Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Why you should give everything you have for as long as you physically can. Shane Burcaw @shaner528

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‘Promise me that you’ll always remember that you’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.’–Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh

My naysayers (and they are legion) rarely attack my writing (well, a few accuse me of trying to be a standup comedian). The thing they seem to take issue with is my belief that life is me

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Why you should give everything you have for as long as you physically can. Shane Burcaw @shaner528

Q&A: Offer Support & Steer Clear?

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This is the sort of question I suspect some of you have real life experience to share about.

A fellow creator asks:

How would you go about supporting someone who is seriously ill without bringing it into your vibration?

My mom is dealing with stage 4 cancer, and I recently had two cancer scares of my own.

I want to be there for her

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Q&A: Offer Support & Steer Clear?

The Most Important Step In Manifesting Your Goals! (Law Of Attraction)

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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the “Law Of Attraction”, or the law of “Reaping and Sowing”. This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret…

The Most Important Step In Manifesting Your Goals! (Law Of Attraction)

Your brain on gratitude: the perks of brazen thanksgiving

For the full article go here

“Gratitude is some seriously powerful stuff.”–Emily Wenstrom

I’m heading to Orlando tomorrow to speak at the Hay House I Can Do It! conference. Among other things, there will be a huge celebration of Wayne Dyer’s life. If you want, you can lifestream it. For free. Click here for more info:

I’m preparing for the conference so thought I’d re-run a blog post that’s all about gratitude which, as you know, is the topic of the new book I just turned in. Enjoy!!

A couple years ago, I wrote a travel piece on the Cook Islands, a tiny nation of 15 spits of land, surrounded by millions of miles of ocean.

The 15,000 or so people who live in the Cooks rightfully believe they are blessed, that God has given them everything they could possibly need.

It’s an attitude that can’t help but provide. When someone shows up on this planet with a grateful heart and eyes seeking only things for which to be thankful, that’s exactly what they’ll find. Abundance aplenty.

Cook Islanders don’t need researchers to tell them that their feelings of thankfulness have a direct and beneficial effect on their brains, a finding scientists are reporting from labs all over Western universities.

By naturally focusing on positives, on how lucky and blessed they are living in these beautiful South Pacific islands, they’re rewarded with neurotransmitters like dopamine and other feel-good chemicals that form neural patterns of happiness. Their unending gratitude literally sculpts their brains which in turn increases their enthusiasm and energy and lowers their stress.

Consequently, their neural pathways are markedly different than those of us in the West that are conditioned to shine our spotlights on what we resent or regret or what we think is “wrong with the world.”

Renee Jain, a coach of positive psychology, says most Westerners have a negativity bias where “bad stuff” outweighs the good 3:1. Think of all the good drugs (dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin) we’re missing out on by our bitching.

That’s why my mission in life is to be like the Cook Islanders, to focus only on the supreme beneficence of the universe.

I consciously choose to believe such thoughts as:

Life is freaking awesome.

The universe is bounteous and forever generous.

Something miraculous is bound to happen to me today.

Today, I say thank you for all the blessings that are barreling my way, all the abundance, the joy, the peace of mind that I count on day after day. To my way of thinking, responding to any other reality is simply irresponsible.

So tell me … what are you grateful for?

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.

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Your brain on gratitude: the perks of brazen thanksgiving

Wimberley Texas Prayer

Full Article Here

Over the last ten years I have sometimes asked for your help.

Whether when a hurricane was about to hit, or wildfires were out of control, or a friend was dying, I would ask you to hold the intention for peace, love and a benevolent outcome.

Every time, your prayers clearly helped.

That’s …

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Wimberley Texas Prayer

How to Be Happy - Secrets to Happiness

PLEASE SUBSCRIBE for weekly episodes, free stuff, tour dates. Free transcript on the blog: Free mp3 of this episode on iTunes: …

How to Be Happy - Secrets to Happiness

EFT en français - Affirmations positives Séance d’EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques – sur des affirmations positives. A faire tous les jours pendant au moins 2.

EFT en français - Affirmations positives


Here is the full length original First Edition Video footage published by Napoleon Hill in March, 1937. Be aware we are living inside the Matrix. This video …


Eternal Positive Affirmations: Binaural Beats

“Eternal Positive Affirmations” from the #1 iTunes New Age album, The Harmony Epoch, available at This track features low …

Eternal Positive Affirmations: Binaural Beats

What is really guaranteed in life?

see all the time people looking for Guaranteed Income, is it possible? …Watch this video below from my buddy Mike… Click this link http://linkprosperity….

What is really guaranteed in life?

The Power of Positive Thinking


The Power of Positive Thinking

Overlooking the Manifestation?

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they even make a calendar!

My friend Melanie Bates has a theory that we already have what we want (to some degree or other) …

… we just don’t realize it yet.

And that if we could just see where our desire is already manifest, we would become a better match for more.

I’m inclined to agree.

Especially after this happened:

A week or so ago I volunteered for a puppy transport from Louisiana to Washington. I got the leg from Evanston to Salt Lake.

I told my ex I’d be gone next Saturday night since I was driving a couple puppies across town.

