Sunday, January 31, 2016

Peace is the result of retraining your mind

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“Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.”
— Wayne Dyer

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Peace is the result of retraining your mind

Do You Doubt?

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From time to time I hear from someone who asks a sincere question along the lines of —

“I read your books and loved them. But I seem to be missing something. The bills are piling up and I don’t feel happy. I’m starting to doubt that this stuff actually works. …

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Do You Doubt?

Say thank you and celebrate

“When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. When life is bitter, say thank you and grow.”
— Shauna Niequist

Source: SimpleReminder

Say thank you and celebrate

Why Worry?

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Sometimes worrying can just be automatic.  We can find ourselves feeling agitated and not know why and then all of a sudden, we are caught up in the worry cycle.  Worrying comes from wondering ‘what if’ in our life experiences.  We create that worse case scenario and work ourselves up into full blown anxiety. There […]

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Why Worry?

Positive Thinking Binaural Beats BRAINWAVE ENTRAINMENT

Visit for professional full length brainwave entrainment tracks.

Positive Thinking Binaural Beats BRAINWAVE ENTRAINMENT

Episode #93 Part II More Training Strategies Law of Attraction Facilitators and Coaches Ought to ...

Upcoming and previous Episodes: Michael’s NLP & Law of Attraction Community http://www.

Episode #93 Part II More Training Strategies Law of Attraction Facilitators and Coaches Ought to ...

Find your peace

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“Ego says, ‘Once everything falls into place, I’ll feel peace.’ Spirit says, ‘Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place."”
— Marianne Williamson

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Find your peace

Conor McGregor - The Law of Attraction Conor McGregor was a plumber when he first discovered the Law of Attraction. Not long after he quit his job and set his mind to becoming the …

Conor McGregor - The Law of Attraction

Napoleon Hill on The Law of Attraction

Dr. Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill on The Law of Attraction

Harry Potter, Carlos Santana and why it matters what you put into your crockpot

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“Don’t wish for elephants unless you own a zoo.”

—Muppet Babies

I just returned from a fabulous press trip to Virginia and Washington D.C. I hiked beside the Potomac, visited two inspiring wineries, one of which was owned by former CIA spies and stayed in a brand new art hotel whose first guest (I missed him by a week) was Daniel Radcliffe.

The picture is of yours truly posing with a set of Colette Miller’s street art angel wings. This set, painted on the side of the Embassy Row Hotel in D.C., is a reminder that all of us are angels, capable of spreading light.

This blog post, on the other hand, is a reminder of the angel George Foreman whose tagline “Set it and forget it” is a great principle for practicing the law of attraction.

I like to call it the crockpot principle.

The intentions you put out there are out there in the universe just waiting to come to fruition. You don’t have to stress over how they’re going to happen. In fact, the more you fret and worry and plan how they’re going to happen, the harder it is for the universe to deliver them through all your knotted energy.

This dream trip to D.C., for example, was the “cooked” version of a comment I made to my daughter, Taz, this summer.

I mentioned to her one morning at breakfast: “Ya know, I haven’t been to D.C since I was in college. I’d love to go back.”

My friend, Never-Say-No-to Fun Rhonda, recently had her house re-roofed. The roofers, led by a female contractor, were a gloriously happy group. They actually sang songs above Rhonda’s head while they worked. The pertinent thing about the happy roofers (at least for this blog post) is that Rhonda had forgotten all about a vision board she’d made in early 2015, eight months before. She “just happened” to run across it the week of the roofers and was pleasantly surprised to discover that every single thing she’d pasted on her board had manifested including a “new roof” that she didn’t remember she even wanted.

The last story comes from Carlos Santana. Born in Mexico, this Grammy-award winning musician learned English by watching American television. He loved the old western Rawhide, especially the character, Rowdy Yates. Fast forward a few decades. When Carlos was inducted into the California Hall of Fame, he stepped up to get his award from none other than Clint Eastwood, the guy who played……Rowdy Yates.

So you’ve heard it before, but I’ll say it again. You get to choose what thoughts you put into your crockpot. Make sure they’re something you’d welcome because it won’t be long before they’ll be knocking on your door.

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and its equally-scintillating sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth

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Harry Potter, Carlos Santana and why it matters what you put into your crockpot

Quantum Mechanics as it Relates to The Law of Attraction - Part 1 Here is the Second Part: This is the full version of the explanation of Qua…

Quantum Mechanics as it Relates to The Law of Attraction - Part 1

There are Two Sides to Every Story

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There can be more than one way that is right just like there can be more than one way that can be wrong.  It all depends on the perception and belief of each person involved.  Just because you think something is right, doesn’t mean that everyone else is wrong..  There are many ways of solving […]

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There are Two Sides to Every Story

All That it Needs is a Little Time my Friend

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Sometimes there are some things in life that need to take a little time to get them to where you want them to be. The best approach is to let go of the impatience, shift your focus toward higher more positive thoughts and feelings, and trust that the Universe is bringing you experiences that will […]

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All That it Needs is a Little Time my Friend

Trust that everything happens for a reason

“I trust that everything happens for a reason, even if we are not wise enough to see it.”
— Oprah Winfrey

Trust that everything happens for a reason

Trust that everything happens for a reason

Happiness is an inside job

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“Happiness is an inside job.”
— William Arthur Ward

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Happiness is an inside job

Physical experience is the leading edge of thought

moontreePhysical experience is the leading edge of thought.

The furtherest extension of that thought.

You are not at the beginning.

You are here on the leading edge, living the manifestation of thought.

And as you expose yourself to the contrast within the manifestation, you don new desires which then summons the Life Force.

—Abraham— | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!

Excerpted from the workshop: Syracuse, NY on October 14, 1997

Physical experience is the leading edge of thought

Manifesting tool: Segment Intending

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This is one of my favorite tools. It is simple and easy to use and it is incredibly effective – it works like magic!

Segment Intending is a mixture of setting goals and describing how you want a certain situation to unfold.

it is somewhat sim

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Manifesting tool: Segment Intending

Are we on to Something?

