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Nghe xong đừng ai có tư tưởng muốn chết nữa nhé ….. ポジティブシンキング – Tư tưởng tích cực □ Music…
Whats up guys! Today We’re going to be talking about The Law of Attraction, what it is, what it means& how you can potentially use it to your advantage in daily …
Once you are able to achieve and consistently maintain your personal alignment, a great deal of money will flow into your experience (if that is your desire).
Do not let others set the standards about how much money you should have— or about what you should do with it— for you are the only one who could ever accurately define that. Come into alignment with who-you-really-are, and allow the things that life has helped you to know that you want to flow into your experience.
Excerpted from: Money and the Law of Attraction on August 31, 2008
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
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You have to find a way to be all right with thriving because you are always going to want to thrive. The economy is moving forward in response to the desires of people.
And depriving yourself of something does not make more money for someone else to spend. If there were not people who were purchasing things, then all of the people who are working at manufacturing and marketing them would have to find some other ways of making their living.
There are so many people who innately want to thrive, who as soon as they begin thriving a little, begin imposing all of these exterior judgements about how much thriving is appropriate, “It’s appropriate to thrive that much, but not that much.”
And you have to ask yourself, “At what point do I lose the balance of thriving?”
—Abraham — | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!
This is a revised version of the original video due to feedback I received. I removed the ‘candle flickering’ throughout the majority of the video since some of you …
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At times we can really get worked up, can’t we? We can go on a worry binge and worry about the future and anything else that comes to mind. We build that worst case scenario within the mind ‘just in case’ it happens. That way we think it may not hurt as bad if we […]
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“Some people never change. Some people have abusive, negative, controlling tendencies in their blood; they are wired for havoc, bickering and deception. They know of no other way to interface with others except through their created chaos. Chaos is their home-court advantage where they play their mind-games so they can have power over you; it’s a rigged game you can never win. Listen to your inner-voice. Get out while you can!”
— Bryant McGill
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Just think… What would happen if, no matter what the experience, you just knew that all is well and will be well? What if everything is working in your favor and when it all comes to the outcome that it is the best for your life experience even if it doesn’t feel like it is? […]
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How about, just for today, you expect the best no matter what experience you have? And how about, just for today, let go of any anxiety and worry, and think of the best case scenarios instead of the worst case scenarios? And how about, just for today, you do all you can to create the […]
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Dr. Napoleon Hill
You don’t have to work at being in the high vibration that is natural to you, because it is natural to you. But you do have to stop holding the thoughts that cause you to lower your vibration. It’s a matter of no longer giving your attention to things that don’t allow your cork to float or don’t allow you to vibrate in harmony with who you really are.
—Abraham— | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!
Excerpted from the workshop: Silver Spring, MD on April 19, 1997
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I’m often asked how it is possible to be positive as you experience a negative experience. Some feel that they are faking the smile and the positivity instead of being what they call real. “I want to be real and trying to feel positive makes me feel as if I’m not being real. That I […]
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Tex, ain’t it grand? You know, all the people, millions and millions and millions, who have gorgeous bodies that fill them with pride. Who’ve created enormous wealth – more than they could ever spend. Who have loving friends scattered all over the globe. And most have little more intelligence than a gopher.
They just got busy and didn’t take “no” for an answer.
Think about it.
From a big-time gopher lover,
The Universe
Subscribe to Josh’s wonderful YouTube Channel here: Purchase Josh’s books here: … – Receive psychological and emotional support as you nurture your physical body and health into …
This is a short narrated story I created to try and highlight some of the mistakes people make, and experiences people have once they have watched ‘The Secret’ …
This guided meditation will give you a better awareness and understanding of how to utilize The Law of Attraction to help manifest your dreams into your life…
“You will never regret what you do in life, you will only regret what you don’t do.”
— Wayne Dyer
About Esther Hicks, Abraham, Law Of Attraction .. And Us, And You
There was an Esther Hicks Abraham Law Of Attraction quote this week that caused a bit of a stir for some of those in this community, so we’re going to see if we can unravel that a little. In the process of that, we’ll talk about whether some things are easier to create than others, and just in case you’re tempted to throw your hands in the air and ask why us gurus can’t all get together and get our stories straight, we’ll start by talking about what we’re here doing right now, this thing called channeling.
