Sunday, December 31, 2017

law of attraction free coaching e-course and pdf book download

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Mindsets, Habits and Emotional States of Successful People – Science of Achievement – Tony Robbins

Abraham Hicks • Are you aware of your continuation after this life • Master Law of Attraction

Barbara Ehrenreich: How Positive Thinking Undermines America

Journalist Barbara Ehrenreich discusses her book "Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America," presented by ...

Tony Robbins: How to Build Your Winning Attitude (Tony Robbins 2017)

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Why isn"t awareness taught in schools? - Designing the Self - TLOA Event

Abraham Hicks , Success Depends On The Road To Your Manifestation!, Law Of Attraction

7 Powerful Law Of Attraction Habits That Attract More Money And Abundance in 2018 | The Secret

Law of Attraction Affirmations - Positive Affirmations for Wealth, Love and Success

The Unfailing Success System - Learn this! (Law Of Attraction) PT14

Download our YouAreCreators App for free!


You can purchase this wonderful Royalty- Free music here:

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

What Every Business Person Should Hear At Least Once!

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
►222 Prosperity Affirmations:
►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets:
►The Mind Of Money:

Download FREE Law Of Attraction books/Mp3"s here:

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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

Do Vision Boards Work?

Abraham Hicks♥NOADS♥Stop blocking Love♥Start doing this!

What You Focus On Grows In Your Life! (Law Of Attraction)

Narrated by: Purchase this book here: ...

COINCIDENCES and The Law Of Attraction #6

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The Secret Formula to Wealth - Create Money, Abundance, Law of Attraction, Subconscious Mind

Saturday, December 30, 2017

The Greatest Philosophy Book Ever Written!

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
►222 Prosperity Affirmations:
►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets:

★ Purchase YouAreCreators Posters and Sweatshirts here →
★ Download the YouAreCreators Manifestation Reminder on your app store now!

Download free Self-Help Mp3"s here:

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

The Most Powerful Letting Go Technique for MASTERING the Law of Attraction feat. Koi Fresco

Your soul is too beautiful to do anything but shine light and love.

For the full article go here

“At any moment, you are perfectly free to see the radiant beauty of the real world pervading all things.”—The Way of Mastery

In the interest of dismantling old paradigms, here are two stories I love:

When Pancho Ramos Stierle was getting his PhD in astrophysics at UC Berkeley, he was involved in a hunger strike to protest the university’s involvement in nuclear weapons.

After nine days, university muckety-mucks got tired of fasting students blocking walkways so they sent cops to break it up. Amid the melee, Pancho was brutally handcuffed and slammed into the pavement by a police officer who was much bigger than him.

I don’t know about you, but I’d have probably been a little miffed. At very least, I’d have been righteously indignant.

Pancho made a different choice. He looked the officer in the eye and said, “I know you’re just doing your job and I forgive you. I want you to know that I am not doing this for me. I am not doing this for you. I am doing it for your children and the children of your children.”

The officer was a bit befuddled.

Pancho asked him his name and said, “Brother, let me guess, I bet you like Mexican food.”

After an awkward pause, “Well, yeah.”

“I know this place in San Franciso that has the best carnitas and fajitas and quesadillas,” Pancho says. “How about after I get done with this and you get done with this, let’s get together and have lunch there?”

In other words, Pancho brought Truth into the story. We are all one and when appearances seem to defy this, it is our task to remember—there is no enemy. And we are all way too beautiful to be anything that perpetuates the old story of separation.

The other story I love is about a dancing principal who makes going to school loads of fun.

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.

This material was something I felt you would probably value.

The writer provides an interesting point of view on the subject that resonates with me and I wanted to share it with my followers.

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Is Everything Thought?

Universe"s greatest weakness

When someone is so "desperate" to have what they want to have, do what they want to do, or be who they want to be, Tex, that they"d rather take little, tiny, teensy steps in the direction of their dreams than face one more single day of doing without, I just can"t help but open the floodgates.

It"s perhaps my greatest weakness.

We bad,
    The Universe

The one thing every FAMOUS AUTHOR has in common, Tex, is that they ALL began their journeys when they were neither.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ®

Weather forecast, Tex: You"re the rainmaker! And you"re sittin" very pretty with your fabulous home overlooking the Pacific Ocean!

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You Can Do It! Positive Affirmations to Encourage You

Sonya Triggs-Wharton, Life Coach, Therapist (M.CMHC) - Ever need a quick pick-me-up? Or ever have days where your self-esteem or ...