He asked if I wanted company. Very out of character for him to show any interest in any of my animal-related stuff.

I said sure, knowing he would either forget, or be out of town, or still be on the golf course. No big deal, I’m used to doing my thing without him.

But I forwarded him a copy of the email with transport details even though I knew he probably wouldn’t be involved.

In the meantime, the transport coordinator is exchanging a bunch of emails with everyone to coordinate the trip.

Everyone’s asking things like how big are the crates, will they fit in my car, where should we meet, what’s your cell, expected weather delays, etc.

A whole bunch of people are involved in this transport. (It is so cool to see so many strangers coming together to help get two little pups to their forever home on the other side of the country!)

I admire everyone involved so much, and I’m just delighted to be part of this effort.

Okay, so I’m happy to be involved and my inbox keeps getting updated with new emails in this conversation, which I’m largely ignoring.

But one reply gets my attention.

It’s a guy’s name, first of all. Which is rare in itself because animal rescue is mostly a lot of women.

You don’t see guys here too often unless it’s someone’s husband, and single guys get snatched up fast in this world. (Who doesn’t love a guy who volunteers to help out animals?! Everyone does!)

Including me.

I made a mental note that there was a hot guy somewhere in this transport. (Of course he’s hot, he’s in animal rescue. That’s my kind of guy!)

And get this – he was super excited to be included.

You know how your inbox previews the first sentence of the email? This guy was saying something like, “So excited to be part of this. Can’t wait to meet the pups.” He was enthusiastic!

I was like, man. If I had access to a guy like that … whew! It’d be ON. But he’s probably in Texas or something. And probably married, too, so cool your jets, girl.

This rescue work isn’t for meeting men. Not right now, anyway, while I’m still doing an on again off again routine with my ex.

So the day passes, and later that night I catch up on emails.

And I read that note from the guy I’m trying not to pay attention to. The guy who is excited to be part of this transport and can’t wait to meet the puppies.

I notice he has the same name as my ex. (Seriously, you just don’t see guys in this gig every day!)

I continue on to read his note to the group.

Except it’s not to the group.

It’s a note to me. I’m the only recipient. What?! Why would he be writing me?!

That makes no sense. Who is this guy?! I look again. I must be wrong.

Sure enough, his note is just to me. And it reads:

“Super excited to be part of this. Can’t wait to meet the pups.”

And the next line that I couldn’t see in just preview mode says, “Love you.” wth?!

Now it’s getting weird.

I look at the signature line.

It’s an email from my guy. Not some guy on the other side of the country.

It’s from the guy I already live with!

The guy I thought wasn’t into this sort of thing. The guy I was sure would forget about it or flake out at the last minute.

The guy I’ve written off many times because we just don’t see eye to eye on stuff like this that matters to me.

Because he just doesn’t care about the things I care about.

He’s excited. He can’t wait.

Oh, Melanie.

How could I have been so slow to see this?!

Cue the Pina Colada song.

Apparently I was so programmed to know that Russ is not my guy that I couldn’t see how he was.

Melanie would say this happens more than we realize. And I’m inclined to agree.

I did this before when I insisted the renters were late with their payment, but the money was in the account the whole time. (I had seriously checked it well over a dozen times and literally couldn’t see it while telling my story of “it’s not here.”)

When I started my coaching practice and believed Utahns were too close-minded for LOA coaching, and it turns out there was a local meetup of LOA savvy business owners who’d been gathering in my neighborhood for years.

Because when we’re used to seeing what we don’t want or appreciate, it’s hard to see what Universe is delivering. Especially when we’re prejudiced about where it comes from or how it gets here.

It can literally be right under our nose, but we don’t see it because we’re beating a different drum, as Abe would say.

Anyway, I tell this story in answer to a question I got this morning about why our fabulous men seem to get less fabulous over time.

I don’t think it’s that they get less fabulous over time as much as it is that we stop seeing their fabulousness over time.

We start seeing their shortcomings and flaws. We switch focus from what we love to what irritates the hell out of us.

Until one day we mistake them for a stranger and recognize their fabulousness yet again.

Okay, maybe that was just me.

But my point is we get whatever we focus on.

Thank you, Universe, for tricking me into dropping my guard about my been-there-done-that ex and letting me see him yet again as the hot guy I first knew him to be.

In fact, it makes me want to commit to seeing not just the lovely things in the guy under my roof right now but in everyone and everything around me. Because I think Melanie’s right – everything I want is already here and I just need to develop eyes to see it.

* * * * * * * *</center

Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

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Overlooking the Manifestation?

Prosperity Team Overview

Learn more here We’re a team of savvy, like-minded entrepreneurs who are leading the way towards a more successful …

Prosperity Team Overview

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Jay Z - Law Of Attraction Motivational and inspirational clips of Jay Z using the law of attraction in his life and successful career. Motivation, Inspiration, Succ…

Jay Z - Law Of Attraction

Where Will you Take your Focus?

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Moment to moment you have a choice.  No matter what your day has been like, no matter what kind of traffic you may have been sitting in, no matter if the day is full of negative people; you always have a choice in where you take your thoughts, feelings, and reactions. We don’t have to […]

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Where Will you Take your Focus?

