Friday, August 12, 2016

“How Do Dreams, Symbology and Psychics Fit with LOA & Manifesting?”

For the full article go here


Have you ever wondered about dreams you have had, ‘signs’ you may have seen in your life or what a psychic has said to you?

This is something I have been asked to talk more about this week so I will share some thoughts in this email and if you’d like more you can follow the link for this week’s Manifesting Excellence call as I will be covering it in more detail there.

There is a lot more information lower down this email as well as questions we will be answering.


When we are looking to manifest on a physical level we are combining the spiritual and the physical.

When we look for ‘signs’, symbols or our dreams or get an intuitive to give answers, we are utilising and tapping into the energy within and around us.  It is an extension of the manifesting process.

Both manifesting and intuition are about the physical and the spiritual (energetic).

There are times when I have manifested something and saw an image of it in my mind before I received it.  Did I manifest it because of that image or was the image a (intuitive) representation of what I was about to manifest?

In the past on Manifesting Excellence we have talked about how one can tap into their own intuition to get the answers they need and add synergy to the manifesting process.

In my view, the world (Universe) speaks to us.  And… it is also reflective of our own energy.

It is about building our relationship and communication within ourselves to recognise the information and messages we get to best utilise them to have more fulfilling lives (as well as grander and faster manifestations!)

Sometimes people get off-course and lose themselves in the process.  Here are 3 quick tips to avoid that:


3 Things to Avoid in Using Intuition

1 – Losing Your Sense of Self in Seeing a Psychic or Intuitive

Some people become addicted to the information because it gives them hope rather than using it as an additional channel of information in making (or not making) decisions.  It becomes their ‘lifeline’ rather than a supplement to make informed choices, step into their power and manifest and create what will make them happy.

2 – Looking into Everything as a ‘Sign’

Getting confused as to what to do or what signs mean… and at times being paralysed thinking they are going against what they ‘should’ be doing (according to the ‘signs’).  This also hampers their manifesting because they send confused and mixed signals.

3 – Thinking there is something wrong with you if they cannot remember your dreams  (Someone asked me about this on Manifesting Excellence last week)

Everyone has dreams, it doesn’t mean you will necessarily consciously remember them every morning although there ARE ways of improving your ability to remember them.  It does not mean you are not ‘special’ (unlike your friends who say they do, for example) if you cannot always consciously remember yours.


What I recommend is for you to find the power that is within YOURSELF.

Everything you create and attract, including the signs, symbology and intuitives will be a reflection of your own energy.

We will be talking more about this on Saturday, if you’d like to join us click here.

When you register you will be able to access the call as well as receive a link for the audio download afterwards.


These are some of the questions I have been sent which we will be answering:

– “I have been aware of signs and symbols. I see them as metaphysical… Am I wrong or right? Or are they just coincidences?”

– “I saw a sign while driving that said “good fortune” and I won at the casino gambling.  Was that sign just a coincidence or a sign from the universe?  I see many hearts and the word love everywhere I go.   Were those heart signs and love word a sign to love myself and find myself and shift?  Are those signs telling me that love is coming in a form of a relationship? Or are they just coincidences?”

– “Are psychics real ? Are they effective with LOA?  Do they know what’s coming up?  Or are they a scam?  I went for a reading and I’m not sure if to believe or not what they said.   I know that LOA is all about energy, but what role do psychics play?  And what psychics do you recommend that we get readings from to enhance our path with LOA?”

– “What do dreams represent in LOA?  I have been dreaming about rainbows and dolphins which are positive symbols.  Whereas before I would dream about not so positive symbols … are dreams prophecies or signs of the universe?  Are dreams to be interpreted?  Do dreams have a connection or correlation with LOA/manifestations.  Are they answers to questions?”

– “What is Flow?  If a person has thoughts and beliefs about something but not the movement or actions will they not get what they want?  Is it self-sabotaging to have the thoughts but not the actions to make something happen?”


Based on questions sent in last week we covered “Sex & Orgasmic Manifestation“… upon registering you will be able to access that call as well this upcoming one!  Click here to register!



The post “How Do Dreams, Symbology and Psychics Fit with LOA & Manifesting?” appeared first on Manifesting and Law of Attraction.

This subject matter was something I perceived you might probably value.

The creator possesses an insightful perspective on the topic that resonates with me and I wished to discuss it with my subscribers.

Please supply your thoughts in the remarks area below …

“How Do Dreams, Symbology and Psychics Fit with LOA & Manifesting?”

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