Tony Robbins - How we make Choices | Tony Robbins Motivation

Why “what’s possible” is far more important than “what is”

For the full article or video go here:

“Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all is a form of planning.” ― Gloria Steinem

We have a choice. We can place our attention on “what is” or we can dream of what can be. By placing our attention on new possibilities, we animate a completely different future.

Here are the headlines I’m en

This material was something I sensed you would appreciate.

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Ask Believe Receive - formula explained

How Science Keeps You Stuck In Life - Exposing Problems With "Scientific" Thinking

How Science Keeps You Stuck - How people use science to protect their egos and as a result miss opportunities for personal development.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books

10 Signs Prosperity is Coming Your Way - Make More Money NOW!

Bob Proctor – Mind Over Money | SUCCESS VIBES (Motivational Music)

Law of Attraction - Money Isn"t Everything (Psychology of Life)

Law of Attraction - Money Isn"t Everything (Psychology of Life)

☯ Live Today With Passion is an educational organization founded in 2015. We are a small international team based in Norway, we started this website with the intention of inspiring like-minded people all over the world.

👉 Speakers: Alan Watts, Bob Marley, Will Smith
👉 We all make the same mistakes when it comes to money, thinking the more we earn, the happier we"ll be.

If you really want to buy yourself a more fulfilling life, it"s not how much money you earn that matters, but how you spend it.

Keep Fit, Flexible & Endurance: Physical Fitness Affirmations: Law Of Attraction Series

Use these affirmations whilst you"re training, at the gym, out walking or whilst losing weight. Directions: 1. Listen to the affirmation 2. Repeat the affirm...

Vegan Thanksgiving: How to Cook TOFURKY! | November Month of Gratitude | Leeor Alexandra

Keep Your Heart and Mind Open and Ready for Signs

Full Article Here

We are given signs all day long of what can be in our life but most of the time we are so busy or wrapped up in what we are doing that we miss the signs the Universe is wanting us to see. Signs can come in the most ordinary of moments; a penny on […]

This subject was something I believed you might enjoy.

The author offers an interesting perspective on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my readers.

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Louise Hay I Can Do It - The Power of Thoughts and Affirmations Louise Hay [Full Audiobook]

Louise Hay I Can Do It - The Power of Thoughts and Affirmations Louise Hay [Full Audiobook] Click here: Louise L. Hay is a ...

The Hidden Cause of a Negative Reality & How to CHANGE IT FOREVER! Law of Attraction

Simple, Free Facebook Strategy Works for Anyone

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="708"]Simple FB Strategy Works for Anyone Simple FB Strategy Works for Anyone[/caption]

Simple & Free Facebook Strategy Just Works - Message me for More Info

How To Stop Being Lazy - Solutions For Short-term & Long-term Laziness

How To Stop Being Lazy - The top reasons why you"re lazy and how to break out of short-term and long-term ruts.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books

Friday, December 29, 2017

Program Your Mind For Success (Law of Attraction) - Bob Proctor Bob Proctor on how to program your subconscious mind for success. Motivation, Inspiration, Success, Law Of Attraction, Abundance, Music, ...

The Secret of Mental Efficiency - 5 Steps to Master Your Conscious Energy - Law of Attraction

The secret of mental efficiency, combined with becoming a master of conscious energy, is the way in which to make great accomplishments in life. By finding out where these mental energies are stored, there is the potential to discover the conditions that determine their activity and master them with the 5 steps given here. All past experiences are conserved within us in the form of ideas, emotions, impulses and muscular activity and are stored in the subconscious mind as mental energy. This is the secret place within that determines perception of life and reality. Recalling the consciousness of a prior event brings with it all of the corresponding elements, which can serve a person, or cause them tremendous grief. Use these five steps to master your mental energies and concentrate your mind power in order to radiate success.

★★★ Purchase our new book "50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks to Hack Your Mind & Increase Your Manifestation Power" here: ➜ ★★★

Law of Attraction does not bring positive results without positive beliefs and positive patterns. These principles are the secret formula to follow if you wish to align with your desires the way countless others have. You are a limitless creator. Learn how to break free from self-imposed limitations and live the life you desire!

Please subscribe to our channel for more law of attraction and mastering your mind videos.