Quit hexing yourself by looking for disease

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“It’s supposed to be a professional secret, but I’ll tell you anyway. We doctors do nothing. We only help and encourage the doctor within.”–Albert Schweitzer

At the party of “anything is possible,” there’s always the one cranky uncle who sits over in the corner. More times than not, the belief that stubbornly refuses to budge is the body as in “My mind has no control over my health, disease, aging, weight and any other fool thing my body decides to do.”

So today, I’ve got a packet of Reese’s Pieces and, like Elliott who was able to lure E.T. out of hiding, I’m hoping to lure out that curmudgeonly uncle to at least take a spin on the dance floor.

Reese Piece No. 1: Dr. Lissa Rankin’s new book, Mind Over Medicine. After years of being a physician, Dr. Rankin finally got fed up with the seven minutes she was allowed to see patients and the refusal by her colleagues to acknowledge the most powerful component of a person’s health: their beliefs and their thoughts. Initially, she was as hard-nosed and closed-minded as any doctor, but after investigating 50 years of peer-reviewed medical literature (New England Journal of Medicine and Journal of the American Medical Association, to name a few), she found ample evidence proving that beliefs play a powerful role in a person’s biochemistry and to ignore those findings was irresponsible, a betrayal of the Hippocratic Oath.

Reese’s Piece No. 2: The body is wired to heal itself. Our bodies are self-regulating, healing organisms, constantly striving for homeostasis. But instead of teaching our children this all-important fact, we teach them they need someone or something outside themselves to heal. The minute they get a fever or an ear ache, we rush them to that all-knowing doctor. This, at a very early age, cements in the fallacy that our bodies can’t heal themselves. Most of the thoughts in our default setting are planted before age 5.

Reese’s Piece No. 3: Placebos are often as effective as drugs. Patients have been able to grow hair, drop blood pressure, lower cholesterol, watch ulcers disappear and cure about every other symptom after being treated with nothing but sugar pills. It was their belief they were getting “medicine” that cured them, not the medicine itself.

Dr. Bruce Mosely, a surgeon and team physician for the Houston Rockets, performed arthroscopic knee surgery on two of ten middle-aged, former military guys. Three of the 10 had their knees rinsed (without the scraping) and the other five had no surgical procedure at all. It was an exercise in just pretend. After two years, all ten believed their surgery was a success. What Mosely discovered is that the bigger and more dramatic the patient perceives the intervention to be, the bigger the placebo effect.

Reese’s Piece No. 4: Our beliefs are the hinge on which our bodies function. Rankin tells the story of a guy with tumors the size of oranges. After begging his doctor to try an experimental new drug he’d read about, he was treated with the drug and his tumors disappeared. Several weeks later, reports hit the airwaves that this new drug was not as powerful as originally thought. The tumors returned. His doctor, by now savvy, gave his patient a placebo, telling him it was a stronger form of the drug and that the ineffective trials had been using too little of this powerful drug. Once again, the tumors from his stage 4 lymphoma began to disappear. Finally, the FDA pronounced the drug ineffective and pulled it off the market. The patient, who had been rapidly recovering, died within a week.

Okay, enough candy. I could go on and on about how 79 percent of medical students develop the symptoms they’re studying. Or about the woman with a split personality who has diabetes in one of her personalities and normal sugar levels in the other.

But I’m not a doctor and would never dream of prescribing anything.

But I do know this:

We should teach our children that their bodies have self-healing superpowers.

And we should quit hexing ourselves by looking for disease.

And we should remember that if chimpanzees can lower their blood pressure at will, something Harvard doc, Herbert Benson, discovered in his research, there’s probably not much we CAN’T do to heal ourselves.

Uncle, are you ready for that dance?

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.

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Quit hexing yourself by looking for disease

Jessica"s "Daily Affirmation"

Jessica has a day where she’s feeling … really good about her life. ++++FAQ for this video ++++ Q: How old was Jess at the time of the video? A: She’d turned 4 …

Jessica"s "Daily Affirmation"

Are you Conscious of your Repetitive Thought Patterns?

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We all have them. We all have automatic repetitive thoughts that come to mind in our life experiences.  Some are positive and some are negative; but no matter which direction you go, those repetitive thought patterns are creating a vibration of ‘bring me more.’ There are times when we feel as if life is stuck […]

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Are you Conscious of your Repetitive Thought Patterns?

「English」Positive Thinking ( Vocaloid )【Jayn】

( s u p p o r t m e ♥ ) • ( n o t e s ♥ ) I posted this song last year on Soundcloud but was never really happy with my …

「English」Positive Thinking ( Vocaloid )【Jayn】

Law of Attraction: The Magic | Day 1

Here is the first of this month’s DAILY videos! I hope you enjoy it, practice is and see the amazing life transformation that can be achieved in just one month!