Are we on to Something?

What if that less than positive experience was a chance to help guide you to where you want to be?  And what if your higher more positive thoughts, feelings, and reactions in that less than positive experience, were the very reason you were having that experience so you could do the inner work to get you to a higher more positive vibration that was in closer alignment with what you want? And what if in every experience that all was well and will be well no matter what the experience as long as you work it through with a higher more positive vibration and you trusted and expected all was well? Wow…think maybe we’re on to something? 😉 October 27, 2015 in affirmations, law of attraction, law of attraction blog, positive thinking, positive thought blog | Tags: affirmations, beth mccain, law of attraction, law of attraction blog, positive thinking, positive thought blog Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. You are comm…
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Are we on to Something?

Beyond the Law of Attraction: Conscious Creators" EXPERIENCE 2

Beyond the Law of Attraction: Conscious Creators’ EXPERIENCE 2.

Beyond the Law of Attraction: Conscious Creators" EXPERIENCE 2

Why Judge Judy wins Emmys and I don’t

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“The only person you are fighting is yourself and your stubbornness to engage in new circumstances.”

― Jon Krakauer

My two-year-old granddaughter, Nona, just did a two-hour practice run of the preschool she’s starting next month. Unlike some kiddos who might be a little leery of leaving mom and meeting new people, Nona, when she saw the playground full of new kids, started bouncing in her car seat and with a flourish of her arms said, “Look, it’s MY FRIENDS!!!!”

That’s how I feel about all of you here on the blog. MY FRIENDS!!! And I am glad that all of us here on Planet Earth are starting to recognize that EVERYONE is our friend–even those who are playing the part of something else. Our assignment right now is to have a blast loving everyone and everything–even the stuff that is masquerading as a big fat mess.

And with that, I’d like to re-run a blog post from last year. Enjoy!!!

Because I view the world through rose-colored glasses, I don’t always recognize gloom and doom. Circumstances that others call “tragic” don’t necessarily get the same response from me. Sometimes, I’m even a bit cheeky about it.

Seven months ago, a beautiful young woman named Amanda Poe wrote to tell me she was reading E-Squared and consequently lost her job.

I responded like this:

“I am always of the opinion that losing one’s job and even one’s mind can be a very holy place.”

I told her congratulations and that I couldn’t wait to hear what happens next.

I’d forgotten about this correspondence until a couple weeks ago.

Amanda wrote with me this story:

“I’m very excited to tell you what I’ve been up to. You were right. Losing my job was literally the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I found myself again. I had always been so fearful of money, but when I lost my job.. somehow.. for 5 months I was completely and fully supported by the universe. With no savings and living on unemployment. I promise I still don’t know how it worked out!!

“I now have a job that I love, and I’m soo thankful. I wasn’t even looking for a job, but someone told me about this one and I got it the exact week that my unemployment ran out. I just learned to fully trust.

A lot of other crazy things happened.. I developed a better relationship with my mother.. I received free hair (weave/extensions) after asking the universe for free hair.. then I’m actually on a billboard promoting the hair .. just crazy things!

So, being the curious type and a lover of crazy things, I had to ask. Here’s what she said.

“While I was unemployed, I needed new hair extensions. (You know.. there are needs and wants.. and good hair is a NEED!) I put up an image of a girl who had curly extensions down to her knee caps on my screen saver on my phone. I put it up because I was communicating to the universe that I needed new hair. I didn’t care about the image… I just threw the long hair up there.. I just knew I needed free hair!!

My friend sent me a link to a Facebook post where a hair company was looking for models for their upcoming hair shoot. I submitted my pic and they chose me! They told me I’d get the blonde bob and that I could dye it later. I said “ok” – but when I got there.. they put in different hair. They put in curly hair that was down to my knee caps because they said the other model was acting too diva’ish and they had to let her go. So, now they’d chosen me to be the model for the billboard! The one with the long curly hair just like the one in the picture on my background on my phone.

No seriously.. how many other people have you seen with extensions to their kneecaps??? Its just crazy.

My life goal is to bring the spiritual gurus to teach spirituality to the masses in a super fun way! I’ve finally uploaded my first video under a brand new brand.

Help me in supporting Amanda on Twitter @spirituallydope and on the below YouTube video where you can see her cool new hair.

And remember that we get to decide whether to give the events in our lives a thumb’s up or a thumb’s down. No one can take that power away from us.

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and

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Why Judge Judy wins Emmys and I don’t

Life is short

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“Don’t keep allowing the same things to upset you. Life’s too short to live that way.”
— Joel Osteen

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Life is short

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Positive Thinking: The Norman Vincent Peale Story

The most in depth documentary ever produced on Norman Vincent Peale. It aired on public broadcasting. Five former U.S. Presidents are included in the …

Positive Thinking: The Norman Vincent Peale Story

Unlimited Possibilities

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What do you believe?  Do you believe that in every single moment and every single day, that anything is possible?  That in any given moment, you have the ability to change the direction of your life just by changing your thoughts, feelings, and reactions? And do you believe that there is more than just one […]

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Unlimited Possibilities

The Esoteric Secret Of Money pt1-Mastery of Money-Law Of Attraction-Life Changing!

A Life changing explanation of Law of Attraction and Money, if you like The Secret or The Power this is the next step up the evolutionary ladder.. The speaker is …

The Esoteric Secret Of Money pt1-Mastery of Money-Law Of Attraction-Life Changing!

Talking To Your Self-Esteem

Talking To Your Self-Esteem

Talk nice to yourself, kids! Check out more awesome BuzzFeedViolet videos! MUSIC Trapper We Are For The People Jdi Mid Tension Dead As Dodo Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. SFX provided by Audioblocks.  ( Made by BFMP GET MORE BUZZFEED BUZZFEED VIOLET BuzzFeed Violet: the good kind of awkward. Short, relatable videos that are totally you. New videos from your favorite characters every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday! Subscribe to BuzzFeed Violet today! The first of Karen’s Beach series of podcasts – Karen addresses the question – ‘how do I a […] In this Law of Attraction Tips podcast, Karen Luniw is interviewing her coach Armand Morin who has b […] In the first Law of Attraction Tips podcast of 2015, Karen Luniw of the Law of Attraction Center int […] In this latest Law of Attraction podcast from Karen Luniw and The Law of Attraction Center – Karen t […]
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Talking To Your Self-Esteem

Ever Notice This?