Purchase our best selling book here:
► Self-Maid - A maid-turned-doctor explains how to deliberately create your life using Universal Laws and the law of attraction →

For personal coaching:

More law of attraction and mind secret videos:

The Power of Goal Setting to Attract What You Want – Tony Robbins – law of attraction

The Eternal Creative Power of the Mind – Law of Attraction

2 Law of Attraction Exercises to Attract and Manifest Love & Relationships

10 Great Powers that Attract Success – Jim Rohn (law of attraction)

Oneness With the Infinite Spirit of Life & Matter – The Universal Religion

You Become What You Think About – Wayne Dyer (law of attraction)

How to Instantly Access the Vibration of Abundance – Law of Attraction Exercise

The Awakening of the Self – Discovering a More Personal Relationship With Reality & Consciousness

10 Laws of Abundance – The Little Money Bible – Stuart Wilde – Law of Attraction

I Am Imagination Called Reality – Neville Goddard – The Secret of Imagination (law of attraction)

The Law of Prosperity – Align With What is Yours By Divine Right

How to Create A Belief That Aligns With Your Intention – Law of Attraction

6 Steps to Success – Jack Canfield – Law of Attraction

The Mental Universe – All is Mind (law of attraction)

7 Steps to Mastering Manifestation – Law of Attraction

The Silent Power of Thought – Controlling & Directing One’s Forces (law of attraction)

Law of Attraction | mind | secret | powerful | key | success | life | training | coach | personal | business | speaker | development | inspiration | motivation | public speaking | leadership | marketing | management | coaching (industry) | sales | motivational | positive | entrepreneur | seminar | inspirational | new | 2016

Relationships Attraction: What is Your Dominant Vibration?

AutoSuggestion & The Subconscious Mind (Law Of Attraction)

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
►222 Prosperity Affirmations:
►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets:
►The Mind Of Money:

Download FREE Law Of Attraction books/Mp3"s here:

★ Purchase YouAreCreators Posters and Sweatshirts here →
★ Download the YouAreCreators Manifestation Reminder on your app store now!

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...


How To Create Reality Using Mind Powers (Law Of Attraction)

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★ The Little Book of Successful Secrets →

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An extract from John Kehoe"s "Mind Power" program. You can purchase it from his website

Use The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is not something that is new – despite the new popularity recent books and movies. Actually, the Law of Attraction has existed and documented for over a century. Now learn to use it,.

Go Forward with Confidence

For the full article or video go here:

Go forward with confidence my friend. Go forward in thought in the direction of your dreams. As you go about your day keep gratitude upfront in your mind and heart. When you think of your dreams, let go of any thought that they won’t happen and just say ‘thank you’ to the Universe for taking […]

This subject matter was something I perceived you would probably appreciate.

The writer possesses an intriguing point of view on the topic that resonates with me and I wished to discuss it with my viewers.

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Neville Goddard | Manifest Your Reality Through Mental Conversation | new video 2016 | loa

The Law of Attraction and Relationships LIVE INTERVIEW

The Power Of I-AM (Chapter 4) - The 2 Most Powerful Words!

Purchase the Official "The Power of I Am" paperback here: We (YouAreCreators) created ...

The AFTERLIFE Meditation ~ Visit Passed Loved Ones

Episode #96 Law of Attraction Coaches and Trainers - Why and How Your Handouts Will Help You and...

Upcoming and previous Episodes: Michael"s NLP & Law of Attraction Community http://www.

FREE 4-Minute Meditation For Ease & Alignment

Life is a mural that you create

"Life is a mural that you create. Every action you take is another brush stroke. Make yours beautiful."
— Anthony Gucciardi

Life is a mural that you create

Abraham Hicks 2016: Co-creating with the croaked | 2016-09-03 Mediterranean Cruise

Abraham Hicks FUNNY Moments Compilation (New) Will Put You Right in the Vortex!

Affirmations For Money, ★ Make Money & Become Super Wealthy ★, Millionaire Mindset. 12Hours


Abraham Hicks ~z~ How to become Solution Oriented

Bob Proctor on Forgiveness

You Were Born to Win! Taking Risks in Order to Be Successful - Les Brown (motivational)

You were born to win! Successful people take risks and go outside of their comfort zone to achieve results. Repeating the same habits will always give the same results. Les Brown"s motivational delivery of this speech offers inspiration to make any necessary changes in a fun and light-hearted manner. His knowledge of the science of achievement coaches persons in understanding what it takes to be successful.

★ 50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks to Hack Your Mind & Increase Your Manifestation Power ➜

Law of Attraction does not bring positive results without positive beliefs and positive patterns. These principles are the secret formula to follow if you wish to align with your desires the way countless others have. You are a limitless creator. Learn how to break free from self-imposed limitations and live the life you desire!

Les Brown is one of the world’s most renowned motivational speakers. He has a dynamic personality and is a highly-sought-after resource in business and professional circles for Fortune 500 CEOs, small business owners, non-profit and community leaders from all sectors of society looking to expand opportunity. For three decades he has not only studied the science of achievement, he’s mastered it by interviewing hundreds of successful business leaders and collaborating with them in the boardroom translating theory into bottom-line results for his clients. You can visit his website @

All audio content belongs to their original creators / owners. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, research and parody. Please notify us by email @ if there is a copyright concern.

