Friday, January 1, 2016

How to Attract Financial Windfalls

For the full article go here

Earlier this month my friend Melanie Bates shared an abundance exercise I’d never used before.

I played along for fun and ended up manifesting a roughly $10,000 windfall in 10 days.

(My goal was one thousand in ten days, so I was impressed with the results.)

Some of you may be interested in playing with this one, too, so here’s the “money out of the blue” exercise as I learned it from Melanie (who picked it up from Martha Beck):

Get out paper and pen to write out three short lists:

  • The first list is to jot down three times you’ve felt abundant.

  • The second list is for three times you’ve felt generous.

  • And the third list is to document three times you’ve felt ease.

(Easy way to remember the three things is with the acronym AGE: abundance, generosity, ease.)

Conscious creators will recognize the power in conjuring up those particular vibrations!

Then write down an amount of money you’d like to see manifest out of the blue. Make it a believable amount. (Meaning, don’t choose a million bucks if that’s hard to believe.)

Then write the date you’d like to see this money manifest by and mark that date on the calendar.

Your next step, which may be the most important, is to release attachment and forget about it. Go about your life and continue enjoying yourself, without a thought to how this amount might arrive.

When I did this exercise a few weeks ago I chose a thousand dollars in ten days (because I have a good track record with those numbers).

I was able to forget about it – except for the times I looked at the calendar where I’d written “$1,000 from the ethers” next to a big smiley face.

At first it was easy to feel positive anticipation each time I saw it on the calendar, but as time passed and the date approached I started feeling doubtful, thinking things like, “Is this really gonna work?” and “How’s that gonna happen that fast?”

But I did my best to shrug off those thoughts and follow Melanie’s instructions to go about my business, not worrying about failing the abundance exercise.

The day before my date arrived I was prepping to leave town and needed to wrap up some business paperwork beforehand …

… in the process I discovered I had a nearly ten thousand dollar distribution coming my way. In all my years of solopreneurship nothing like that has ever happened and I certainly never expected it.

In fact, I spent a lot of time puzzling over the forms, wondering how in the world it happened. My situation shouldn’t have warranted this.

Yet there it was.

It took me a minute to realize Universe had delivered on the abundance exercise in spades.

Melanie also had a delightful success, so I’m not alone in having fun with this one.

Disclaimer: this exercise is unlikely to work for anyone desperately needing money, or for anyone who has a hard time giving up control in favor of trusting Universe.

But for the rest of you – have fun with it.

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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

This content was something I sensed you would enjoy.

The writer features an engaging point of view on the subject that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my viewers.

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How to Attract Financial Windfalls

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