The Time I Got Schooled About AllowingThis content was something I felt you would enjoy…

Ever Notice This?

Maybe you’ve seen this, too – Lots of people claim to be Law of Attraction experts — and yet continue to struggle.

Lots of people claim to be marketing experts — and yet can’t market their own goods. Lots of people claim to be life coaches — and yet can’t influence their own children.

My favorite story is of the person who wrote a book on marketing – and then asked how to market it.

Or of the wealth coach who said he couldn’t meet potential clients for lunch — because he was broke.

I don’t know if these people are aware of their own hypocrisy, but this sort of self-deception is rampant.

They probably do it unconsciously and unintentionally, but they still do it.

You deserve better. If you want to learn from a person who mastered marketing, money * and* the Law of Attraction, and went from homeless to living the lifestyle of the rich and famous, and has proven his coaching skills and methods over * decades* with countles…  See all stories on this topic

Ever Notice This?

Q & A Sunday | The LAW OF ATTRACTION & The Secret

Exclusive Videos Here: Instagram: infinitewaters Feel Alive by Ralph Smart. The New Book Now Available Below: …

Q & A Sunday | The LAW OF ATTRACTION & The Secret

Success Story: Getting the Best Seat on a Flight with LOA

Success Story: Getting the Best Seat on a Flight with LOA

Have you ever thought of using the law of attraction for small things, like getting a nice seat on a flight? Read this story from Hanne from Bonn, Germany to get convinced that it works every time you have faith in it. Here is Hanne’s story verbatim. Please excuse me for my bad English. I hope it’s enough to share my story with you. I live in Germany and I’d been introduced to The Secret in June 2012. A friend of mine told me about how she got her dream house after reading The Secret and practicing the LOA. I was very curious about this book but could not get it immediately at our local library, because it was lent. So I found The Power instead and read it. By reading The Power I felt very happy and sometimes I smiled to myself. After this I bought The Magic and practiced the days I found most interesting. In October 2012 I’d been visiting my mother, who leaves in Sao Paulo, Brazil. When I made the flight booking (online) I chose and confirmed my seats for the 2 flights….
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The author features a fascinating point of view on the subject that resonates with me and I wanted to share it with my audiences.

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Success Story: Getting the Best Seat on a Flight with LOA

The Power Of I-AM (Chapter 5) - The 2 Most Powerful Words!

Purchase the Official “The Power of I Am” paperback here: Download our YouAreCreators …

The Power Of I-AM (Chapter 5) - The 2 Most Powerful Words!

Transcend 3 Most Common Money Mistakes

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In coaching hundreds of fellow creators on the art of manifesting money, I’ve noticed three ways many of us unwittingly repel money instead of attract it.

Correcting for even just one of these financial vibe-kinkers can make a big difference in your personal prosperity.

Here are three of our most common money manifesting mistakes and

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Transcend 3 Most Common Money Mistakes

Success Miracle Story: Lady’s Optimum Health Restored

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Success Miracle Story: Lady’s Optimum Health Restored

I visited the doctor concerned about it, but he reassured me not to worry about it. The ticks in our country are safe and tick diseases are rare here, he said. A couple of months later I experienced some symptoms which I couldn’t quite understand. For example, I would have night sweats, then as time progressed, I felt feverish, had heart palpitations and at times my blood pressure would get high. It was such a very frightening experience I got admitted to a private hospital where the professor doctors screened me for all the diseases I had never heard of. I told them about the tick bite incident, however, since there was no rash which was a common symptom of a tick bite disease, they completely disregarded it and discharged me with a diagnosis of fever of unknown origin in the medical report. I still suffered the symptoms and I felt I would die because nobody was able to diagnose and treat me. Then I remembered a book I bought some years ago called The Secret. I looked for it and I …
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Success Miracle Story: Lady’s Optimum Health Restored

The Power of Novelty and Challenge

Get mp3/transcript of this episode: Get Brendon’s new book free: ‪ Join Brendon’s 2MIL FB fans:‬ …

The Power of Novelty and Challenge

Is it Easier Said than Done? Is it Worth it?

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Your thoughts create your world. So if that is truth then this means that all you have to do is change your thought to change your world. Some say that it is easier said than done. And some wonder is it worth it to make that thought change.  It is worth it my friend. If […]

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Is it Easier Said than Done? Is it Worth it?

Accepting ‘What is’ can Change the Experience

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Visit the website for more positive thought and law of attraction! Beth’s website: Accepting ‘What is’ can Change the Experience

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Accepting ‘What is’ can Change the Experience

What Approach are you Taking?

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We always have a choice in how we look at life. We can see the glass half full of have empty.  We can choose to look at all the things about our bodies that we don’t like or we can think of all that our bodies do for us and be thankful. We can choose […]

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What Approach are you Taking?