Surely you might think, if Terah is some spiritual being with a god-like perspective on all things, then what is being channeled must be the “truth”. Well you don’t have to explore your Internet very far to discover that there are all manner of apparently sincere people out there channeling a variety of different entities, with a variety of different stories, some incredibly detailed, and many contradicting each other. What’s going on here, and how do you decide what to believe? Let’s give you our perspective.
Channeling is not a great word to describe this process. Think about what happens when you speak. You are not consciously choosing words to say. You have a thought you want to express, and your subconscious translates that into words, and speaks them. Many of you think that when you’re public speaking, you have to speak consciously. Well, it’s incredibly difficult to do that, and that’s why you fear it. The same things are going on in this process here. There’s some conscious involvement and a whole lot of subconscious involvement. The thought is collaboration. The words are a translation, and the Story that is told is always going to be aligned with the beliefs of the translator.
Continued at
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When another expounds about how great their actions and thoughts are; you want to remember at the moment to look within yourself and see if you are living life from the inner self or from the ego self like the person who is telling you about how great they are. There is a big difference […]
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All 9 Solfeggio frequencies With positive affirmations for Mental strenght, personal development & Spiritual growth, success and abundance. Useful in cleansing …
Please visit my website ( and receive a 20% discount on all recordings and services on the website. When checking out put …
Law Of Attraction 50 Positive Thoughts To Live An Awesome Life! Full AudioBook We (Law Of Attraction.) created this channel to share one of the greatest …
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“Become committed—fully committed—to the experience of happiness.”—The Way of Mastery
I just created an LOA quiz for Good Vibe University. It’s a simple, four-part quiz to determine how adept you are at employing the law of attraction.
Jeannette Maw, the totally hip “school marm” who hosts this powerful law of attraction site, and I wi
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“I used to be Snow White, but I drifted.”—Mae West
I had a different post planned for today. But I woke up this morning to some news that simply MUST. BE. SHARED.
Last week, a woman from Derbyshire, England asked her followers to retweet the idea that “we’re seeing more and more good news. That we’re finally starting to “get” the idea about
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“Do a loony-goony dance
Cross the kitchen floor.
Put something silly in the world.
That ain’t been there before.”—Shel Silverstein
Car radios have buttons to pre-set favorite stations, making it easy to find, say KKFI and KPRS. Our minds work the same way. We program in certain “experiences” on our pre-set but
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Listen To These Daily For Amazing Results – Use The Law of Attraction To Draw Abundance, Wealth, Riches, Success, Money, and Prosperity into Your Life !
Every religion on the planet, and there are so many more than you are even aware of, has the potential of absolute thriving.
But when you think that you must prove that you have the only one that is right—and you use your condemnation to push against the others—your condemnation separates you from your own Connection that, before your condemnation, you were finding in your own religion.
—Abraham— | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!
Excerpted from the workshop: Boston, MA on October 02, 2004
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Wouldn’t it be nice if you could wave a magic wand or speak a few words to manifest money?
Well, you’re in luck because we totally can!
Conscious creators know that as we speak/vibrate, so shall it be. So why not use our powers to create more money?
I’ve shared love alignment spells before, and spells for breaking the evil curse.</p
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Kindly offer your ideas in the comments area below … – The great positive thinking hoax and the shocking truth that is stopping you from creating the life of your dreams. Hack into …
How to Use The Law of Attraction – The issues involving how to use the law of attraction has been a popular topic amongst scholars for many years. In depth …
Reiki Healing Music: 1 HOUR Relaxation Music for Stress Relief and Healing | Soothing Music
Watch it before they make me take it down! Lock arms with us now! Receive LIVE training from Mike daily when you join the Prosperity Team!…
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This post is by request after Mia asked how I manifested the guy who felt like “home sweet home” the first time I laid eyes on him.
