Friday, September 16, 2016

If Your Dream Happened, What Next?

Full Article Here

Imagine you just got what you’ve always wanted …

That big thing you’ve been working on manifesting – or the secret dream you’ve been entertaining … pretend it just happened.

What would you do next?

(I mean after the success registers and you share the good news and post the pics.)

What do you do after that?

Whatever it is, maybe do that thing now.

It just might cue Universe to deliver it once and for all.

If my big things happened …

If I sold all my products and was making a bazillion dollars as the best in the LOA business – you know what I’d do next? I’d work with my people. I’d get busy doing my thing – inspiring conscious creators to amp up their manifesting game.

If my body was in tip top shape, healthier and more amazing than ever, you know what I’d do next? I’d enjoy it. I’d wear clothes that did it justice and move through the world like someone who was comfortable in her skin. I would take super good care and love this body through and through.

If I were living on a gorgeous property that celebrated nature and animals, you know what I’d do next? I’d get outside and enjoy it. I’d admire the trees, and feed the birds, and pet the goats, and tend the garden. Just generally enjoy being there.

All of those things I can do now, in some form or fashion.

(Several of them I already am doing – but there’s a vibrational difference between doing it to get there and doing it because you are there. Know what I mean? Different signals.)

You can probably sense what an empowering move this would be, for a variety of reasons:

  • It creates internal alignment with the big dream. Woot!

  • It takes pressure off the big thing to happen.

  • It moves us right along the ‘good life’ spectrum, so we’re not stuck waiting for something to manifest.

Not only would you be delighted, but Universe would see you as a vibrational match to those dreams. And the manifestation isn’t far behind!

Give some thought to what you would do after your big dream unfolds. Whatever that is, see if you can find a way to engage that now.

It could be a game-changer.

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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

This subject was something I sensed you would probably value.

The originator provides a fascinating perspective on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to discuss it with my followers.

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If Your Dream Happened, What Next?

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