Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Why your life should always be a verb

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Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth.”–
Martin H. Fischer

Hey sports fans! I’m heading to the Omega Institute this weekend and wanted to share a quick story before I go.

I mentioned in E-Cubed that E-Squared has gone from being a funny title on a little black book to being a verb. This is from a guy who says he “E-Squares” everything. It obviously works.

Take it away, David Knapp-Fisher!

“I’m an avid follower of your blog, and loved your books.; in fact, when referring to the F.P. my wife and I always talk about “E-squaring” this, and “E-squaring” that! Well, after reading your post about giving a TEDx Talk, I thought you’d be interested in my little experience…

“I live in Victoria, B.C. and I was accepted as a speaker at the TEDx Stanley Park event in Vancouver which was this past Saturday. Several months ago speakers began attending monthly rehearsals to hone our talks – and since I travelled a distance to be there I’d usually be in Vancouver a few hours early, so I’d hide in a Starbucks and write blog posts until rehearsal time.

“Last month was no different; and with the pressure of a looming deadline to perfect my speech, I wrote a post about how I’m dealing with the nervousness of it all… (sound familiar?) and here’s where E2 came in on a few occasions. I know you know what I mean!

“My first worry came the day before the event – I needed about $25 dollars in change for the myriad of busses and subways I’d need to take over the next 3 days, but was about $8 dollars short. I just “put it out there” and figured the universe would step in, and it would work out. Sure enough, on the Friday (which also happened to be the busiest travel day for me) I arrived in Vancouver to find out that – due to an earlier issue that inconvenienced transit riders – all buses and subways were FREE for the entire day! Woot! Woot! $15- saved already, and problem one out of the way! Thank you, F.P.!

“The next morning the day had arrived, and to be honest, I felt prepared, but still nervous… I mean after all, this is TEDx! I walked into a random shop to grab a coffee, and what was blaring over the speakers, other than “I Lived” by One Republic – the theme song I’d identified weeks earlier that was meant to help me sail through this experience; and hear it was, playing for me the morning of the event!

“And with that, a sense of calm came over me, and nervousness was squashed for the rest of the day.I aced the speech received a standing ovation, and have been riding a high ever since! Let’s chalk another success up for F.P.!

“Anyway, as much as I’ve always believed in the F.P. it’s pretty cool how during one of the most important days of my career, it showed up at all the right times to make sure everything went smoothly, and now I can look back on a seriously cool experience.

“We love, love, love “E-squarin” stuff all day long!

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.

This subject matter was something I felt you might value.

The writer has a fascinating viewpoint on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to share it with my readers.

Please provide your thoughts in the remarks section below …

Why your life should always be a verb

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