I’ve probably shared this story somewhere else, but I like it so much I thought it worth retelling.
It’s 2006 and I’ve been actively dating a bunch of fabulous men for about a year or two. I’ve had an absolute blast with amazing guys, but the whole “rotation,” we’ll call it, is starting to lose its luster.
I’m (finally) in the mood for a keeper.
Someone I can put some time in with. To get to know someone in a way that you don’t during 3 month stints. I want a relationship that’s got legs.
My name for him is “One of the Ones.” (Because I don’t believe in just One.)
But I’m ready for someone Significant. Someone to go the distance with.
So I decide to manifest One of the Ones. My attitude about it was, “Bring him on, Universe, I’m ready for a keeper!”
That wasn’t out of frustration with dating, or being treated poorly by men. I was having a great time. I was just ready for something else.
(I think that vibrational setup matters.)
I had loved being single and loved meeting new guys. But now I just wanted to love a new guy for a longer while.
After deciding this (not wanting it, not wishing for it, but deciding it), the next thing I did was make a list. The ubiquitous manifesting list.
Mine’s got 47 things on it, including that he’s a dog lover and drives a truck. (I’m thinking a down to earth kind of guy who loves animals.)
I wrote the list once and mostly forgot about it. (I might have read it once or twice after for fun, but it certainly wasn’t a regular practice.)
Due to what I knew about vibration and attraction, I strongly suspected I would meet this guy doing something that I loved. Right? Love your life, and life gets even better.
So I suspected I would meet my new guy while doing something with my dogs. Probably a dog walk up the canyon. But maybe Petsmart, maybe at the dog park. Maybe at a volunteer event. But probably up that favorite canyon of mine.
On every walk I had an eagle eye out for cutie patootie guys with no rings. “Oh, maybe that’s him!” I would think when I turned the corner to see another handsome stranger smiling at me. (I was probably throwing off some strange energy.)
Other than those dog walks where I knew I was eventually going to meet him, I’m enjoying other parts of my life as if he were already here …
So basically I’ve got a couple of LOA elements in play:
I know he’s coming (because I said so). I’m expecting to meet him on a dog walk someday (no hurry, no time pressure). I’m enjoying myself in the meantime and also acting as if he’s already here (in certain moments where it works to do that).
In the meantime, back at the ranch, I am done with dating and have no interest in reactivating my online dating profile. Great entertainment, but no keepers. That was my assessment.
Here’s where Universe started to surprise me …
One day I’m on the computer and an ad gets my attention for eharmony. Never did eharmony; have no intention of starting now.
Except inspiration is crawling all over this thing.
Like, I can’t ignore it. I feel something pulling me to check out this eharmony thing.
Seriously, eharmony?! Sheesh. I don’t know what Universe is thinking – I’m meeting my guy at a dog park. But I know not to ignore inspiration, even when it makes no sense.
So fine. I put up a profile. Just to satisfy that guidance that said to.
And sure enough, it was such a bad idea that I asked eharmony for a refund when they only returned three matches. One of which was already hooked up and hadn’t taken himself off the site yet. They apologized for not having more matches and refunded my fee.
There was one match, though, who requested a fast track so we could exchange messages. I didn’t know the whole fast track routine, but I said yes and we exchanged a few notes. Nice enough guy. Kind of funny. Attentive, but respectful. I wasn’t having a bad time.
Until he shared his must-haves and can’t-stands. (I think it’s called something different now.)
His must-haves included something like “fashionable” or “stylish” and “financially responsible.”
Okay, stylish is the last thing anyone is ever going to call me. And the last time I balanced my checkbook was after mysterious untraceable money kept showing up in my account. I figured it was my easy money intention coming to fruition, and stopped tracking that balance. So if he’s looking for someone with her nails done and her bank balance accounted for, I’m not her.
I tell him it looks like we’re not a match and I shut down my profile.
Eharmony delivers his impassioned plea for me to reconsider. He thinks we have potential. He thinks there’s something worth exploring.
Something in me has a yes for this, although I really don’t want him to get in the way of the guy I’m meeting on my dog walk.