Law of Attraction: The Magic | Day 1

Movement is Happening

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Whether you feel as if there is movement in your life or not,  there is movement. There is always movement and change in every day.  When you take your thought and feeling, in a direction of the negative and resistant, you are creating experiences that feel less than positive. You are also creating more to […]

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Movement is Happening

Motivational video "Change your mind in just 2.50 mins" (( Click here )) for more videos! You can create your future. Bend the universe so that it get outs of your way and you can achieve …

Motivational video "Change your mind in just 2.50 mins"

The Extraordinary Power Of Beliefs! (Law Of Attraction)

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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the “Law Of Attraction”, or the law of “Reaping and Sowing”. This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret…

The Extraordinary Power Of Beliefs! (Law Of Attraction)

Even if you Don’t Agree with Their Choices…

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Each of us has our own unique way of perceiving life. We are made up of our past experiences and lessons, our upbringing, what we perceive from our particular point of view, and how we relate and feel in society. If two people had the same exact experience, they would each view it in a […]

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Even if you Don’t Agree with Their Choices…

Prosperity - Positive Affirmations and Relaxation Music for Self Esteem

Please visit my website ( and receive a 20% discount on all recordings and services on the website. When checking out put …

Prosperity - Positive Affirmations and Relaxation Music for Self Esteem

Out of the Blue

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Don’t give up on your dreams my friend. Whether your dream is a brand new home, a successful career, or a life full of peace and calm; just know that it can happen. It begins with you and the direction you take your life. If you are feeling challenges right now then it is the […]

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Out of the Blue

Monday, August 29, 2016

Positive Thinking Is A Stupid Waste Of Time

Check out THE DRUNKEN PEASANTS PODCAST with BEN & TJ Subscribe if you like it. And be sure to check out our …

Positive Thinking Is A Stupid Waste Of Time

FEEL as if Dollars Want You! (Attract Wealth)- Law of Attraction

Download our YouAreCreators App for free! Apple: Android: …

FEEL as if Dollars Want You! (Attract Wealth)- Law of Attraction

The Placebo Effect (and Positive Thinking)

What is up guys! Today we’re going to be talking about one of my favorite psychological phenomena… The Placebo Effect! And ill be giving you a brief overview …

The Placebo Effect (and Positive Thinking)

Morning Mojo Oh No You Didn"t (Overcoming Fear & Rejection)

Learn how to use this simple strategy to over come fear & rejection in your business or personal life. Read full post here Get MOJO str…

Morning Mojo Oh No You Didn"t (Overcoming Fear & Rejection)

Law of Attraction and Business with Jan H. Stringer

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Jewels begins talking about how the body communicates to your mind by pain which reflect your emotions. Then she brings on Jan H. Stringer, Best Selling Author and Business Academy Instructor about the first five steps that can transform your and your business. It is about getting straight about what it is that YOU really want. Powerful Show!

Visit Jan H. Stringer at and

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Law of Attraction and Business with Jan H. Stringer

ASMR Whispering Positive Affirmations Roleplay

Relax and let Esmerelda take you on a spiritual journey that will change your life…. This was kind of inspired by a friend who feels like he is doing nothing for …

ASMR Whispering Positive Affirmations Roleplay

Why unexpected money flows to me

Full Article Here

“The world is awash in money.”–Ted Turner

I’m reading Tony Robbin’s new book, Master the Money Game. It’s 600 pages of quite fascinating advice. I particularly enjoyed learning that Warren Buffett is a fan of self-improvement guru Dale Carnegie. So it’s not just us spiritual types who are out here getting our woo-woo on.

I’ll probably even take

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Why unexpected money flows to me

Fourth Dimension Wealth

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I have a terrific new gift for you.

I’m not sure how to convey how excited I am about this breakthrough new process.

I developed it to turn the “impossible” into the possible.

And I just proved it works on one of the biggest dreams of my entire life.

This is the most electrifying …

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Fourth Dimension Wealth

Flying Midgets, Burning Bras

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Back in 2001 I released my magnum opus when it comes to marketing.

Titled Hypnotic Marketing, it was an e-book revealing my three-step formula for attracting more business.

It was packed with juicy stories and funny case histories, from flying midgets to burning bras, to stupid websites to outrageous ideas that worked, …

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Flying Midgets, Burning Bras

How to Deal with Disappointment

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How to Deal with Disappointment

Creating Positive Focus in your Day

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Each day you have a chance to create positive focus toward your life experience. You can get upset over the trash that the dog dragged across the carpet or you can take care of it and then move on to a more positive focus. You see, there is no rule book that says that if […]

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Creating Positive Focus in your Day

The 3 Levels Of Creation! (Law Of Attraction)

Purchase this author’s books here: Purchase this author’s books here: …

The 3 Levels Of Creation! (Law Of Attraction)

You Have to do the Inner Work for Life to Change

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You can’t trick the Universe. You can’t fake positive thoughts and feelings.  The Universe takes the vibration from within you and creates more of the same in your life. You attract what you think and feel. It may not be in the exact form of what you think but it will have the feeling of […]

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You Have to do the Inner Work for Life to Change

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Substitute Acceptance Over Complaints

Full Article Here

Complaining can feel as if it gives some relief when we are experiencing life but did you know that acceptance can offer relief as well? You see, there is no life experience that is perfect.  There will always be something that makes us want to complain but when we focus on all our moments that […]

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Substitute Acceptance Over Complaints

Gregg Braden - Divine Matrix, How Law of Attraction Works With Modern Science

All credits go to Gregg Braden – Divine Matrix.

