Saturday, July 28, 2018

Issue 207 – Becoming 3D in a 2D World

Issue 207 – Becoming 3D in a 2D World

Absolutely use the technological tools that are available to you and THEN remember what it is about you that is 3D and then ask yourself this power question… And then DO IT! Connect, show your enthusiasm, engage, remember someone’s name and call them by it – the opportunities to show your 3D are endless so have FUN! Hi Kristen, thank u for all ur efforts in trying to educate me and other seekers of truth. May God continue to bless u and ur work for humanity. Please clarify this fior me: we humans live in a 3 dimensional world trying to move up to the 4th dimension. So what do u mean by being 2 dimensional at this stage of the human evolution? Are there some primitive human beings still living a 2 dimensional life style? Is that what u mean? Thanks! Hi Sylvester! I actually mean that we have started to only express in limited ways – we hide behind technology – we don’t engage with each other etc. So the 2D and 3D wasn’t meant in a literal sense, I was simp...
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