Please subscribe to our channel for more law of attraction and mastering your mind videos.

Purchase our best selling book here:
► Self-Maid - A maid-turned-doctor explains how to deliberately create your life using Universal Laws and the law of attraction →

For personal coaching:

More law of attraction and mind secret videos:

Man’s Power to Control the Mind, Body and Circumstances - law of attraction

In Tune With the Infinite – Conscious Realization of the True Self (law of attraction)

Prosperity Paradigm Formula – 11 Steps to Create Your Reality

Mind in Action – How to Make Prosperous Mental Deposits – Ernest Holmes – Law of Attraction

The Miracle of Your Mind – Exercising Your Power (loa) Earl Nightingale

Your Invisible Power – How to Attract to Yourself the Things You Desire (law of attraction)

The Science of Self Control – 5 Steps to Mastering Your Mind & Your Destiny

The Secret Self That Creates All Things – Understanding Your Power – Law of Attraction

Thought Vibration - The Law of Attraction in the Thought World – (Thought Waves & Mind Building) Chapters 1-4

Thought Vibration –The Law of Attraction in the Thought World (The Secret of the Will & Mental Control) Chapters 5-8

Thought Vibration – The Law of Attraction in the Thought World (Life Force and Training the Mind) Chapters 9-12

Thought Vibration – The Law of Attraction in the Thought World (The Attractive Power) Chapters 13-16

Replacing Outdated Models of Reality That Hold You Back (loa)

How To Raise Your Frequency to Manifest Your Desires + 1 Life Changing Exercise! (law of attraction)

9 Celebrities That Prove Using the Law of Attraction Works

Law of Attraction | mind | secret | powerful | key | success | life | training | coach | personal | business | speaker | development | inspiration | motivation | public speaking | leadership | marketing | management | coaching (industry) | sales | motivational | positive | entrepreneur | seminar | inspirational | new | 2016

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Millionaire mindset subliminal program

Perfect ten? What’s in YOUR wallet? Or rather your mind.

For the full article or video go here:

“Life is such an amazing, beautiful, joy ride of adventure!”–Bridget Hieronymous

I went to a workshop last weekend, given by my new friend, MK Mueller. She’s a trainer, author and creator of the 8 to Great program that she has shared with everyone from Fortune 500 execs to residents of homeless shelters.

She’s an amazing woman who developed these eig

This subject matter was something I sensed you might probably value.

The blogger provides an interesting viewpoint on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to discuss it with my subscribers.

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Tibetan meditation Music: "Journey to Inner Peace", buddhist meditation music, relax music 19T

Sonicaid - Music for the Mind, Happiness

1. Waves of Happiness 2. Drifting Free 3. Watching the World Go By 4. A Playful Breeze 5. Surfing the Clouds 6. Simply Perfect 7. Home 8. Go With the Flow 9....

The Magic Rhonda Byrne Day 13 | Make All Your Wishes Come True

el elefante encadenado

(15 min.) Financial Abundance Meditation - Abraham Hicks

When the time comes let it go

"Like a sandcastle, all is temporary. Build it, tend it, enjoy it. And when the time comes let it go."
— Jack Kornfield

When the time comes let it go

The Law Of Attraction And Conscious Creation - From SeeLawOfAttractionTV

The Unfailing Success System - Learn this! (Law Of Attraction) PT8

Download our YouAreCreators App for free!


You can purchase this wonderful Royalty- Free music here:

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

Inspirational Quotes * Uplifting Affirmations * Raise Your Vibration* Create Your Reality

A Rant Against Morality - Very Foundational

Morality - How your model of morality is actually limiting your psychological development and holding your back from True moral behavior.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books Forum

Contribute subtitles & translations for any video, watch how:

Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. You are responsible for any damage you cause while applying this information.

The Law of Attraction: Why are there TIME DELAYS?

Tony Robbins What They Seldom Teach You in School - Massive Action!

Take Massive Action. Get 200% Success here Get MOJO straight to your inbox! Subscribe now it"s free!

Soul Mate Manifestation Success Story

The only person...

flowers3The only person who should ever have to live by your standards, Tex, is you.

Let everyone else off the hook. Besides, it"s doubtful they"ve lived as much, dreamt as big, or will ever have your savoir faire.

The Universe | | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!