Gregg Braden - Divine Matrix, How Law of Attraction Works With Modern Science

Caged, Comfortable, or Charged - Which Life is Yours?

SUBSCRIBE for weekly episodes and bonuses. Get Brendon’s new book free: * Get the transcript on the blog: …

Caged, Comfortable, or Charged - Which Life is Yours?

Sting, Deepak and Steve Jobs all had a Day One. The question is how do you get to Day Two

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“What would constitute a perfect day for you? Why do we always go home and watch Netflix instead?”—Susanna Wolff

I love Jessica Ortner. We just recorded a podcast for her new series, “Adventures in Happiness.” Stay tuned. Our episode will run soon.

In the meantime, I decided to listen to Episode One which she recorded when her brother Nick woke her up at 7 a.m

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Sting, Deepak and Steve Jobs all had a Day One. The question is how do you get to Day Two

Master Manifestation - Law Of Attraction - Bashar

Learn The Secrets To Money & Success :

Master Manifestation - Law Of Attraction - Bashar

Every Moment my Friend

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Every moment is a new moment to begin again. Every moment is a new moment to create. And every moment is a new change to make a new choice. No matter what your past was, no matter what the day is, no matter how you feel; you can always begin again with a new thought […]

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Every Moment my Friend

What Great Leaders Actually DO

What do highly effective leaders actually DO? Get this episode’s mp3/transcript: Get Brendon’s book free: http://www.

What Great Leaders Actually DO

The Unfailing Success System - Learn this! (Law Of Attraction) PT5

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics …

The Unfailing Success System - Learn this! (Law Of Attraction) PT5

How To Get More Sleep

Summary below! This is Brendon freestyle, without notes or prompter. Get mp3/transcript of this episode: Get Brendon’s new book …

How To Get More Sleep

Positive Thinking Meditation: Relaxing Deep Music for Healing, Spa, Deep Sleep, Yoga, Massage ☯034

Body Mind Zone is our new channel that features this video and all YellowBrickCinema videos in long-play versions. Click the link to see this channel. https:…

Positive Thinking Meditation: Relaxing Deep Music for Healing, Spa, Deep Sleep, Yoga, Massage ☯034

Transcend 3 Most Common Money Mistakes

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In coaching hundreds of fellow creators on the art of manifesting money, I’ve noticed three ways many of us unwittingly repel money instead of attract it.

Correcting for even just one of these financial vibe-kinkers can make a big difference in your personal prosperity.

Here are three of our most common money manifesting mistakes and

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Transcend 3 Most Common Money Mistakes

How I Used Law of Attraction To Get Money: $3000 Manifested In Three Days With Three Simple Steps

Simple and very powerful technique to manifest money or anything in your life, using the Focus Wheel as presented by Abraham-Hicks Thank you to so many of …

How I Used Law of Attraction To Get Money: $3000 Manifested In Three Days With Three Simple Steps

There is Something you can do

For the full article go here

These days it seems that people tend to keep to themselves when they are going about their business. With cellphones, ipads, ipods, computers, and so many other things that we can carry with us many walk around tuning out the physical world as they are listening and observing through their earphones/skull candy and through their […]

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There is Something you can do

Are you Experiencing Life Through the Ego or the True Self Within?

Click Here to Visit the Website

There are times where the ego mind takes hold and thinks it is the one that makes all the decisions.  Any decision it makes is from a self-centered place and self-centered can create resistant vibrations.  I’m not talking the healthy ego that we have of self-confidence.  The self confident ego  knows when to say ‘no’ […]

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Are you Experiencing Life Through the Ego or the True Self Within?

Saturday, August 27, 2016

10 Powerful Positive Affirmations and Mantras

Weekly Q and A’s: Feel Alive by Ralph Smart. The New Book Now Available Below: …

10 Powerful Positive Affirmations and Mantras

Brendon Burchard"s Live Webcast Replay

To signup for High Performance Academy, go here: This video is the recording of a 2-hr live Q&A …

Brendon Burchard"s Live Webcast Replay

Positive Thinking Neuroplasticity Brain Chemistry

It’s more powerful to think of positive real life experiences every day to change your brain chemistry. Imagining positive thoughts without real life experie…

Positive Thinking Neuroplasticity Brain Chemistry

Determination to succeed by Og Mandino


Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough – O.C. Mandino   Go Here to See Full Article… Determination to succeed by Og Mandino

Determination to succeed by Og Mandino

Substitute Acceptance Over Complaints

Full Article Here

Complaining can feel as if it gives some relief when we are experiencing life but did you know that acceptance can offer relief as well? You see, there is no life experience that is perfect.  There will always be something that makes us want to complain but when we focus on all our moments that […]

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Substitute Acceptance Over Complaints

Turn Those Obstacles into Steps

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Many times when we are faced by a challenge, we look at that challenge as an obstacle. It feels like an object that is gigantic in our life road that seems impossible to get beyond. Some will just sit in their life road, accept the obstacle, and not move beyond it. And then there are […]

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Turn Those Obstacles into Steps