Louise Hay - Heal Your Life with Positive Affirmations [Listen 30 Days to Change Your Life Forever]

Louise L. Hay is a bestselling author, speaker and inspirational teacher whose healing techniques, affirmations and positive thinking have inspired millions …

Louise Hay - Heal Your Life with Positive Affirmations [Listen 30 Days to Change Your Life Forever]

Power Of The Subconscious Mind and Law of Attraction Tips - With Natalie Ledwell & Dr. Joe Vitale

Power Of The Subconscious Mind and Law of Attraction Tips - With Natalie Ledwell & Dr. Joe Vitale

Issue 209 – Life is a Game; Here Are the Rules

Issue 209 – Life is a Game; Here Are the Rules

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” These words, written by Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu, are as true today as they were in the 6th century BC. Every undertaking –long or short, simple or complex – starts with action. But what is it that inspires us to get into action and take that all-important first step? Everything that exists in the visible, tangible world began as an invisible and intangible thought; an inkling. . . a desire. Our desires are intrinsically generative. The moment they are born, they set into motion a creative force that inspires us into action. Once we take that proverbial first step, we feel even more inspired, and each step we take thereafter generates the motivation we need to keep going until we reach our goal. Everything that has ever been or ever will be created follows this same formula: Thoughts generate desires; desire inspires us to action; and action leads to the manifestation of our desires. These are the “rules” of …
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Issue 209 – Life is a Game; Here Are the Rules

Find the Positive

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Sometimes it can feel like everything just ‘hits’ all at once, doesn’t it? It makes you wonder how you’ll ever get through.  And you may wonder  why it has to happen. This is the perfect time to do the inner work to shift your focus from focusing on the fear and worry to focusing on […]

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Find the Positive

Every Single Day

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Have you ever felt as if you have been just waiting from a sign from the Universe, any sign at all, and it feels as if the Universe is silent?  You ask and ask but nothing comes your way as you keep doing your best to create a positive vibration so that life will turn […]

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Every Single Day

Prosperity is a decision we get to make

Prosperity is a decision we get to make

“Everything you need is deep within you. Upon your request, upon your insistence, upon your need and stating that need, stating your intention, it will arise.”—Michele Longo-O’Donnell Like everyone else on the planet, I learned ages ago that opportunities for pain and suffering are always going to be available and that if I was going to live with intention, it’s best to steer clear. I’d have never become the author of 17 books, a reporter for People magazine and a world traveler if I’d accepted the onslaught of “negative invitations.” “That’s not possible,” naysayers always insisted on telling me. “It’s hard to write a book. Even harder to sell it. You’re an unknown from Kansas. You got B’s in your journalism classes, for God’s sake.” “Talk to the hand,” I’d always say to those voices. “That may be your way of seeing things, but I choose a different reality, a h…
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Prosperity is a decision we get to make

Friday, January 29, 2016

How to Become Extraordinary

Summary below! This is Brendon freestyle, without notes or prompter. Get mp3/transcript of this episode: Get Brendon’s new …

How to Become Extraordinary

Fourth of July Fireworks 2013

Happy Independence Day Everyone! =D

Fourth of July Fireworks 2013

The signs of Spiritual awakening process

The signs of Spiritual awakening process

Awakening Process is your spiritual journey through the dimensions, and to go from 3D (dimension) to a higher consciousness in 4D to 5D is not completely painless. Most people feel completely lost. In this animation I try to explain what happens in the mind and body in this process. Light and Love The first of Karen’s Beach series of podcasts – Karen addresses the question – ‘how do I a […] In this Law of Attraction Tips podcast, Karen Luniw is interviewing her coach Armand Morin who has b […] In the first Law of Attraction Tips podcast of 2015, Karen Luniw of the Law of Attraction Center int […] In this latest Law of Attraction podcast from Karen Luniw and The Law of Attraction Center – Karen t […]
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The signs of Spiritual awakening process

What Direction will you Choose?

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How is it possible for life to become more positive when everything feels as if it is negative? You begin by shifting your focus from the negative to the positive. This doesn’t mean that the negative experience doesn’t exist, it means that you choose to change the direction of your thoughts, feelings, and reactions, so […]

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What Direction will you Choose?

Healing Your Body Using Your Mind! (Law Of Attraction)

Purchase this book here: …

Healing Your Body Using Your Mind! (Law Of Attraction)

I forgive myself

“I forgive myself for having believed for so long that I was never good enough to have, get and be what I wanted.”
— Ceanne DeRohan

I forgive myself

Are you Living in the Present?

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Have you ever had to shake off going down the road of the past within your mind?  Or maybe you have to shake off worrying about the future?  It’s true what they say; the past is gone and the future is yet to be. You have this moment, this present moment, to choose the direction […]

The creator offers an insightful point of view on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to share it with my audiences.

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Are you Living in the Present?

Inspiration, Your Ultimate Calling: Finding Your Purpose in Life

Full Article Here

WAYNE W. DYER, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author of over 30 books, has created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows.

Dr. Wayne Dyer first pursued an academic career, publishing in journals and running a successful private therapy practice, but his lectures at St. John’s, which focused on positive thinking and motivational speaking techniques, attracted students beyond those enrolled. A literary agent persuaded Dyer to package his ideas in book form, resulting in Your Erroneous Zones; although initial sales were thin, Dyer quit his teaching job and began a publicity tour of the United States of America, doggedly pursuing bookstore appearances and media interviews (“out of the back of his station wagon”), which eventually led to national television talk shows including Merv Griffin, The Tonight Show, and Phil Donahue.

Dyer proceeded to build on his success with lecture tours, a series of audiotapes, and regular publication of new books. His self-made man success story was a part of his appeal. Dyer criticized societal focus on guilt, which he saw as an unhealthy immobilization in the present due to actions taken in the past. He advocated readers to see how parents, institutions, and even they, themselves, have imposed guilt trips upon themselves.

Dr. Wayne Dyer is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. Despite his childhood spent in orphanages and foster homes, Dr. Dyer has overcome many obstacles to make his dreams come true. Today he spends much of his time showing others how to do the same.

When he’s not traveling the globe delivering his uplifting message, Dr.Wayne Dyer is writing from his home in Maui.

In this video he also shares his experience with the monarch butterfly that is shown in the picture.

Dr. Wayne Dyer Has influenced me so much on my path to a better life. I hope your enjoy.

