thank you so much for being a beautiful inspiration in the world. I look forward to using these tools as I write my own book about the magic of miracles.”

Thanks, guys. I appreciate all of you so much.

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and its equally-scintillating sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.

The creator features a helpful point of view on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to share it with my readers.

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Three more reasons to call off the “life sucks” routine and start conjuring up magic

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