Positive Thinking - Acoustic Alchemy (Cover)

Positive Thinking - Acoustic Alchemy (Cover)

Ninjago MV: Positive Thinking

I SO wish I could have put Jay’s “positive thinking” quotes before this, but I don’t have those episodes in English… The song is “Positive Thinking” by Eric …

Ninjago MV: Positive Thinking

This just in: important new update to Napoleon Hill’s classic “Think and Grow Rich”

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“There is only one rule on this wild playground. Have fun, my dear. My dear, have fun.”–Hafiz

Fist bumps to all from Lawrence, Kansas. As many of you know, I’m writing a new book, due at the publisher two months (gulp!) from today. Much of my energy is going into this soon-to-be classic, so I’m following the advice of my social media mentor. Repost popular posts from the past. Almost sounds like a “She sells seashells” type tongue-twister. Enjoy and remember to continue singing “wild love songs from God.”

In 1937 when Napoleon Hill wrote his now-classic tome, quantum physics was still in diapers. Einstein, of course, had posited his famous theory of relativity, but quantum physicists didn’t completely understand how it worked.

To tell you the truth, they still have trouble making sense of the crazy quantum world that is changed by simple observation. As famous physicist Richard Feynman was known to say, “Nobody understands quantum mechanics.”

However, we do know with complete certainty that thoughts produce energy (much like invisible radio waves) and that they have a significant impact on your life. This energy, in fact, provides the building blocks for your life experience.

The update to Hill’s material should be this: “Think and BE Rich.” Time is irrelevant. You can “be rich” now. Money is only a representation of your “wealth consciousness” and “wealth consciousness” which is the true source of your financial picture is available right at this moment.

Money—or what we think of as money—bills, coins, etc.—are merely tools that demonstrate a person’s “wealth consciousness.” And, in fact, according to David Cameron Gikandi, only 4 percent of money in banks (depending on the country) exist in physical form. Furthermore, he says, “Money is not real. It’s a shadow of something else.”

So by expanding your consciousness into the true abundance of the world, you acquire what is in you already. As Gikandi says, “You have more wealth capability within you than you can possibly experience in a lifetime. Nor do you need to know how to convert wealth consciousness into paper money. It happens automatically when you expand your wealth consciousness.”

In the quantum world, you are connected to everything. You already have all the riches you could ever imagine. They exist right now as probability waves. But that’s the problem. You don’t imagine them.

You keep focusing on what you don’t have.

So back to Napoleon Hill. He advises people to come up with a date when they want a certain amount of money. Sometime in the future. But the trick in the quantum world is to “be rich now.” Again, all your riches already exist in the quantum world.

Being wealthy is an internal state. As Gikandi points out, “It has nothing to do with the outside world. The internal state of wealth is a decision you make right now and you become it right Now. You need nothing outside yourself to make this decision. Do not attempt to get wealth. Be wealth.

“Even in a billion lifetimes, you cannot possibly exhaust the wealthy given to you freely by life. But you can “fail” to receive it by your own thoughts, words, action, and most of all, your chosen states of being.”

The only thing standing in your way is your “wealth consciousness.” Isn’t it time to quit “thinking and growing rich?” Instead, it’s time to Think and BE Rich.

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.

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This just in: important new update to Napoleon Hill’s classic “Think and Grow Rich”

The Power Of Visualization! (Law Of Attraction)

Purchase this book here! We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share …

The Power Of Visualization! (Law Of Attraction)

# 165 - *Whisper* The Power of Positive Thinking

Hey guys 🙂 The power of positive thinking can change and improve our lives. We all have problems and issues that we think about and have to deal with every …

# 165 - *Whisper* The Power of Positive Thinking

Self Esteem Affirmations 101 Affirmations for Self Confidence

Hear My BRAND NEW Advanced Audio Session @ Self Esteem Affirmations 101 Affirmations for …

Self Esteem Affirmations 101 Affirmations for Self Confidence

Friday, August 26, 2016

Talk on "The Power of Positive Thinking and Positive Attitude"

Talk on “The Power of Positive Thinking and Positive Attitude” by Sri Raghu Datta, Hyderabad, during “SRADDHA” Youth Camp at VIHE, R K Math, Hyd.

Talk on "The Power of Positive Thinking and Positive Attitude"

How I Know It’s All Good

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When the vibes get kinky this is how I remind myself that life is good and all is well.

I hope you like it …

Once upon a time I read a book by Kim Falconer called The Spell of Rosette. (It’s a good story!)

The first night I went to sleep after starting Kim’s book, I had a life-changing drea

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How I Know It’s All Good

How Use The Subconscious To Your Advantage! (Law Of Attraction)

Subscribe to Josh’s wonderful YouTube Channel here: Purchase Josh’s books here: …

How Use The Subconscious To Your Advantage! (Law Of Attraction)

The Secret to the Law of Attraction - Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

What does happiness mean to you? Visit

The Secret to the Law of Attraction - Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The Stunning Costs of Distraction

PLEASE SUBSCRIBE for new episodes and bonus training. Transcripts and more on the blog: Download the audio of this …

The Stunning Costs of Distraction

A Guide To Manifesting Your Reailty! (Law Of Attraction)

Purchase his books here: We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secret of …

A Guide To Manifesting Your Reailty! (Law Of Attraction)

The Power of Thought & Laws of The Universe: Law Of Attraction

STOP BEGGING! START MANIFESTING! Go to Do you remember that first spark of hope you felt when you watched …

The Power of Thought & Laws of The Universe: Law Of Attraction

Your Health Resides in your Well-being

Your  Health Resides in your Well-being
Get back to the Source of Energy that is working with you.