[Successs in 2015] Inspiration about Finding your purpose (A MUST SEE)

Read more at Inspiration, Your Ultimate Calling: Finding Your Purpose in Life

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Inspiration, Your Ultimate Calling: Finding Your Purpose in Life

How to Attack Life"s Challenge with Grace

PLEASE SUBSCRIBE for weekly episodes, free stuff, tour dates. Free transcript on the blog: Free mp3 of this episode on iTunes: …

How to Attack Life"s Challenge with Grace

Three more reasons to call off the “life sucks” routine and start conjuring up magic

Three more reasons to call off the “life sucks” routine and start conjuring up magic

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”—Carl Sagan Like Kevin Spacey, I play many roles. I’m a mom, a dishwasher, a journalist, a pickleball player. Recently, I’ve also been called to act as a town crier. To stand on the street corners of the blogosphere and scream, “Extra, extra. Read all about it. Life loves you. All you have to do is quit fighting and start noticing the magic.” In that capacity, I’d like to pass on the following three stories that recently popped up in my inbox or what I jokingly call, my personal self-help channel. Enjoy! 1. “I would like to share with you my miracle, as you are collecting them. Soon after I asked the Universe to show me something cool, I put on an antique record from 1951 called American Indian Songs of the Southwest, which included a Zuni raindance. I was thinking how cool it would be if it could rain when I played the record, but then I didn’t think about it again. I was three-quarters of the way throug…
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Three more reasons to call off the “life sucks” routine and start conjuring up magic

The Extraordinary Power Of Gratitude! (Law Of Attraction)

This book is narrated by Tasha Chen from

Check out Tasha’s YouTube Channel here:

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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the “Law Of Attraction”, or the law of “Reaping and Sowing”. This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret… Purchase my Best-Selling book for even more insight

The Extraordinary Power Of Gratitude! (Law Of Attraction)

GTA 5 Online CRAZY Car Customization SHOWDOWN! CAR VS CAR! YOURE THE JUDGE! (GTA 5 PS4 Gameplay)

GTA 5 CRAZY Car Customization SHOWDOWN! Car VS CAR! YOURE THE JUDGE! (GTA 5 PS4 Gameplay) Lets go for 400k Subscribers: …

GTA 5 Online CRAZY Car Customization SHOWDOWN! CAR VS CAR! YOURE THE JUDGE! (GTA 5 PS4 Gameplay)

The Law of Attraction is Work

The Law of Attraction is Work

Creating a Positive Vibration

Creating a Positive Vibration

Sometimes we can get so caught in all that is happening in life that we can forget to take time to nurture ourselves not realizing that taking care of ourselves will actually give us more energy and a clearer state of mind, body, and spirit. Take some time to ‘just be’ today.  If you don’t have time for a walk or listening to some music, just take some deep relaxing breathes in and out while focusing on the act of breathing.  Just a few moments of focusing on ‘just being,’ will give you a feeling of balance and calm within.  And that calm from within will then show in your life experience. It is important to nurture all of who we are from our mind to our body to our spirit. By relaxing and resting, you’re not doing nothing; you are creating a clearer channel to focus and create a more positive vibration as you directly connect to the vibration of the Universe through ‘being.’ October 27, 2015 in law of attraction, positive thinking, …
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Creating a Positive Vibration

One beautiful thing

“What is one beautiful thing you see right now?”
— Simple Reminders

One beautiful thing

One beautiful thing

What Will you Choose?

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No matter what your day may hold, you always have a choice in the direction of where it goes. You may think that you don’t; especially if you have meetings and things that feel less than positive to do. But you always have a choice where your thoughts, feelings, and reactions take you and that […]

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What Will you Choose?

Tragedy, chaos and unhappiness are an unfortunate rumor we can throw overboard at any time

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“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds.”
–Bob Marley

Most of us think life is some sort of boot camp for heaven. We believe this short life span is “only a test” for the paradise we’re eventually going to earn. If we hang on and bear up, we’ll someday walk through those pearly gates and be happy. These errors in thi

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Tragedy, chaos and unhappiness are an unfortunate rumor we can throw overboard at any time

Rippln Manifesto - Join Free for Limited Time!

To Get the Rippln App Free for a limited time please email your mobile number to for the special invite code! =D.

Rippln Manifesto - Join Free for Limited Time!

Consciously Let Those Negative Thoughts and Feeings go

Consciously Let Those Negative Thoughts and Feeings go

We don’t want to avoid, ignore, or deny our negative thoughts and feelings.  That will only bury them within and create more resistant vibrations.  What you want to do is consciously let go of them.  You first have to be aware that you are having negative thoughts and feelings, and then let your mind know that you are not choosing those kinds of thoughts and feelings about a life experience you are having. You will still have the experience that may be making you resort to the negative but when you consciously tell the mind that you are doing it another way, and then you shift your focus toward a more positive thought and feeling, then you can still take care of the experience but now with a positive higher vibration. So how do you shift your focus when you are wrapped up in negativity?  You take a moment to close your eyes, take a deep breath in, focusing on your breath, tell the mind to relax the shoulders and neck, and then exhale ‘out’ the negativity while g…
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Consciously Let Those Negative Thoughts and Feeings go

Michelle on the Law of Attraction, pt. 1

Michelle was doing her best to be an avid follower of the “law of attraction” when I first met her. She was struggling to keep her house yet still buying the books …

Michelle on the Law of Attraction, pt. 1

The Placebo Effect! (and Positive Thinking)

What is up guys! Today we’re going to be talking about one of my favorite psychological phenomena… The Placebo Effect! And ill be giving you a brief overview …

The Placebo Effect! (and Positive Thinking)

Issue 207 – Becoming 3D in a 2D World

Issue 207 – Becoming 3D in a 2D World

Absolutely use the technological tools that are available to you and THEN remember what it is about you that is 3D and then ask yourself this power question… And then DO IT! Connect, show your enthusiasm, engage, remember someone’s name and call them by it – the opportunities to show your 3D are endless so have FUN! Hi Kristen, thank u for all ur efforts in trying to educate me and other seekers of truth. May God continue to bless u and ur work for humanity. Please clarify this fior me: we humans live in a 3 dimensional world trying to move up to the 4th dimension. So what do u mean by being 2 dimensional at this stage of the human evolution? Are there some primitive human beings still living a 2 dimensional life style? Is that what u mean? Thanks! Hi Sylvester! I actually mean that we have started to only express in limited ways – we hide behind technology – we don’t engage with each other etc. So the 2D and 3D wasn’t meant in a literal sense, I was simp…
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Issue 207 – Becoming 3D in a 2D World

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Creating a Positive Vibration

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Sometimes we can get so caught in all that is happening in life that we can forget to take time to nurture ourselves not realizing that taking care of ourselves will actually give us more energy and a clearer state of mind, body, and spirit. Take some time to ‘just be’ today.  If you don’t […]

The author features a helpful viewpoint on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to share it with my readers.

