Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Gauging Alignment to Your Desire

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LOA teachers always say our results tell us whether we’re aligned or not. So we never have to wonder what we’re tuned into, since reality reveals our vibration.

I agree our reality is an indication of what we’re really vibrating.

But don’t you sometimes wonder about that buffer of time thing that Abe talks about? And Bashar’s manifesting echo?

Since our 3D manifesting results aren’t (often) instant, it can leave one wondering whether we’re really tuned in the way we think we are.

(And I’ve met a lot of people who would have sworn they were aligned to what they wanted, but time proved out that they were instead aligned to something else. Been there, done that myself, as a matter of fact.)

Here’s a fun way to get a handle on how aligned you are to your desire …

Jana Moreno created a short alignment test that will automatically score where you’re at.

It’s pretty cool!

Here’s what Jana says about it:

The Alignment Quiz reveals the following:

1) if there is resistance to manifesting what you want

2) what is hindering you personally to manifesting what you want

3) what you are doing correctly in the manifestation process

4) whether or not you are depending on this manifestation for your happiness and fulfillment.

Take the online alignment quiz here and post your thoughts in the comments!

And thanks to Namaste Faustino for showing me this quiz on his facebook page.


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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

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Gauging Alignment to Your Desire

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