Tuesday, May 8, 2018

LOA Stories of Kitties Come Home


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Who doesn’t love a good success story involving kitties?

That’s what this post is – stories of cool cats come home.

It’s dedicated to anyone who gets caught up in worry or fear about a favorite feline gone awol.

Take heart (and a lesson) from these powerful creators who manifested their kitties home sweet home:


We live in a house surrounded by trees on one side and a main road on the other. Two days before our cat went out and didn’t return.

We were all tensed the whole day whether someone took her away (as she is really cute) or some animal attacked her.

We went searching for her in the whole big colony asking everyone if they had seen her. Finally after trying so hard looking for her even the next day, I decided to leave it to the faithful universe, and let her go.

I trusted myself and tried to be happy ‘as if’ I found her. I even wrote it in the ‘as if’ format. And wishing she would come back on her own.

The same evening, I was going out .. and beneath my car, she was sitting there. Happily, peacefully.


So yesterday morning I woke up to one less kitty. I have two sister cats, indoor due to all the inherent dangers where I live (lots of wildlife).

She had slipped out the night before while my hubby BBQd. I had thought it odd she didn’t come sleep with me like she always does, she stays with me all night and is my morning happy thought.

In the morning when she wasn’t sleeping at my side I searched the house and grounds, when she was not to be found I pretty much gave her up as dead. Actually began the grieving process. Then I thought of your blog post about your missing cat, Jeannette. I realized I was actively manifesting dead kitty. Not what I wanted!

So I shifted gears, and started thinking what an adventure she must be having. She made a deliberate choice to leave the safety of the house, so I saw her enjoying the feeling of grass under her feet, chasing butterflies, enjoying all the freedom I wish they could always have, but experience has taught me outdoor cats don’t live long around here! In my vision we lived in the reality where she had her adventure and returned safe & happy to me.

Anyway my hubby felt horrible so he was happy to join in my “pretending” all was well and that she’d be home soon.

I pictured him carrying her into me at bedtime, and that’s exactly how it played out! I went to bed without her, feeling sad but accepting and trying to make peace with her choice. Then an hour later in he walks with her! Safe & sound.

The funny thing was, I had fleeting images of a little fluffy black kitten off & on all day too. I thought, when some time passes I should get a new companion for my other cat.

Today, when I let my kids know she was home safe, my daughter sent me a video of a kitten she had already sourced out for me, a little black fluffy male! Too young to leave his mama but will be ready to go in two weeks, in time for my birthday! Going to go look at him today!

So thanks, Jeannette, for your timely reminder before I even needed it! And thanks to my angels (and hers) for looking after my adventurous one!

(Read Alexandria’s delightful full story here.)


I’m not saying this is a good example by any means, but even when you’ve lost your LOA senses you can still get help:

A couple years ago I lost my head when my favorite blind kitty went missing. Cried for hours straight while making up lost kitty flyers to distribute through the neighborhood, reporting him to Home Again pet rescuers, walking the neighborhood streets calling his name.

The last thing I did before collapsing on the couch to cry through the night was email three of my most powerful witch friends asking them to help conjure him home. I also asked angels to guide him home.

While laying there sleepless trying not to worry about what might have happened to him (instead trying to imagine my relief at his return but not doing a very good job of it), I felt like a miserable failure of a manifestor.

But in the early morning hours I heard a meow at the front porch. (Which is why I’d spent the night on the couch with the windows wide open – so I could hear him if he came back.)

Sure enough, it was my handsome guy come home. I opened the door, he walked through and collapsed in exhaustion in the entryway.

My beau called out from upstairs to ask if my kitty was home. I told him I wasn’t sure, because I might be dreaming. He got out of bed to confirm it was real life. Elvis was home sweet home, safe and sound.

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And that’s what I wish for you if your kitty seems to be absent from the premises: happy healthy, safe and sound, home sweet home.

Take a lesson from Astha and Alexandria about how a conscious creator rolls, and if you’ve got a story to share about your kitty come home, give the gift of hope to a fellow feline lover by sharing it below.

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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

This subject was something I felt you might enjoy.

The author offers a fascinating viewpoint on the topic that resonates with me and I wished to share it with my subscribers.

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