An Inspirational Video - Be Unsinkable

Endings are also beginnings

"All endings are also beginnings. We just don"t know it at the time."
— Mitch Albom

Endings are also beginnings

Abraham Hicks 2017 Writing As A Method Of Manifestation , NO Ads During , Law Of Attraction

How to Become a Money Magnet! LAW OF ATTRACTION

How To Change The World - What It Takes To Have Massive Social Impact

How To Change The World - Learn what it really takes to start having a big impact on the world. Changing the world starts with changing yourself.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books

Why Only 3% Succeed and 97% Fail

Mark Passio"s Natural Law Seminar / Natural Law the REAL Law of Attraction 1 of 3 (morning)

On October 19th, 2013 Mark Passio presented his seminar "Natural Law: The REAL Law of Attraction" at the Yale Omni, organized by Arthur Capozzi ...

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Episode #24 Know someone with PTSD? Certified Emotion Code Bros can help

Morning Wake-up - Guided Positive Affirmations

Start your morning with confidence as we affirm that your life can change, that wonderful things can happen, and that you deserve them, because you are ...

UFC fighter James Krause Talks “The Law Of Attraction” PT1

Africa Music (Positive thinking)

Learn How to Use Law of Attraction for Relationships

YouAreCreators Podcast Episode Intro: Our First Manifestation /Affirmations Tips

MANIFEST YOUR GOALS – The Magic Of Goal Setting (Law of Attraction)


Motivation Hypnotherapy Session -Part 1 (Train your Subconscious Mind!)

To download this for FREE, click here!

Visit our website : the largest free Law of attraction & self help library on the web!
Also view our forum, we would love to hear your personal story.

Follow me on Twitter: @YouAreCreators

This wonderful exercise is for the sole purpose of training your Subconscious Mind for success and positive encounters .

If you would like a FREE Mp3 copy of this video, go to
Subscribe (To The Website) to receive FREE Mp3 download!

Law of Attraction - How to make it work - Audio Part 2

LOA Youtube

Proctor Gallagher Consultant Program

**Join our Consultant Program: **
The Proctor Gallagher Consultant Certification is an ongoing training designed to teach you not only how to facilitate this information, but how to launch and run a successful business. Join Bob Proctor, Sandy Gallagher and their team as you apply these principles to your own life and also create a business teaching others to do the same. Sign up here:

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Law of Attraction - Attract any man - Theta

Law of Attraction – The Value of Trust (Psychology)

Astonishing Law of Attraction Advice That Will Change Your Life!! - JACK CANFIELD (The Secret)

Good IS natural!

wavesrocksThe premise that so many people come from is that good isn"t natural; good must be demanded or manipulated or orchestrated.

And we say, good IS natural!

It must be asked for, and it must be expected — but Good is the only Stream that flows.

---Abraham--- | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!

Excerpted from the workshop: Tarrytown, NY on May 15, 1999


Rob Dyrdek - How To Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

Serial entrepreneur Rob Dyrdek shares some advice on how to turn your dreams into reality.

Lewis Howes -

♫ FREE Motivational Mixtape "SUCCESS VIBES" →

► Download 2 FREE Audiobooks on Audible →

★ The Little Book of Successful Secrets →

✯ VYBO Apparel - Clothing For The Inspired →

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VYBO is dedicated to inspiring and empowering you to become the greatest version of yourself.

Keywords: Motivation, Inspiration, Success, Law Of Attraction, Abundance, Money, Wealth, Greatness, Visualization, Rob Dyrdek, Entrepreneur

Law of attraction money creation - free give away (fb live copy)

Find your peace

"Ego says, "Once everything falls into place, I"ll feel peace." Spirit says, "Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place.""
— Marianne Williamson

Source: SimpleReminder

What I Learned From My 30 Day Video Challenge | 30 Day Video Challenge 30/30

Sign up: Fourth Dimensional Leadership 2017

Law of Attraction & Manifesting Money 2014 | How to Attract Money through the Law of Attraction

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The SURE WAY Of Attracting Prosperity! (Law Of Attraction)

Choose and the Universe will follow your thoughts! Abraham Hicks 2017 No Ads, Law Of Attraction

Bob Proctor Talks About Outliers


Positive Affirmations for Mothers & Fathers - Parents fulfil a vitally important role in our world, raising our future generations, guardians to all the little ...

You Become What You Think About - The Power of Contemplation - Wayne Dyer (law of attraction)

You become what you think about. Wayne Dyer discusses the power of staying focused on what you know you"re going to manifest and attract. As a person who lived his life demonstrating this power to create desires, he states that there are no limits to what a person can bring into their life. Through contemplation and positive belief, we can each manifest, attract and create whatever we want.

