Sunday, August 14, 2016

Spin It Like a Pro

Full Article Here

This guest post from Lisa Hayes has a couple gems for conscious creators, including alignment inspiration from political strategists and the importance of resisting the seductive appeal of trashy thoughts.

Here’s Lisa:

I don’t really believe there are good thoughts and bad thoughts. That’s a little too moralistic for my taste.

I do however, know there are thoughts that feel good and thoughts that feel bad. My clue I’m in muddy water is when the thought starts with “WTF” or “Are you kidding me?”

To be honest, I secretly like thoughts that feel that way from time to time. They offer a hit of adrenaline. They make me feel a little superior to whatever I’m observing. However, that guilty indulgence never leads somewhere I really want to be.

I’ve been in the room with brilliant political strategists whose job it is to spin a story on a set of events most would consider scandalous or tragic. These people are professionals. They know how to stay in the boundaries of what’s mostly honest, while at the same time crafting a story that works. Or at least works better.

They know the news cycle is usually less than 72 hours long. So, if you can ride it out a couple days, almost everything passes.

Deliberate creators could learn a thing or two from political spin doctors. Nothing is so bad that you can’t spin it to your advantage if that’s your job, and it is your job. And why wouldn’t you? Why would you tell a story about anything that doesn’t play to your favor?

“If you knew how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.”

― Peace Pilgrim

Most of us believe that’s true. This is LOA 101. I think a lot of us, myself included, get a little loosey goosey around the edges of this one. We get lazy. We get tired and let those thoughts run wild. Before you know it, you start believing those trashy thoughts because they’re very compelling or seductive. But it doesn’t matter how seductive they are. It’s the frustrations, irritation, and worries that get ya. They get rolling and gain momentum.

But thoughts aren’t facts. Hell, even facts aren’t always factual.

Thoughts that don’t feel good lead to experiences that don’t feel good. It’s that simple, and I want experiences that feel good. I’m guessing you’d like to join me there.

Lisa Hayes is the Love Whisperer helping people get more love in their life. This article originally appeared in her newsletter which you can sign up for at 

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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

This content was something I believed you might probably appreciate.

The blogger has a fascinating viewpoint on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to share it with my followers.

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Spin It Like a Pro

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