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Creating a Positive Vibration

Brendon Burchard"s Live Webcast Replay

To signup for High Performance Academy, go here: This video is the recording of a 2-hr live Q&A …

Brendon Burchard"s Live Webcast Replay

The Laws of Attraction: No Laughing Matter

The Laws of Attraction: No Laughing Matter

Are we on to Something?

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This subject was something I believed you might probably enjoy.

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What if that less than positive experience was a chance to help guide you to where you want to be?  And what if your higher more positive thoughts, feelings, and reactions in that less than positive experience, were the very reason you were having that experience so you could do the inner work to get […]

The creator offers an engaging perspective on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my audiences.

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Are we on to Something?

Abraham Hicks ~ Best Law of Attraction Collection

Exclusive Handpicked Collection of Law of Attraction Teachings!

Abraham Hicks ~ Best Law of Attraction Collection

Your Thoughts Create Your Future - Louise L. Hay

Louise L. Hay is a bestselling author, speaker and inspirational teacher whose healing techniques, affirmations and positive thinking have inspired millions …

Your Thoughts Create Your Future - Louise L. Hay

Prosperity is a decision we get to make

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“Everything you need is deep within you. Upon your request, upon your insistence, upon your need and stating that need, stating your intention, it will arise.”—Michele Longo-O’Donnell

Like everyone else on the planet, I learned ages ago that opportunities for pain and suffering are always going to be available and that if I was going to live with intention, it’s best to steer clear.

I’d have never become the author of 17 books, a reporter for People magazine and a world traveler if I’d accepted the onslaught of “negative invitations.”

“That’s not possible,” naysayers always insisted on telling me. “It’s hard to write a book. Even harder to sell it. You’re an unknown from Kansas. You got B’s in your journalism classes, for God’s sake.”

“Talk to the hand,” I’d always say to those voices. “That may be your way of seeing things, but I choose a different reality, a higher path.”

But in 2008, after three years of ever-increasing income, even being in a position to turn down a fourth project for National Geographic, I took the ego’s bait.

By then, a constant stream of bad news dominated the headlines. My profession, journalism and book publishing, was among the hardest hit by the global downturn. Publishers were cutting back their lines, lowering their advances. Many of my colleagues in the newspaper business were suddenly without work.

Again, I normally don’t listen to such nonsense. I much prefer a spiritual reality that proclaims abundance no matter what the circumstances. But by 2009, after little by little letting the dire news seep in, I plucked the aforementioned recession invitation out of the trash. I decided to take just a peek.

The party was in full swing. My agent was repeating the “nothing’s selling” mantra over by the punch bowl. Regular clients were on the corner sofas, moaning about the economy and their need to buy less.

Before I knew what happened, I bunny hopped right into the middle of the celebration. I began singing the “ain’t it awful” blues along with the party’s deejay. I told anybody who’d listen about my hard times.

Before long, I convinced everyone I know that my career as an independent author was over. I even fooled them into believing that, after all these years on my own, I was old, washed up and as yesterday as the History Channel.

I actually reveled in the sympathy.

Then one day, I got out my beat-up copy of Think and Grow Rich. As I read Napoleon Hill’s words about “thoughts being things,” I suddenly got it.

Look how powerful my thoughts and words had been. Look what I’d done to myself. If I can create this disaster with nothing but my thoughts, I can just as easily create the opposite.

When I think back about it now, I’m slightly embarrassed. How could I have fallen so bumpily off the wagon I’d use so successfully for so many years? I know good and well how this stuff works. I know that I create my own reality. I know that listening to dooms-dayers is the most futile exercise in the world.

I wasted no time using Hill’s famous advice.

Within a week, I had two new assignments. A new book contract came next. Rather than live frugally, the advice my friends were freely passing out, I decided to spend the summer overseas, volunteering and letting my newly-recovered faith pay the bills.

That decision to say, “I am prosperous and, of course, I can afford to travel overseas to volunteer” was the beginning of a more fruitful life.

Needless to say, I’ve taken that beautifully-engraved invitation and ripped it to shreds. And don’t bother sending anymore. Because from now on, my RSVP’s to any negativity will say one thing, “Have a good time. But don’t expect to find me there.”

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and its equally-scintillating sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.

The author has a helpful point of view on the topic that resonates with me and I wished to share it with my audiences.

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Prosperity is a decision we get to make

Why Does It Keep Happening?

Q&A: Why Does It Keep Happening?
Got a couple questions this week from fellow creators experiencing reoccurring issues …

One reader has an ingrown toe nail that keeps coming back, even after surgical repair. Another friend has a problem with his throat that requires medical intervention – again. Another asks about reoccurring issues in a relationship that result in an on again-off again habit.

I’ve experienced this myself in physical form, in relationships, and even in my bank account, so I know how frustrating it can be for a conscious creator to feel trapped in an unwanted manifesting loop.

At least one of our questioners knows there’s a message in this repeating reality, but doesn’t know how to get the message or to stop the reoccurring issue. So here’s the question to you guys … if you’ve ever felt stuck in a pattern you didn’t want, how did you change it?

Also, do you think it’s required to get the message before it’ll resolve? And if so, how do…
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Why Does It Keep Happening?