Dr. Wayne Dyer was an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth. Over the four decades of his career, he wrote more than 40 books, including 21 New York Times bestsellers. He created many audio and video programs, and appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. You can visit his website here:

★50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks to Hack Your Mind & Increase Your Manifestation Power ➜

Law of Attraction does not bring positive results without positive beliefs and positive patterns. These principles are the secret formula to follow if you wish to align with your desires the way countless others have. You are a limitless creator. Learn how to break free from self-imposed limitations and live the life you desire!

All audio content belongs to their original creators / owners. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, research and parody. Please notify us by email @ if there is a copyright concern.

Please subscribe to our channel for more law of attraction and mastering your mind videos.

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► Self-Maid - A maid-turned-doctor explains how to deliberately create your life using Universal Laws and the law of attraction →

For personal coaching:

More law of attraction and mind secret videos:

How to Instantly Access the Vibration of Abundance – Law of Attraction Exercise

The Awakening of the Self – Discovering a More Personal Relationship With Reality & Consciousness

10 Laws of Abundance – The Little Money Bible – Stuart Wilde – Law of Attraction

I Am Imagination Called Reality – Neville Goddard – The Secret of Imagination (law of attraction)

The Law of Prosperity – Align With What is Yours By Divine Right

How to Create A Belief That Aligns With Your Intention – Law of Attraction

6 Steps to Success – Jack Canfield – Law of Attraction

The Mental Universe – All is Mind (law of attraction)

7 Steps to Mastering Manifestation – Law of Attraction

The Silent Power of Thought – Controlling & Directing One’s Forces (law of attraction)

5 Ways to Develop A Successful State of Being – Tony Robbins – Science of Achievement

The Spiritual Power of Belief – Ernest Holmes

Law of Attraction Meditation - Speed Up Manifestations (New!)

Recognizing the God Within You – You Are A Temple of God – Law of Attraction

6 Law of Attraction Exercises to Increase Your Manifestation Power

Life is a Perfect Reflection of Your True Beliefs – Law of Attraction

The Magical Power of Thought Currents – Thoughts Are Things – Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction | mind | secret | powerful | key | success | life | training | coach | personal | business | speaker | development | inspiration | motivation | public speaking | leadership | marketing | management | coaching (industry) | sales | motivational | positive | entrepreneur | seminar | inspirational | new | 2016

The Power of Thought & Laws of The Universe!- (Law Of Attraction)

You can purchase/listen to the full version of this video at - (I LOVE THIS WEBSITE!) They have over 474 Audio Lectures ...

The Law Of Attraction Explained - Make it Happen Manifest The Law Of Attraction

Bob Proctor Takes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Your work is to go forth into this physical environment looking for things that are a vibrational match to joy

sunsetYour work is to go forth into this physical environment looking for things that are a vibrational match to joy, connecting to Source Energy, and then following with the inspired action.


Excerpted from: Virginia Beach, VA on April 12, 1997
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)


Upcoming Abraham Workshops


Chicago, IL - September 26
Westchester, NY - October 3

Boston, MA - October 10
Atlanta, GA - November 14


To register for a workshop or see the complete workshop list, click here.

Abraham-Hicks: Are There Not Malevolent Non-Physical Entities?

It seems like you really want different things...

windblowntreeIt seems like you really want different things, or are even choosing different paths. But when you both tend to your Emotional Journey, the Universe will cleverly give you both exactly what you want… When you tend to the Emotional Journey, this Universe has the resources and the cleverness to orchestrate for each of you what you exactly want even when you think they are opposites one from another. It"s great fun to watch. ---Abraham | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!

Law Of Attraction: Manifest Anything You Truly Want Using 7 Simple Steps

Creating New Thought Habits with Concentration - law of attraction

Habit forming by concentration allows the will, or conscious mind, to be in charge of the brain, or subconscious patterning. An obedient brain opens a person to tremendous possibilities because the character of each individual is the total result of habits of thought. Through conscious reasoning, there is the ability to form new habits within our minds, and therefore our outer conditions. When new habits are formed, the results often seem like a miracle. Desired transformations become possible and the new reality. We each have the choice of making conscious habits, or allowing unwanted unconscious habits to run on auto-pilot. Forcing the brain to repeat the same desired action again and again establishes new, automatic subconscious patterns that create and attract a life truly wanted.

★★★ Purchase our new book "50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks to Hack Your Mind & Increase Your Manifestation Power" here: ➜ ★★★

Law of Attraction does not bring positive results without positive beliefs and positive patterns. These principles are the secret formula to follow if you wish to align with your desires the way countless others have. You are a limitless creator. Learn how to break free from self-imposed limitations and live the life you desire!