Go here to listen to the audio

The author possesses a fascinating point of view on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to share it with my readers.

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Your Health Resides in your Well-being

The Famous Little Red Book That Makes Your Dreams Come True! (Law Of Attraction)

Download our YouAreCreators App for free! Apple: Android: …

The Famous Little Red Book That Makes Your Dreams Come True! (Law Of Attraction)

Happy Independence Day 4th Of July from Prosperity Team

Lock arms with us! Find the secret video on our channel!

Happy Independence Day 4th Of July from Prosperity Team

Sonicaid - Music To Inspire Positive Thinking

These songs use Alpha/Beta/Theta waves along with music to create the desired mental state. I take zero claim or responsibility for anything – positive or …

Sonicaid - Music To Inspire Positive Thinking

Relaxing with the Truth

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Sometimes conscious creators report they have a hard time with affirmations or acting as if because it isn’t “true.”

It’s hard for them to say, imagine, think or be something that isn’t factual.

  • “I can’t pretend I’m in a happy relationship when I’m still single.”

  • “I don’t know how to feel rich when I’m not.”

  • “Acting like I’m at my ideal weight is too far from reality.”

Here’s the deal, though … successful manifesting includes releasing our tight grip on the “truth.”

Because if we aren’t willing to think/see/feel it different, we can’t create it different.

We gotta relax about the truth or we just get more of the same.

So here’s some inspiration to help relax with the truth:

When asked her age, Dr. Christiane Northrup just says that she’s 40. Her wikipedia page would not agree, but that doesn’t stop her.

When Adam Levine coached his Voice contestant to sing someone else’s song like he wrote it himself, Adam added: “Hey Jude? I wrote that.” (And if you heard Adam perform that one, you’d understand why he gives this advice!)

Megan Trainor confided that when she performs on stage she pretends she’s Beyonce. It’s what helps her deliver her very best to the audience.

The heavyweight boxer did it when he signed his autograph as ‘world champion’ before actually stepping into the ring to win it.

Before she was Lady Gaga, Stefani Germanotta walked around town as if she were already famous. It didn’t take long before that was so.

When walking into auditions, George Clooney affirmed that he was the answer to every casting director’s dream. (What a nice reality to choose, right?!)

These things weren’t necessarily “true” but it didn’t stop them from engaging thoughts that took them where they wanted to go.

If they can do it, so can you.

Imagination is key to creating the reality you prefer.

And to engage imagination you’ve got to be willing to loosen your grip on reality. That’s all there is to it.

Know that part of your manifesting success comes from not being such a prude about the truth.

Besides, reality isn’t what you think it is anyway. Let this runway model (winner of Project Runway season 8) inspire you:

Science is starting to confirm what religions and spiritual teachers have taught for centuries – everything is happening now and it’s all happening and is all already done.

If we truly understood what leading quantum physicists have been theorizing for years now, we’d know everything already exists. Simultaneously. Right now. Infinite alternate realities are just waiting for us to choose our favorite version through our focused attention.

Which means there’s a version of reality where that dream of yours is a done deal. So it’s not a deviation from truth to choose that one, it’s just a deviation from your present reality.

And that’s what conscious creation is all about.

You can’t be a powerful manifestor while tied to the facts and evidence of what you don’t prefer.

I’m not saying that you have to speak things into the world that make you break out in hives, but in the confines of your own imagination at least, give yourself a little leeway.

And if you do insist on being factual, tap into the facts of your preferred reality. It’s already there waiting for you to say yes to it.

* * * * * * * *</center

Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

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Relaxing with the Truth

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Morning Meditation - Affirmations to Help You Start Your Day

You need this meditation. If you have trouble getting up in the morning or finding enthusiasm to pursue your goals, you need to listen to this every single morning …

Morning Meditation - Affirmations to Help You Start Your Day

500 Positive Affirmations. Rapid Mind Patterning to be Happy and Confident.

500 positive Affirmations in rapid dual voice fashion for neural pathway creation.

500 Positive Affirmations. Rapid Mind Patterning to be Happy and Confident.

A thought is harmless unless we believe it


A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

It’s not our thoughts, but our attachment to our thoughts, that causes suffering.

Attaching to a thought means believing that it’s true, without inquiring.

A belief is a thought that we’ve been attaching to, often for years.

~ Byron Katie ~


A thought is harmless unless we believe it

Two kinds of people

“There are two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better.”
— Marlo Thomas

Two kinds of people

Two kinds of people

What do you Expect?

Full Article Here

What do you expect from experiences? Do you plan for the worst case scenario that runs through your mind or do you plan for the best case scenario? Do you take a ‘wait and see’ approach and just let life unfold as you ‘bob and sway’ through and around challenges that pop up?  Do you […]

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What do you Expect?

