Friday, July 22, 2016

How to Speak Money Into Your Life

Great example of how we can tweak our thinking from “I can’t afford that” to “it is mine” to better leverage the law of attraction to bring what we want into our lives…
How to Speak Money Into Your Life

Did you know you have the power to speak money into your life?

In fact, you’re probably using that power nearly every day – speaking money into or out of existence.

We do it when we see something we want and declare, “I can’t afford that.”

Or when we look at a pay stub and wonder, “Where did it all go?” or “Is that all?”

We do it after taking on a big expense when we say, “That’s gonna hurt.”

If you could see the power of those words visually, I imagine it would look like a force field literally repelling money from you. Sending it into the arms of someone more welcoming.

It’s a routine many folks engage without realizing the power they wield.

But conscious creators know it works the other way, too. We know that as we speak, so shall it be. All we have to do is get consistent with our story and stick to it long enough for reality to conform around our words.

That doesn’t take months or years to unfold. It works fast when you work it. As in days or hours – sometimes even minutes!

Keep in mind, though, it doesn’t help to watch the clock for it to happen. Speak it like you expect it. You’re not waiting to see what happens; you know what happens.

That’s because it isn’t just what we say; it’s what we feel . It’s the vibration behind the words. So speak it like you mean it. Speak it like it already is. Say it like you know your words have power.

Remember that the Universe (or the Field, Matrix or Source – whatever you want to call the power that answers your vibrational instructions) i s always listening and always says yes to whatever you say.

So when you learn to say that the money is here, and the money is good, and the money is big, and the money is fun, and the money is easy, so shall it be. Here are some of my favorite words to speak money into my world:

I am good with money.

Money has always been good to me.

Money just keeps getting better and better.I make plenty of money.

I make money like magic – effortless, easy, natural and fun.

The more money I spend, the more money I make.

There’s plenty more where that came from.

I’ve got a good handle on money.

I always have plenty of money for whatever I want.

I’m so good with money, I make it even while I sleep.

Some of my favorite money words from others include:

Tom Antion: I couldn’t stop making money if I tried. (That’s how easy and natural it is for him – he couldn’t turn it off if he tried!)

Mike Dooley: It’s a good thing I’m rich. (If you can hear that in Mike’s voice it’s even better!)

Can you see how well money responds to our words? It’s either a sweet call singing money in, or a force field blocking its entry. For many of us we …  Go Here to See Full Article… How to Speak Money Into Your Life

How to Speak Money Into Your Life

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