Okay, fine, I say, we can meet up in person.
Soon after I’m driving to meet him for a movie date.
As soon as I saw him, I felt like I’d come home. It felt like I’d been on vacation all my life and I was finally coming home sweet home.
He just felt so right.
It wasn’t that he was the most handsome guy I’d ever seen. It wasn’t that he was so charming and witty that he swept me off my feet instantly. It wasn’t that I was dazzled by his wealth and success in life.
I just knew this was where I was meant to be.
Bizarre, right? I’d never experienced anything like that with a guy before.
He didn’t have a dog and he didn’t drive a truck. But as we got to know each other I learned he was 43 of the 47 things I’d put on that list.
I had a girlfriend once who told me about how the first time she saw her husband, she knew they’d be married. He was just a guy in a bar, and she came to work the next day knowing they would marry. (They did! And they’re married to this day!) I didn’t understand how anything could work like that.
But I do now.
The time from deciding to call in One of the Ones to meeting my guy online was three weeks. That was nine years ago, he reminded me the other day when he said happy anniversary.
To recap this manifesting process:
What wasn’t part of it was looking for him on the dog walks. Go figure.
* * * * * * * *</center
Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.
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Morning Affirmations (Daily Affirmations) are the core to a beautiful day! Use these positive affirmations every morning before getting out of bed (at least 7 …
These Amazing Self Confidence Affirmations Will Change Your Life!! Unlimited Self Esteem, Wealth, Money, and Prosperity are Yours!! Please Subscribe: http://.
How to stop habits? Why not change them… Positive thinking how to hack the process of building a bad habit. Positive affirmations …
The Power of Positive Thinking by Normal Vincent Peale Videobook with words in english from this Great book, and also an Audibook just for you. Enjoy Like th.
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This picture looks like complete disaster, doesn’t it? Fire up in the mountains where people had to evacuate seems like a very challenging experience, doesn’t it? Yet out of this experience came many positive moments and ultimately took me and my family to our dream. Wildfires took two of our homes in California (yes, we […]
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“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”
Acknowledge the good by Eckhart Tolle
Click here to view original web page at Acknowledge the good by Eckhart Tolle
My Clean & Simple Fruitarian Recipe Book just $14.99 ▻▻ FREE 7 Day Raw Vegan Success Guide: http://www.
Purchase my 2 Hr Angel Class MP3 Sign up for my online Blog and Angel Stories …
Fragments of a Great Secret have been found in the oral traditions, in literature, in religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. For the first time, all the …
How Your Vibration Transforms Your Reality
Go Here to See Full Article… How Your Vibration Transforms Your Reality
This video talks about how your vibration transforms your reality. The Law of Attraction states that like energies attract like energies. So the vibration of the reality that you create is a reflection of the vibration that you give out. The universe will only deliver to you what you are a vibrational match with. If you vibrate at higher frequencies, you will attract things that also vibrate at higher frequencies. If you vibrate at lower frequencies, you will attract things that also vibrate at lower frequencies.
Law of Attraction vs How It Really Works – Similar but Different!
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“Love joins with everything. It doesn’t exclude the monster. It doesn’t avoid the nightmare–it looks forward to it.” –Byron Katie
When you think of everything as a miracle, even getting hit by a double decker bus, you’ll be led to a life most extraordinary. Melissa Joy Jonsson, president of Matrix Energetics, was a highly-successful
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In the world today, we have much to think about. And having much to think about can lead us to worry and anxiety at times. When we are anxious, our neck and shoulders become tight and our very being feels tight. We feel as if we are resisting against something. Well, we are resisting against […]
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How do you react to someone who just rubs you the wrong way? Do you treat them like they treat you? Or do you get quiet and feel bad about yourself because they make you feel that way? How you treat others is exactly what will come back to you in some way. If someone […]
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A few years ago I queried fellow creators about the proper spelling of one who manifests: is it manifestor or manifester?