All is Truly Well

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If you can let go and trust the Universe to bring to you the experiences that need to come about in order for you to match the vibration of where you want to be, then you will succeed in the life experience that you have always wanted.  It is your job to take each experience […]

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All is Truly Well

It Takes Two to Tango

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When two people are in an argument, they are both trying to express their opinions and their feelings. Each thinks the other is wrong.  Each person believes they are right. This can go on and on and on. Just think of the resistant feeling vibrations that happen in an argument.  All those negative thoughts and […]

The creator features an interesting perspective on the subject that resonates with me and I wanted to share it with my viewers.

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It Takes Two to Tango

The POWER of the Words YOU Write!

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This subject matter was something I sensed you might probably appreciate.

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Jewels talks with Dr. Michael Pearlman, well-known and loved Boston Psychiatrist who developed Law of Attraction Journaling. Dr. Pearlman talks about why writing an intention every morning can literally bring about greater clarity as to your intention. It works!

The originator provides an insightful point of view on the topic that resonates with me and I wished to share it with my readers.

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The POWER of the Words YOU Write!

Positive Affirmations for Self Esteem, Confidence and a Positive Future

Learn More about this Album and Buy Now: Positive Affirmations for Self Esteem, …

Positive Affirmations for Self Esteem, Confidence and a Positive Future

Our Wedding Plans, Visas, Hawaii & The Law Of Attraction

My Ebooks – ☆ RTW Group ☆ Instagram …

Our Wedding Plans, Visas, Hawaii & The Law Of Attraction

Q&A: Why Does It Keep Happening?

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This subject matter was something I perceived you would appreciate.

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Got a couple questions this week from fellow creators experiencing reoccurring issues

One reader has an ingrown toe nail that keeps coming back, even after surgical repair.

Another friend has a problem with his throat that requires medical intervention – again.

Another asks about reoccurring issues in a relationship that result in an on again-off again habit.

I’ve experienced this myself in physical form, in relationships, and even in my bank account, so I know how frustrating it can be for a conscious creator to feel trapped in an unwanted manifesting loop.

At least one of our questioners knows there’s a message in this repeating reality, but doesn’t know how to get the message or to stop the reoccurring issue.

So here’s the question to you guys … if you’ve ever felt stuck in a pattern you didn’t want, how did you change it?

Also, do you think it’s required to get the message before it’ll resolve? And if so, how do you uncover that message?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this one!

* * * * * * * *</center

Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

The writer has a helpful point of view on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to share it with my readers.

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Q&A: Why Does It Keep Happening?

Positive Affirmations for Self Esteem, Confidence and a Positive Future

Learn More about this Album and Buy Now: Positive Affirmations for Self Esteem, …

Positive Affirmations for Self Esteem, Confidence and a Positive Future

Eternity is a really, really, really long time

sunswirlEternity is a really, really, really long time, Tex.  I think we’ll be able to squeeze everything in.   Relax.   Peace and blue jeans,  The Universe | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!

Eternity is a really, really, really long time

Episode 46 - Evolution of the Law of Attraction

Episode 46 – Evolution of the Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction – 2014 Top 10 – want to watch the whole thing?  Go to Did you watch the original 2014 Law of Attraction Top 10 Tips?  If you did, you know that Karen Luniw is going to outline each of the tips in a video. Here’s the link to get all of the videos plus more about the Law of Attraction here – It’s a New Year and a new Top 10 Law of Attraction Tips for 2014! Want more abundance in your life?  An abundance of happiness, fun, health, love and finances?  Follow these tips and you will see a difference.  Karen will be following this video up with individual videos giving a more in-depth explanation on each.  To get access to these free videos go to . Want to change things up faster?  Check out the Quantum Blockbusting Toolkit Karen talked about – . Have an awesome New Year!!! Woohoooo!!! Ka…
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Episode 46 - Evolution of the Law of Attraction

There is Something you can do

For the full article go here

These days it seems that people tend to keep to themselves when they are going about their business. With cellphones, ipads, ipods, computers, and so many other things that we can carry with us many walk around tuning out the physical world as they are listening and observing through their earphones/skull candy and through their […]

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The writer has a fascinating perspective on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my subscribers.

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There is Something you can do

When Everyone Around you is Negative

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Have you ever been in the position where everyone around you is negative?  Maybe it is happening right now in your life. When there are so many different opinions, personalities, and beliefs; there is bound to be some that create a negative spin on life experiences. We can’t expect life to be challenge free. This […]

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The blogger possesses an interesting viewpoint on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to share it with my subscribers.

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When Everyone Around you is Negative

Episode 45 - 2013 Top 10 Attraction Tips

Episode 45 – 2013 Top 10 Attraction Tips

Law of Attraction – 2014 Top 10 – want to watch the whole thing?  Go to Did you watch the original 2014 Law of Attraction Top 10 Tips?  If you did, you know that Karen Luniw is going to outline each of the tips in a video. Here’s the link to get all of the videos plus more about the Law of Attraction here – It’s a New Year and a new Top 10 Law of Attraction Tips for 2014! Want more abundance in your life?  An abundance of happiness, fun, health, love and finances?  Follow these tips and you will see a difference.  Karen will be following this video up with individual videos giving a more in-depth explanation on each.  To get access to these free videos go to . Want to change things up faster?  Check out the Quantum Blockbusting Toolkit Karen talked about – . Have an awesome New Year!!! Woohoooo!!! Ka…
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Episode 45 - 2013 Top 10 Attraction Tips

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

How to Use Happiness to Increase The Productivity

How to Use Happiness to Increase The Productivity

A must see video for all working professionals who believe in the Law of attraction. 2009 Vishen Lakhiani was asked to speak at Engage Today in Calgary along with such luminaries as Sir Richard Branson, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Stephen Covey, Nobel Prize Winner F.W De Klerk, Tony Hsieh, the founder of and world-famous artist Wyland. This speech was voted as one of the top 3 speeches of the entire event (along with Tony Hsieh and motivational speaker Sean Stephenson). Vishen talks about Flow: The Ultimate State of Human Existence. He then shared 10 tips on how to master this state and how to bring it to teams, families, and groups you lead. The video is just 39 mins. The last 13 mins are just Q&A with the audience (with a lot of jokes in between) This isn’t what you’d learn about in MBA school. Vishen confesses he has no business training (his degree is in Computer Science). But either way, Mindvalley is growing rapidly and averaging 80% growth year to y…
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How to Use Happiness to Increase The Productivity

Your Personal Space is a Reflection of Within

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How do you feel about your personal space?  Is it clean and organized or is it cluttered and disorganized?  Do you know where everything is or are you constantly searching for your keys?  Our personal space is a reflection of what we are feeling within.  If you have a cluttered room then you are most […]

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The blogger possesses an insightful point of view on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my readers.