Please subscribe to our channel for more law of attraction and mastering your mind videos.

Purchase our best selling book here:
► Self-Maid - A maid-turned-doctor explains how to deliberately create your life using Universal Laws and the law of attraction →

For personal coaching:

More law of attraction and mind secret videos:

Mind is the Creator of Conditions – law of attraction

Break the Addiction to Negative Thoughts & Emotions to Create What You Want – Dr. Joe Dispenza (loa)

The Magic of Believing – How to Tap the Power of Belief – Claude Bristol (law of attraction)

The Secret of Mental Efficiency – 5 Steps to Master Your Conscious Energy – Law of Attraction

The Power of Goal Setting to Attract What You Want – Tony Robbins – law of attraction

The Eternal Creative Power of the Mind – Law of Attraction

2 Law of Attraction Exercises to Attract and Manifest Love & Relationships

10 Great Powers that Attract Success – Jim Rohn (law of attraction)

Oneness With the Infinite Spirit of Life & Matter – The Universal Religion

You Become What You Think About – Wayne Dyer (law of attraction)

How to Instantly Access the Vibration of Abundance – Law of Attraction Exercise

The Awakening of the Self – Discovering a More Personal Relationship With Reality & Consciousness

10 Laws of Abundance – The Little Money Bible – Stuart Wilde – Law of Attraction

I Am Imagination Called Reality – Neville Goddard – The Secret of Imagination (law of attraction)

The Law of Prosperity – Align With What is Yours By Divine Right

Law of Attraction | mind | secret | powerful | key | success | life | training | coach | personal | business | speaker | development | inspiration | motivation | public speaking | leadership | marketing | management | coaching (industry) | sales | motivational | positive | entrepreneur | seminar | inspirational | new | 2016

If you are encouraging children to do all that they can do...

mtnpassParents don"t want their children to make the wrong decisions, so they don"t allow them to make the decision.

And then the child becomes dependent, and then the parent resents that, and it gets off into a blameful thing early on.

If you are encouraging children to do all that they can do — and not squelching the natural eagerness that is within them, so that they can shine and thrive and show you and themselves how good they are at adapting to physical experience — then everyone wins.

---Abraham--- | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!

Excerpted from the workshop: Dallas, TX on March 13, 1999

What is the Law of Attraction? How to use the Law of Attraction? - Free Law of Attraction Course

How To Manifest Anything! -Very Powerful Tool! (Law Of Attraction)

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
►222 Prosperity Affirmations:
►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets:
►The Mind Of Money:

Download FREE Law Of Attraction books/Mp3"s here:

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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...


Ester Hicks channeling Abraham on The Secret


How To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight - The Psychology of Weight Loss Success

How To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight -- The mindsets you need to lose weight and keep it off forever. No gimmicks here.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books

Monday, December 25, 2017

How to Become Rich | Secrets of Wealth Creation

Abraham Hicks New 2016 - Releasing Resistance - A Skeptic Tries To Understand Law of Attraction

★50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks to Hack Your Mind & Increase Your Manifestation Power ➜

*All Abraham Hicks audio materials are copyrighted by Esther Hicks and are being shared using their USE OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL GUIDELINES:
For additional information on Abraham Hicks or Esther Hicks, visit their website at

Purchase our best selling book here:
► Self-Maid - A maid-turned-doctor explains how to create your life using Universal Laws and the law of attraction →

For personal coaching:

More Abraham Hicks Videos - law of attraction:

Abraham Hicks New 2016 – How To Help Children Balance Their Vibration

Abraham Hicks New 2016 – If You Want A Good Relationship, Tend To The One With Your Vortex First

AbrahamHicks (New) – Stop Trying To Figure It Out & Let The Vortex Do It For You

Abraham-Hicks (2016) – Make The High Flying Disc Your Dominant Vibration

Enjoy more New 2016 Abraham Hicks and law of attraction videos by subscribing to our channel!

Abraham | hicks| New | 2016

Abraham Hicks • Is there value in other peoples opinions • Master Law of Attraction

Relaxing Music With Inspirational Quotes | 15 The Most Beautiful Love Quotes

Relaxing Music With Inspirational Quotes | 15 The Most Beautiful Love Quotes

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☯ Live Today With Passion is an educational organization founded in 2015 by Nicholas & Anthony. We are a small international team based in Norway, we started this website with the intention of inspiring like minded people all over the world.

☯ We absolutely LOVE life changing quotes, if you read these quotes every morning for the next 30 days, we promise you, you’ll see unbelievable changes in your life .