Nick Vujicic - Love living life!

Truly inspirational! Love living life there are no excuses!

Nick Vujicic - Love living life!

Do you Want Life to Change for the Better?

Go Here for Full Article

Do you want life to change for the better?  Even if life is wonderful right now it can get even more wonderful.  And if life is handing you lemons you truly can make a better life through making lemonade. You see, when we want life to change then it means we want something different than […]

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Do you Want Life to Change for the Better?

Whisper Positive affirmations (part I)

Hey, guys! Apart from the loud, background noise for which I’m very sorry, you will notice that the first two and a half minutes repeat some information from the …

Whisper Positive affirmations (part I)

How To Change Your Reality! Understanding Law Of Attraction and Your Vibration

If you want to change your reality, you must first understand how reality is working, and your role in it. In this video I teach you to fully understand ‘vibration’ and …

How To Change Your Reality! Understanding Law Of Attraction and Your Vibration

Where Will you Take your Focus?

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Moment to moment you have a choice.  No matter what your day has been like, no matter what kind of traffic you may have been sitting in, no matter if the day is full of negative people; you always have a choice in where you take your thoughts, feelings, and reactions. We don’t have to […]

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Where Will you Take your Focus?

★ Abundant Life ★ 101 Affirmations + Subliminal Text (Binaural Beats) LAW OF ATTRACTION

Abundant Life ~ Affirmations + Subliminal Text (Binaural Beats) ENJOY THIS SESSION??? Visit — FOR THE LATEST …

★ Abundant Life ★ 101 Affirmations + Subliminal Text (Binaural Beats) LAW OF ATTRACTION

The Conscious Creator Punch Card

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Have you ever wondered how committed a conscious creator you are?

Here are 10 signs you drank the Kool Aid and are all in.

Punch all ten and you are officially a full-fledged manifesting aficionado:

(And if some of these don’t make sense yet, don’t worry. You’ll get there.)

  1. Your vision board is up to date and on display.

  2. You own both What The Bleeps – the original and the rabbit hole.

  3. Your inbox contains over three years’ worth of saved TUT notes.

  4. You can accurately guess how old the Abe recording is based on Esther’s voice.

  5. You have a special pen just for pray rain journaling.

  6. You know what a muggle is.

  7. You’ve gifted copies of The Secret.

  8. Your bathroom mirror is framed in sticky note affirmations.

  9. You use the acronym LOA.

  10. You made it through all nine experiments in E-Squared.

If you said yes to all ten, then congrats – your conscious creator punch card is complete!

Obviously we’re just having fun here, which is another sign of a conscious creator (not taking things too seriously).

For real, though, a legit measure of whether you’re a conscious creator is simply whether you understand your power to create reality and you engage it.

Here’s to all of us doing exactly that! 

* * * * * * * *</center

Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

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The Conscious Creator Punch Card

While you are Waiting in Traffic…

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Every day we have moments where we have to wait. Whether it is in a grocery store line, in traffic, or waiting for a word document to download…we all have to wait at some time.   You have to be there, don’t you? And you know you’re going to have to wait, right? So why not […]

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While you are Waiting in Traffic…

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

How to Be Beautiful

What makes people beautiful? Get this episode’s mp3/summary: Get my new book free: * Join …

How to Be Beautiful

Positive Thinking by Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise

When you feel down, try positive thinking, That’s what I told them and said, Don’t wear a frown, try positive thinking, Laugh at your troubles instead. You’ve got to …

Positive Thinking by Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise

Creating Your Life Through Visualization! - By Rev. Ike

This is a brief excerpt from Rev. Ike’s life-changing “Power Of Visualization” Audio Teaching, available as an mp3 downloadable product. To learn more about …

Creating Your Life Through Visualization! - By Rev. Ike

Hypnosis for Increasing Self Confidence & Self Esteem

Hypnosis is a proven way of helping develop self confidence and managing a busy mind. Take a look at this free video to see for yourself and comment below…
Hypnosis for Increasing Self Confidence & Self Esteem


This is a guided hypnotherapy session, designed to help improve your natural ability to relax and to improve your confidence, your general outlook on life, and belief in your own value and worth.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery.

This recording is in no way a replacement for any prescribed medication; nor is it intended to contraindicate or supersede any medically diagnosed conditions.

All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The power for positive change resides within your own mind. If you choose to accept the suggestions presented in this session, you can rest comfortably knowing that you are the one safely in control of your own positive results.

Peace & Enjoy

*New* ~ Sleep Hypnosis Ultimate Special Collection 5 x MP3s

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5 MP3s Special Collection:

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Hypnosis for Increasing Self Confidence & Self Esteem

Mark Passio"s Natural Law Seminar / Natural Law the REAL Law of Attraction 1 of 3 (morning)

On October 19th, 2013 Mark Passio presented his seminar “Natural Law: The REAL Law of Attraction” at the Yale Omni, organized by Arthur Capozzi …

Mark Passio"s Natural Law Seminar / Natural Law the REAL Law of Attraction 1 of 3 (morning)