More people search google with the -er spelling, but here’s how actual manifestors weighed in:
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Please supply your ideas in the comments area below … , Positive Affirmations,Words Of Affirmation,Positive Thinking,Positive Thinking Quotes.positive affirmations …
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You can change life in this very moment. Whether you are having negative experiences or positive experiences, you can change the direction based on your thoughts, feelings, and reactions. If you are having a less than positive experience, you can do your best in the experience but you can let go of the negative vibrations […]
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visit for latest Entrance Exams 2015 and Admission Info. Positive Self talk helps, Powerful Affirmations for Students preparing for …
The beauty of who you are in Christ is unveiled with classical guitar, piano and Strings. “I Am Loved”, Original music by Stephanie McKenna.
View this speakers website here: We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe …
“I deserve the best and I accept the best now.”
— Louise Hay
In this beautiful film Our psychic Sharie shares an incredibly powerful technique using the power of the sea to spellcast and connect to your dreams.
Is “the secret” something to live by? Can the law of attraction really bring you what you want, simply by visualizing it? What you think about you bring abou…
Abraham Hicks – When You Know What You Don’t Want
Go Here to See Full Article… Abraham Hicks – When You Know What You Don’t Want
Abraham Hicks, channeled through Esther Hicks
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Law of Attraction is the biggest and most powerful law in this whole Universe. It says whatever you think whatever you feel , You will Exactly get the same -…
Visit Michael of who created the beautiful relaxing music used in the background of this video. Purchase her books he…
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“You move away from reality when you believe there is a legitimate reason to suffer.” –Byron Katie
Okay, so I’ve been a bit blah this week, not really motivated to do much. I laid under my down comforter, read, called friends, worried about s
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“Only when we are at our most playful can Divinity finally get serious with us.”—Elizabeth Gilbert
Konnichiwa, my friends, which is Japanese for “How in the heck are you?”
I’m just back from the Land of the Rising Sun where I spent a glorious eight days with the founders of the Universal Share Project. We visited temples and shrines in Kyoto, went to Tokyo’s famous Robot Restaurant and raised the consciousness of the planet. If you don’t believe me, check out these videos.
Some of my readers even met me at the airport with hats made from my picture and a piñata-like device that poured out feathers and yellow butterflies. As I told someone at pickleball this morning, I sorta felt like the Beatles.
Per usual, I also heard lots of “You are never going to believe this” stories. In fact, Happy (how can you not love anyone named Happy?) said that one year before I arrived, she wrote down her intention that I would come to Japan. And when Happy decides something, step back, Jack! I just read her first book (translated into English just for me) which is living proof that the Law of Attraction works.
The book basically details her journey of using the power of her thoughts to become an author. When she started her blog in March 2014, she describes herself as an ordinary girl in her 30’s (although like all of us, she’s far from ordinary). She had a grand total of zero followers and little chance of securing a publishing deal.
Using nothing but her connection to the F.P. (the field of infinite potentiality), Happy was able, in a mere six months, to attract enough followers that her blog became the No#1 LOA blog in Japan. Needless to say, a publishing deal was inevitable. Last I heard, she’s writing book number three.
I’d also like to share a story about one of my translators, a beautiful soul named Hiromi. For a while, she was married to an American and lived in Arizona. During this time, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Instead of submitting to surgery, the recommendation by her Western doctor, she returned to Japan and began visualizing a healthy body. She held fast to her knowing that, in Truth, she was whole and perfect. Well, guess what?
Within a year, she was indeed…..all together now…whole and perfect. Her breast cancer vacated the premises.
And since it’s Friday, here’s a great video to inspire what is guaranteed to be the best weekend of your life.
Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and its equally-scintillating sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.
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“Like a sandcastle, all is temporary. Build it, tend it, enjoy it. And when the time comes let it go.”
— Jack Kornfield
Excerpted from the DVD “Money And The Law of Attraction” – a companion to the book of the same name. Available in a store near you, or directly from …
INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTS GO TO Jade has an indepth conversation with Dr. David Che, author of the …
Exclusive Videos Here: Instagram: infinitewaters Feel Alive by Ralph Smart. The New Book Now Available Below: …
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Can someone be too positive? There is a difference between being positive and living in a fantasy world. Some say, “Well, when you are experiencing a negative situation, it you’re positive, then it is fake. And if you really are positive and not being fake then you are avoiding and ignoring the experience because you […]
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Things are going really really good and then that little creeper comes into the mind that says, “Geez, I hope something bad isn’t going to happen.” Sigh… Where does that come from and why do so many expect the bad to come when they are on an up streak in life? It’s as if they […]
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Sometimes the direction to life can feel confusing and murky. We don’t know which way to turn and feel as if we have been waiting forever for life to change. When you come upon that thought and feeling, take a moment to look at how far you have come. Acknowledge your accomplishments of the past […]
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This is an amazing 4 hour video with 11 great interviews from some of the best teachers of the law of attraction, and much more. The teachers here in order (with …
Please visit my website ( and receive a 20% discount on all recordings and services on the website. When checking out put …
Thoughts are an important part of our inner wisdom. When you hold a thought long enough and repeat it often it becomes a belief. These affirmations will help …
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Positive thinking and positive energy. How to cultivate positive vibrations and energy.
I DO NOT OWN ANY COPYRIGHTS OF THIS CONTENT** I’m Uploading This Piece Of Content Because I Feel It Has Changed Me FOREVER Since I’ve Applied …
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Here’s a question from within the community that deserves your attention to do it justice.
It comes from a delightful young woman who’s manifested major success, but feels stuck now. What say you, wise ones?
I’ve recently recovered from anorexia and substance abuse, and have used the law of attraction to manif
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Part 1 here: Purchase Les Brown’s books here: Visit his website here: …
We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum P…
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Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth.”–
Martin H. Fischer
Hey sports fans! I’m heading to the Omega Institute this weekend and wanted to share a quick story before I go.
I mentioned in E-Cubed that E-Squared has gone from being a funny title on a little black book to being a verb. This is from a guy who says he “E-Squares” everything. It obviously works.
Take it away, David Knapp-Fisher!
“I’m an avid follower of your blog, and loved your books.; in fact, when referring to the F.P. my wife and I always talk about “E-squaring” this, and “E-squaring” that! Well, after reading your post about giving a TEDx Talk, I thought you’d be interested in my little experience…
“I live in Victoria, B.C. and I was accepted as a speaker at the TEDx Stanley Park event in Vancouver which was this past Saturday. Several months ago speakers began attending monthly rehearsals to hone our talks – and since I travelled a distance to be there I’d usually be in Vancouver a few hours early, so I’d hide in a Starbucks and write blog posts until rehearsal time.
“Last month was no different; and with the pressure of a looming deadline to perfect my speech, I wrote a post about how I’m dealing with the nervousness of it all… (sound familiar?) and here’s where E2 came in on a few occasions. I know you know what I mean!
“My first worry came the day before the event – I needed about $25 dollars in change for the myriad of busses and subways I’d need to take over the next 3 days, but was about $8 dollars short. I just “put it out there” and figured the universe would step in, and it would work out. Sure enough, on the Friday (which also happened to be the busiest travel day for me) I arrived in Vancouver to find out that – due to an earlier issue that inconvenienced transit riders – all buses and subways were FREE for the entire day! Woot! Woot! $15- saved already, and problem one out of the way! Thank you, F.P.!
“The next morning the day had arrived, and to be honest, I felt prepared, but still nervous… I mean after all, this is TEDx! I walked into a random shop to grab a coffee, and what was blaring over the speakers, other than “I Lived” by One Republic – the theme song I’d identified weeks earlier that was meant to help me sail through this experience; and hear it was, playing for me the morning of the event!
“And with that, a sense of calm came over me, and nervousness was squashed for the rest of the day.I aced the speech received a standing ovation, and have been riding a high ever since! Let’s chalk another success up for F.P.!
“Anyway, as much as I’ve always believed in the F.P. it’s pretty cool how during one of the most important days of my career, it showed up at all the right times to make sure everything went smoothly, and now I can look back on a seriously cool experience.
“We love, love, love “E-squarin” stuff all day long!
Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.
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The law attraction teaches that man is divine and because of this has a supernatural power. The ability to create reality using thought. But is this true? Where …
We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum P…
It’s ever so much more satisfying to get into a blissful place and attract a blissful person and live blissfully hereafter than to be in a negative place and attract a negative partner and then try to get happy from that negative place.
Excerpted from the workshop: Los Angeles, CA on February 02, 1997
Bob Proctor talks about the ultimate secret beyond the law of attraction and unveils the real cause of your past failures as he shows how to get everything you’ve …
Just look around, Tex. In your office, your neighborhood, down the street. You have 7 billion very special friends. (Add your thoughts below!)
Yet every single one of them have upcoming forks in the road of their life that will take them, at least temporarily, out of your sight and beyond your reach.
Although for now, they’re so incredibly near, you have so much in common, and they’re in your life because you love them and they love you.
Treasure every beautiful second.
Love, love – The Universe | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!
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It can be hard to ask for help, can’t it? Some think asking for help means that they are inferior in some way or that they are not a strong person because they have to ask for help. But truly, asking for help is a wonderful experience. You see, when you ask for help, you […]
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As a conscious creator, you might be familiar with this routine …
We get really inspired to use our creative powers on a super fun desire. We unleash all our best skills on this new goal – or maybe it’s just one little alignment process we engage.
Either way, good things are supposed to happen when we put our manifesting tools to work:
Instead, sometimes we experience the exact opposite: things get worse instead of better.
Law of attraction newbies might conclude either they’re doing it wrong or LOA is a bunch of hooey.
But that may not be the case (that you’re doing it wrong). It could be the exact opposite!
Many of us have experienced this, where it seems like our intentions “backfire” in the beginning.
What’s more likely happening, if we’ve engaged our alignment work effectively (in fact, especially if we’ve engaged alignment effectively), is that Universe has heard our new instruction and is responding appropriately. It’s clearing out what doesn’t match and making room for the new delivery.
If you’ve ordered up an amazing relationship, and your boyfriend breaks up with you, that just means he wasn’t up to speed with what your desire. If you say “big fat easy fun money” and you get fired, that just means Universe has a better way to deliver it. If you say “perfect home” and your offer isn’t accepted, that just means it wasn’t actually perfect.
We’d be smart to trust Universe’s process (after we’ve ensured we really truly are vibrating what we think we are).
It doesn’t mean law of attraction failed you. It doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong. Sometimes we just misinterpret what’s really unfolding.
Here’s a recent personal example:
In the past I’ve struggled with a very sucky “support” vibration. It’s been easy for me to think I have to do it myself; No one else is helping; They aren’t doing it right.
Obviously not a cool vibe to go through life with.
So with last month’s topic at GVU being focusing skills, I finally got serious about dialing up a new instruction on this subject. I plugged into a new and improved support vibe using a mantra where on the in-breath I thought, “I am in such good hands” and on the out-breath I repeated, “I get such good support.” Over and over with each breath, really feeling what it was to be well-supported and in good hands.
The first couple days I did it for several minutes at a time until I had a good foothold in the new energy. After that I just repeated it spontaneously throughout the day as inspired.
What happened next was good stuff: Russ scooped kitty litters for me! I didn’t even ask! (Woo hoo!)
Then I had a tech issue on a Sunday night and emailed support. I not only got a response within seconds, but it was from the owner of the company! On a Sunday night! And he worked the issue himself until it was resolved! I was impressed. My mantra was clearly working.
Two days later more stunning evidence of how well-supported I was unfolded. (This one was an unexpected and unsolicited refund of nearly a thousand dollars from a vendor I closed an account with.)
By now I’m thinking I’ve got this new vibe nailed and I even dare to hire a third virtual assistant for the business. Great things happening there, too.
And then (cue the gloom and doom music) …
My web host company decides to migrate servers, causing us major issues in the process. The blog is offline for an uncomfortably long while. When it comes back online, comments don’t work. (Hello! That’s the most important part of this blog!) Tech support isn’t responding well to my VA. (They’ve suspended their phone support, only using email now, and they’re taking over 24 hours to respond to an urgent request.)
Well, this isn’t at all what I’m used to, I think. Because I am in such good hands and I get such great service!
After reflecting on it briefly, I decide to stick to my story. I get great service – that’s a fact. I don’t know what’s going on with this other crap – that is not how I roll. I am well supported and everyone knows it.
Back in 3D world, two VAs recommend switching providers. Feels downstream to me. The vendor we hire turns out not to just offer more reliable service and better customer support, but also costs half as much!
And then it occurs to me …
The issues I had before weren’t something gone wrong. They were part of the successful manifestation.
The stuff that doesn’t match “good hands” and “great support” has to make its exit. It’s not a sign of failure on my alignment – quite the contrary. It’s evidence of just how well I dialed in.
I told Universe I am in great hands and get great support, so when it finds an element in my life that isn’t up to speed, it’s gonna get cleared out.
The important part for me is not to suspend my alignment when I’m looking at my misinterpreted “questionable” evidence. When the site went down I could have started grumbling the old grumbles I know all too well – “They aren’t doing it right,” “This isn’t working,” “No one’s helping.”
But to be able to maintain the alignment, even when things don’t look how we wanted, that’s how we let Universe do its best work of matching our instruction.
So when it seems like things are getting worse instead of better, remember that sometimes it works kind of like a detox … The process of cleaning up might also involve some clearing out, and that’s a good sign you’re doing it right.
* * * * * * * *</center
Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.
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Everyone has one in their life. Everyone has at least one person that comes from a negative point of view at some time in life. Maybe they are a family member, a co worker, or maybe someone who waits on you in a store. They tell you stories from a negative view or talk about […]
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“I try to be alert and available. I try to be available for life to happen to me.”—Bill Murray
Here’s another fun story that popped into my inbox this week from a fabulous guy named Roland who says his wife and four grown sons suspect he’s from another planet with all the miracles that come his way.
“I just finished your book E 2, great fun! In the back of it you said to share a story. Well, I’ve been enjoying these books and other’s stories for years and am frequently asked how long does it take to manifest? I’m sure you have heard that question.
“So, my answer is ” Be careful what you ask for.” I was talking to a friend on the phone while surfing Yacht World (it’s a magazine) and looking at sail boats. He suspected I was not totally present and asked what I was doing. I admitted that I was looking at yachts and wished that I owned a 38 (380) foot Catalina and could have it slipped in the San Francisco area with the freedom to fly out, cruise and just hang.
“Minutes later, I spotted a 38 foot and asked Gary to hold on while I checked it out. It was exactly what I envisioned and as I read on, the owner said he would be willing to trade for an inland boat (quite unusual) and that he would trade for a 32 Catalina which is exactly what I owned.
“I got off the call with Gary and called a Salt Lake city area code, no answer, so I left a message. Half an hour later I noticed the Salt Lake number on my phone and returned the call.
“I called a Denver prefix, are you in Denver?”
“Yes, are you in Salt Lake.”
“I live there, but I’m in Denver today on business.”
He asked to see the boat and I told him the boat was not in Denver but currently being stored about 50 miles north by the Estes Park exit.
He said, “I’m north also and very close to that exit.”
Now I’m thinking “No Way and this is getting a little weird.” I told him who to contact, check it out and if interested, call me back. He called back, said he loved it and wanted to trade! At this point less than an hour had gone by and I’m thinking,” WOW,” even the Universe can’t move that fast. (NOT)
At this point I was scrambling and trying to figure out how I might wiggle out of this; we had not talked about difference figures yet, so I figured that would be my way out. I offered a ridiculously low figure, and he said “Great when can we close the deal” I spent the rest of the afternoon ” Splanin” to the Universe “NOT SO FAST- I’M FAIRLY NEW AT THIS CREATION THING !!!”
Of course, it all worked out.
Thanks, Roland, for inspiring us all!!!
Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and
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