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Your Personal Space is a Reflection of Within

When You Want to Manifest a Specific Lover

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Maybe it’s the time of year, but my inbox has a definite theme of queries this month.

It seems like every other person who writes wants to know how to manifest a specific someone into their love life.

Ay yi yi.

I’ve been responding individually, but I’m just going on the record with an official post on this subject

This subject matter was something I sensed you might probably enjoy.

The blogger has an interesting viewpoint on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to discuss it with my readers.

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When You Want to Manifest a Specific Lover

Find Your Peace of Mind

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What do you want most in your life?  Is it abundance or maybe peace of mind?  Maybe it is to be loved and appreciated?  No matter what you want, the first step to creating what you want through your personal vibrations is to be conscious of what you already have.  For example, let’s say you […]

The originator possesses an intriguing point of view on the subject that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my readers.

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Find Your Peace of Mind

The Mind Reflects In The Outside World! (Law Of Attraction)

Purchase this authors books here: You can purchase/listen to the full version of this video at – (I LOVE THIS WEBSITE!)

The Mind Reflects In The Outside World! (Law Of Attraction)

Louise Hay I Can Do It - The Power of Thoughts and Affirmations Louise Hay [Full Audiobook]

Louise Hay I Can Do It – The Power of Thoughts and Affirmations Louise Hay [Full Audiobook] Click here: Louise L. Hay is a …

Louise Hay I Can Do It - The Power of Thoughts and Affirmations Louise Hay [Full Audiobook]

2014 Top 10 Law of Attraction Tips

2014 Top 10 Law of Attraction Tips

Law of Attraction – 2014 Top 10 – want to watch the whole thing?  Go to Did you watch the original 2014 Law of Attraction Top 10 Tips?  If you did, you know that Karen Luniw is going to outline each of the tips in a video. Here’s the link to get all of the videos plus more about the Law of Attraction here – It’s a New Year and a new Top 10 Law of Attraction Tips for 2014! Want more abundance in your life?  An abundance of happiness, fun, health, love and finances?  Follow these tips and you will see a difference.  Karen will be following this video up with individual videos giving a more in-depth explanation on each.  To get access to these free videos go to . Want to change things up faster?  Check out the Quantum Blockbusting Toolkit Karen talked about – . Have an awesome New Year!!! Woohoooo!!! Ka…
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The writer features a fascinating perspective on the topic that resonates with me and I wished to share it with my subscribers.

Please supply your ideas in the comments area below …

2014 Top 10 Law of Attraction Tips

A question to ask yourself each morning...

lavaflowA question to ask yourself each morning, Tex, that really lights fires, gongs bells, and summons resources is “What little, mortal, baby steps can I take today that will demonstrate expectancy, prepare for my dream’s manifestation, and above all, place me within reach of life’s magic?”

Please, Tex, ask this question and then take those steps, and I promise you’ll go down in history as a giant among your kind.   It’s never too late,

The Universe | | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!

A question to ask yourself each morning...

Motivational Song: Demi Lovato – Skyscraper

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Motivational Song: Demi Lovato – Skyscraper

Life has it’s ups and downs and it’s up to you to build strong foundations so that you can continually build your own skyscrapers….
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Motivational Song: Demi Lovato – Skyscraper

ASMR ☀ Positive Affirmations To Start Your Day

Good Morning. I will join you outside to watch the beautiful sunrise while we prepare for a wonderful day. ☀ Sound layers (Birds, beach, chimes, music, soft …

ASMR ☀ Positive Affirmations To Start Your Day

One more deep, happy mystery just proved by physicists at Delft University

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This material was something I sensed you might enjoy.

Full Article Here

“‘I should’, ‘I shouldn’t’, ‘you should’, ‘you shouldn’t’, ‘I want’, ‘I need’–these unquestioned thoughts distort the appearance of the good that is as common as grass. Reality won’t wait for your consent. It will remain just as it is, pure goodness, whether or not you understand.” –Byron Katie

Don’t know if you saw yesterday’s New York Times. But I’m wahooing and fist-bumping because the prestigious scientific journal Nature just published a huge study proving one of the principals I talk about in my books.

As you can imagine, not just everybody buys into the fact that things over here (say our thoughts) influence things over there.

But scientists at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands just proved one of quantum theory’s fundamental claims. Namely, that objects separated by great distance instantaneously affect each other’s behavior. Kinda a big blow to Isaac Newton and old-school physics.

Although these kind of non-local experiments have been going on since the 70’s (I wrote about Bell’s Theorem in E-Squared), there were still some nay-sayers pointing to loopholes. This new experiment, conducted by physicists at the Dutch university’s Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, ruled out all hidden variables and pretty much substantiates the weird quantum world formed from subatomic particles, a world where matter takes form ONLY after being observed and measured.

The Delft researchers entangled two electrons, separated them by nearly a mile and then measured the spin. They used diamonds with a tiny trap for the electrons and then placed them on opposite sides of the campus, ensuring that the information could not be exchanged by any other means. Well, guess what?

The electrons changed spins simultaneously. As Princeton physics professor John Wheeler famously said, “It’s one of the deep, happy mysteries that, at all times, we interact with and influence the world we observe.”

Why would we observe it any way except with big love and joyous gratitude?

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and its equally-scintillating sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.

The author offers an interesting perspective on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to discuss it with my viewers.

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One more deep, happy mystery just proved by physicists at Delft University