Saturday, September 24, 2016

Law of Attraction Network

Join the Law of Attraction Network. The true law of attraction is the magnetic pull of Spirit upon the soul. The ego is transformed and purified through what some refer to as “alchemy” but in fact through yoga and pranayama awakens the kundalini uniting shiva and shakti. This law of attraction network leads to the ultimate goal of self-realization… Learn more at

Read “PROSPERITY: Transforming Dreams Into Reality” at “Why am I here”? “Where am I going”? “What is the purpose of life”? “What does it mean to be made in the image of God”?

We are the #1 Spiritual Network worldwide for authors, experts, entrepreneurs and truth-seekers on yoga, holistic living, self-help and self-realization. Receive “The 1 S.O.U.L. Harbinger” Official Newsletter for free: and

These are questions you’ve either asked yourself before or at least should be asking! Yet many people will have gone from the cradle to the grave without ever finding true concrete answers to these questions. If we live long enough we’ll watch family, friends & loved ones leave us without knowing where they’ve gone.

“Know Thyself” explores this universal journey that every soul experiences on the path towards realization of our relationship with the Creator. Despite your race, culture or religious practice, this thought provoking & eye-opening book captures the esoteric truths of all spiritual masters who have left us breadcrumbs of spiritual treasure to guide us on our journeys!

Every person has a unique road to travel but our destinations are the same and that is for total enlightenment of who we are, Love and the Sole Truth of our Oneness.

“Many rivers… One Ocean; many branches… One Tree; many paths… One Destination; many stories… One Truth!”

Law of Attraction Network

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