Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Choosy Believer

Full Article Here

Many of us were taught that our core beliefs were implanted early via our authority figures and childhood experiences.

Some say our beliefs are tricky to identify and hard to change.

I’m opting out on some of that.

Instead, I think a belief is just a thought that got a lot of air time.

And I think I can direct my thoughts, and that reality follows from them.

Which is why I’m choosy about what to believe. For example …

I don’t believe in:

  • emergencies

  • failed relationships

  • missed opportunities

I do believe in:

  • happy endings

  • miracles

  • and second chances (& third, fourth, …)

I don’t believe it’s possible to get it wrong. And I don’t believe in wasted time.

I believe everything works out perfectly. And I strongly in the value of goofing off.

I don’t believe in The One; I believe love abounds.

I don’t believe in broken hearts; hearts heal when we let them.

I don’t believe in death. Or mistakes. The devil. Or fate.

But I do believe in angels. And our divinity. And that anything’s possible.

I don’t believe we’re here to learn life lessons or prove ourselves worthy.

I believe we’re already worthy. All the time. Automatically.

I believe puppy kisses are the secret to good health, and I believe life is meant to be fun.

I believe everyone can win, and that life just keeps getting better.

I believe this place is crawling with fabulous people and that we’ll never run out of things to love about this amazing life.

I believe I’m getting better every day, and that Universe is rooting for me.

I believe in my power to choose, and I believe that perspective makes all the difference.

And I believe all of us get to be right, whatever we dare believe.

But all that really matters is …

… what do you believe?

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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

This subject was something I felt you would enjoy.

The originator features an intriguing viewpoint on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to discuss it with my readers.

Kindly offer your ideas in the comments area below …

A Choosy Believer

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