Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Relaxing with the Truth

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Sometimes conscious creators report they have a hard time with affirmations or acting as if because it isn’t “true.”

It’s hard for them to say, imagine, think or be something that isn’t factual.

  • “I can’t pretend I’m in a happy relationship when I’m still single.”

  • “I don’t know how to feel rich when I’m not.”

  • “Acting like I’m at my ideal weight is too far from reality.”

Here’s the deal, though … successful manifesting includes releasing our tight grip on the “truth.”

Because if we aren’t willing to think/see/feel it different, we can’t create it different.

We gotta relax about the truth or we just get more of the same.

So here’s some inspiration to help relax with the truth:

When asked her age, Dr. Christiane Northrup just says that she’s 40. Her wikipedia page would not agree, but that doesn’t stop her.

When Adam Levine coached his Voice contestant to sing someone else’s song like he wrote it himself, Adam added: “Hey Jude? I wrote that.” (And if you heard Adam perform that one, you’d understand why he gives this advice!)

Megan Trainor confided that when she performs on stage she pretends she’s Beyonce. It’s what helps her deliver her very best to the audience.

The heavyweight boxer did it when he signed his autograph as ‘world champion’ before actually stepping into the ring to win it.

Before she was Lady Gaga, Stefani Germanotta walked around town as if she were already famous. It didn’t take long before that was so.

When walking into auditions, George Clooney affirmed that he was the answer to every casting director’s dream. (What a nice reality to choose, right?!)

These things weren’t necessarily “true” but it didn’t stop them from engaging thoughts that took them where they wanted to go.

If they can do it, so can you.

Imagination is key to creating the reality you prefer.

And to engage imagination you’ve got to be willing to loosen your grip on reality. That’s all there is to it.

Know that part of your manifesting success comes from not being such a prude about the truth.

Besides, reality isn’t what you think it is anyway. Let this runway model (winner of Project Runway season 8) inspire you:

Science is starting to confirm what religions and spiritual teachers have taught for centuries – everything is happening now and it’s all happening and is all already done.

If we truly understood what leading quantum physicists have been theorizing for years now, we’d know everything already exists. Simultaneously. Right now. Infinite alternate realities are just waiting for us to choose our favorite version through our focused attention.

Which means there’s a version of reality where that dream of yours is a done deal. So it’s not a deviation from truth to choose that one, it’s just a deviation from your present reality.

And that’s what conscious creation is all about.

You can’t be a powerful manifestor while tied to the facts and evidence of what you don’t prefer.

I’m not saying that you have to speak things into the world that make you break out in hives, but in the confines of your own imagination at least, give yourself a little leeway.

And if you do insist on being factual, tap into the facts of your preferred reality. It’s already there waiting for you to say yes to it.

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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

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