Saturday, January 2, 2016

My Ultimate Manifesting Miracle

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Many won’t understand the miracle that transpired for me here.

You might expect someone’s biggest manifesting success to be about big money or a career breakthrough. Maybe a fairy tale love story or a body transformation.

But trust me, this one was a big deal in my world …

Everyone who knows me knows my world revolves around my blind kitty Elvis. He is my favorite thing about life. I love and adore him more than anything else.

So when he got sick, I got scared.

When he didn’t perk up after a few days, we went to the vet. They did blood tests, shaved his belly for an ultrasound and offered a couple of possible diagnoses. We started meds in hopes his multiple symptoms would clear up.

They didn’t.

Whatever ailed him continued to.

The vet switched up meds and suggested an exploratory surgery if we didn’t see improvement within 24 to 48 hours.

I wasn’t keen on a surgery.

And I didn’t want to be shoving meds down his throat every couple hours. I didn’t want to haul him back to the vet’s office when he already felt so bad. I didn’t want to make him undergo anesthetic when his health was so fragile. I didn’t want to lose my favorite guy.

Yet it looked like that’s exactly where we were headed – nowhere good.

I knew my resistance to losing him was adding power to that very reality I didn’t want.

I also knew there was a reality where he was thriving and happy, and that’s the one that I wanted to experience.

But my resistance to the present reality was keeping me stuck in it.

At one point I felt sure Elvis was getting ready to transition.

(I’ve fostered a lot of animals, many of them sick after being rescued from a shelter, many of whom didn’t make it. Elvis had that same “exit energy” flowing. He just didn’t seem like he was really “here” any more.)

I realized this might be it. This might be where I have to say goodbye.

It was an incredibly sad thought for me.

I thought about how Abraham says life just continues to get better and better. That whenever contrast happens, it just fuels new desires and as long as we go along with that new desire life can only improve.

And I thought to myself, “Universe, you think you can do better than Elvis?! I’d like to see that.” (Because this is one amazing cat!)

Seriously, if Universe thinks it can do better than Elvis, I’m open to that.

And with that I felt my attachment to this cat’s healing diminish. I felt myself being okay with his exit. I felt peace in my heart with whatever might happen next.

Within an hour or so, I noticed he seemed to be a little more alert. He lifted his head even. And then he actually shifted position. Shortly after he drink some water. And he just got better and better until within 24 hours I knew he was in the clear.

The miracle for me isn’t just that my cat got better. That’s super freakin’ cool …

… but the true miracle was realizing my ability to accept the very thing I wanted least.

To be able to make peace with the ultimate ‘don’t want’ and to know that something amazing and fabulous was on its heels. That was worth celebrating.

I consider it one of my most impressive successes to have found better feeling thoughts in the face of (my) extreme contrast.

Releasing attachment to what I wanted most was quite a challenge. But if I can do that, anything is possible.

What’s your favorite manifesting success? Think on it for a few seconds to activate a really nice vibration.

(And share it in the comments if you like!)

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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

This content was something I perceived you might appreciate.

The writer features an engaging point of view on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my followers.

Please offer your ideas in the remarks section below …

My Ultimate Manifesting Miracle

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