Tuesday, August 2, 2016

On Trusting Inspiration


For the full article go here

Sometimes what we think we should be doing isn’t what we’re inspired to.

Because inspiration doesn’t always coincide with what our logical physical mind thinks.

For example, you think you should go to the gym but you’d much rather curl up with a new book.

Or you think you should attend the networking meeting to drum up some business, but you’d prefer to work in the garden.

What to do when what sounds good isn’t what makes sense (to achieve the dream)?

Here’s what I have to say about that …

First, it’s worth checking to make sure we’re truly lined up with what we want.

Because if we’re focused on problems, failures and worries, then any nudges or hunches we get aren’t necessarily trusted for happy endings.

So first we ensure we’re pointed where we want to go. (Which just means aligning to the dream.)

And then it’s a matter of sussing out the difference between inspiration and the plottings of the physical mind. (And sometimes gremlins who also chime in.)

We know the difference based on how it feels. Anything that feels like joy, fun, excitement (or even relief) is a sign of inspiration.

That’s why following inspiration can also be described as doing what feels best, being true to our heart, having a brilliant flash of insight, or following an inner impulse.

For example, if it feels like a “should,” if it feels like hard work, if it feels like a root canal would be more enjoyable – that’s a sign it’s not inspired.

If it feels like fun, if it sounds like a good time, if it would be your favorite thing to do next – that’s a sign it’s coming from inspiration.

And we know that we manifest what we want by getting vibrationally lined up to it and then taking inspired action.

So if your gremlin, or peanut gallery, or logical left brain has different ideas for you, just remember how the system works.

“Alignment, and then …” as Abe says.

If you’re in a situation where nothing sounds good, that’s a good time to check your alignment. If it is indeed in place, then that just means your inspiration is ‘nothing’ for now. Trust it! It likely won’t last long anyway.

When your inspiration is calling you to things that don’t make any sense, just remember that they’re not supposed to make sense!

Bashar tells us that our physical mind is incapable of comprehending what the higher mind can conceive. So we have to stop relying on or expecting our physical mind to figure it all out. It can’t know the best path and indeed it was never meant to.

I think we often dismiss inspiration because it doesn’t fit in with the plans we had about how to get what we want.

That’s why it’s important to remember we don’t have to connect all the dots and be able to explain how planting marigolds (or whatever is your idea of a good time) leads to our next client. We’re not supposed to understand that.

(Although the answer is always that alignment leads to success, and whatever we enjoy is how we get aligned!)

Our job is just to get pointed where we want to go and then answer the call of inspiration.

Because that inspiration is the swiftest path to dreams come true.

Questions? I’ll tell you the ones I hear often:

  • What about the advice writers and runners always get about how it doesn’t matter whether you feel like it or not, you just gotta get it done?

  • What about when someone pivotal in the project disagrees with your inspiration?

  • Can you conjure up inspiration at will?

Let’s explore this subject further in the comments if you like.

Also, I’ll share my most famous example of following inspiration when it makes no sense in the comments since this post is long enough already.

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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

This subject matter was something I sensed you might value.

The blogger features a helpful viewpoint on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to discuss it with my followers.

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On Trusting Inspiration

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