☯ We will publish a new video every single day so please don"t forget to subscribe our Youtube Channel . WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTES? Leave a comment below, and sure that will be our next video.

Mel Robbins: Stop Thinking, Start Living (Best Motivational Video 2017)

The Science of Self Control – 5 Steps to Mastering Your Mind & Your Destiny (law of attraction)

Can awareness be paralyzing? - Designing the Self - TLOA Event

The Secret:Positive Thinking & Bring abundance to your life!

Law of Attraction Guide Ebook- a step by step on how to apply the law

Abraham Hicks 2017, Tuning Into The Image Of Your Desire NEW, Law Of Attraction

Develop Positive Thinking

Develop Positive Thinking Holistic Healing Library ℗ 2013 Holistic Healing Library Released on: 2013-09-17 Auto-generated by YouTube.

6 Powerful Law Of Attraction Habits That Will Change Your Life In 2018 | The Secret

The Power Of I-AM (Chapter 6) - The 2 Most Powerful Words!

Purchase the Official "The Power of I Am" paperback here:

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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret... Purchase my Best-Selling book for even more insight

Millionaire Affirmations - Millionaire Mindset by T Harv Eker, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

How to Use "The Law of Attraction" For A Positive Life!

Tony Robbins: How To Stay Hungry & Driven

Tony Robbins says that the number one character trait of all successful over-achievers is hunger. Staying hungry for growth and change is what allows these people to maintain such high levels of drive to progress in all areas of their lives.

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VYBO is dedicated to inspiring and empowering you to become the greatest version of yourself.

Keywords: Motivation, Inspiration, Success, Law Of Attraction, Abundance, Money, Wealth, Greatness, Visualization, Tony Robbins

Abraham Hicks♥NOADS♥Don"t lose your momentum by saying this.

Get out into the sunlight — out where everything is

sunswirlGet out into the sunlight — out where everything is — with a vibration that is so dominant that those who annoy you; those who don"t agree with you; those who make your life feel uncomfortable don"t come into your experience, because your vibration — through your practice — has become so clear, so pure, so clean, so in keeping with what you want, that the world that revolves around you just feels like that. That"s what you planned.
---Abraham ( | Thoughts Become Things

Add Your Thoughts Below...

Abraham Hicks - Law Of Attraction Clarity #7

REALISTIC POSITIVE THINKING by Sandeep Maheshwari (in Hindi)

"Positive Thinking is not about expecting the best to happen. It"s about accepting that whatever happens, happens for the best." - Sandeep Maheshwari Sandeep ...

How To Become Great. Law of Attraction, Money Magnet, Subconscious Mind Power

A lesson on the Impression of Increase from Bob Proctor

Hold a thought for 17 Sec and it starts to Manifest! ~ Law of Attraction

*The Thumbnail image belongs to Photographer David Neff. View his Galleries here:

Abraham says the average person rarely finishes a single sentence without contradicting their energy, as in "I want a new car, but it is too expensive." So they say most of us haven"t had much experience with ever feeling the combustion of thought that comes from 17+ seconds of pure thought.

In talking about the leverage of 17+17+17+17=68 seconds of pure thought, Abraham offers the following information:

17 seconds is worth 2,000 man-hours (about a year at 40 hours per week of action taken) 34 seconds is worth 20,000 man-hours (or about 10 years...) 51 seconds is worth 200,000 man-hours (or about 100 years...) 68 seconds is worth 2,000,000 man-hours (or about 1000 years...)

That"s two MILLION man-hours (or woman hours!) If we can learn to offer pure thought energy for 68 seconds at a time, action becomes INCONSEQUENTIAL! We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to you. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others has testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

Our past is a story existing only in our minds...


Our past is a story existing only in our minds.
Look, analyze, understand, and forgive.
Then as quickly as possible, chuck it.
~ Marianne Williamson ~

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Why Desire is BLOCKING the Law of Attraction (Do This Instead)

RUMI - Only That Breath

RUMI - Rumi"s Poetry - Poems by Rumi - Only That Breath

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☯ Live Today With Passion is an educational organization founded in 2015 by Nicholas & Anthony. We are a small international team based in Norway, we started this website with the intention of inspiring like minded people all over the world.

☯ We absolutely LOVE life changing quotes, if you read these quotes every morning for the next 30 days, we promise you, you’ll see unbelievable changes in your life .

☯ We will publish a new video every single day so please don"t forget to subscribe our Youtube Channel . WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? Leave a comment below, and sure that will be our next video.
♪♬ Voice-over : Martin

RUMI _ Only That Breath

Not Christian or Jew or Muslim,
not Hindu, