Friday, July 6, 2018

How To Change Your Life - Making BIG Life Changes Actually Stick

How To Change Your Life -- the insights you MUST know to create big, sustainable changes in your life. Without following these principles, you"re bound to be stuck and miserable forever.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books

Transcript at:

Hey, this is Leo for In this quick self-help segment, we are going to talk about how to change your life.

This is a deep passion of mine. That"s why I founded I wanted to help people change their lives because that"s the position that I was in five years ago.

I was struggling and trying to figure out how I could change my life and set it up and design it in such a way that I"m always happy and not dealing with all of this fear, anxiety, and negative emotions and that I"m out there and financially secure and have everything that I want in my life and just living an awesome and exciting life.

How do I get that? How do I go from this mediocre life that I have now to this supercharged life that I know I can have and that I see other people having and that I know I"m capable of getting into?

The problem for me was that I didn"t know the techniques or have any friends who had done that. I wondered if it was even possible. That was always on my mind.

Now, after I"ve made this journey of studying over $100,000 of personal development material and after making all of these radical changes in my life -- from starting a business, becoming financially independent, moving all across the country, improving my dating life dramatically, improving my fitness dramatically, losing a lot of weight and keeping it off, improving my mindsets, and getting myself to think more positively -- it"s shown me that it"s possible.

Right now, we live in an information era where there are information products that will help you change your life in any way that you want. They"re not overhyped. All of these changes are real and they"re actually possible.

The only question is whether or not you are going to work the program and go out there and take the question and decide that you want to do this. Are you going to shell out some money to buy the programs that you need or the books and get the help that you need? Are you going to go out there and capitalize on these opportunities?

I think that the most amazing thing is that people don"t realize that this is out there for them. Literally, right now, you can create and become whoever you want.

That doesn"t mean that you can fly to the moon, but it does mean that whatever career you want to master, you can do. Whatever kind of relationship you want, you can get it. Whatever kind of family life you want, you can get it. Whatever changes you want to make to your beliefs and to any past trauma that is holding you back, you can make all of those changes.

However good you want to make yourself feel, like proud, optimistic, or excited, you can do that. However much travel you want to do, you can do that. However much money you want to make, you can make.

All of this is available to you. The tools are actually available to you. You do have to go out there and look and you have to follow certain principles to do this successfully.

These are the principles of success. They"re also the principles of change because success, in a lot of ways, is how to make great changes and make sustainable changes.

What happens is that most of us are not lucky enough to be born successful and to be in the kinds of situations that we want to be in for our whole lives. We usually start off struggling. We don"t know where we"re going. We grow up in a negative environment with limiting beliefs and friends and family who are not supportive.

What happens is that we feel stuck and we feel like there can be something better. We don"t know that there are certain principles that can be followed. Changes are necessary. By the process of making changes, you create this exciting life.

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