Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Two more reasons to believe in magic and miracles

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“At any time I still expect that the no-talent police will come and arrest me.”—Mike Myers

I chose the Mike Myers quote because my hosts in Japan just sent me the video they produced to open my talk this Friday in Tokyo. According to the translation, the last line says, “The World Top Master Pam Grout is here for the first time in Japan.”

I almost fell out of my chair. They must have me confused with someone else. Some other Pam Grout. I’m just a writer who likes to share stories about magic and miracles.

The only part that rings true is that I will be in Japan for the first time. Or wait? Even that’s not 100 percent true, since I did have a brief layover at the Tokyo airport when I went to Hong Kong for a travel story a few years ago.

Studies show that more than 70 percent of us suffer from what’s known as impostor syndrome. Which means, in reality we are ALL way cooler, more talented, more masterful than we think.

So now that I’ve re-composed myself, I’d like to share a couple E2 stories that recently landed in my inbox:

The first story comes from Aakriti:

I am a freelance writer based out of New Delhi, India and earn my living writing various gigs for websites and clients based all over India. Around 4-5 months ago, a client took all my work and vanished off the face of the earth without paying my due. It was a significant amount, so it goes without saying, I was devastated.

Your first experiment asked me to just wish anything I want and order the FP to grant my wish within next 48 hours. Now let tell you what happened;

1. I read the first experiment; opened my mind; started imagining a big field around me charged with good vibes and ordered it to get me my due check within next 48 hours.

2. Hardly around 2 minutes later, my cell rang. The message is from my bank; 10,000 bucks have been credited to my account.

3. I went berserk, opened my online bank account to see where the money had come from, and there it is. It came from the same client who not only ran away with my work but also refused to take my calls, answer my emails and texts and avoided me for past 5 months.

I am unable to tell you how powerfully connected to the world I am feeling right now. I am here, I am breathing and I can see things which were not visible to me just hours ago. And I have not even completed the book. It took just one experiment and I fell so hard I am laughing like a maniac right now.

The second comes from Dorothy:

I recently returned to teaching in a traditional classroom in Pennsylvania after teaching ballet, acting, musical theatre, and piano classes at a large performing arts school in Massachusetts for fifteen years. My new position teaching academic subjects to second grade students is joy-filled and fulfilling. But I miss teaching dance.

So on a Wednesday in July this summer, as I was driving to my traditional classroom to check on delivery of supplies for the coming school year, I said out loud, “Oh Universe, I miss ballet. I want more ballet in my life. Thanks for taking care of that.” And I went on my merry way.

On Saturday of that week, I went to see a childen’s show production at a local regional music theatre (The Media Music Theatre Company). It was a very good production, so I waited to congratulate the director on such a fine job. During the conversation with him, I mentioned that I had taught children’s classes in the performing arts. He asked if I taught dance, and when I said yes, he asked me to send my resume and information to him.

That was Saturday afternoon. By Sunday morning I had the job–teaching ballet and tap (eleven classes per week) Monday through Friday afternoons and evenings at the theatre’s recently opened school. Just that quickly, the amazing organizing powers of the Universe delivered the perfect circumstance for my “more ballet in my life” desire to manifest.

Thank you, Aakriti and Dorothy for sharing the love.

And, dear readers, if I don’t write from Japan, I’ll check in as soon as I return.

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.

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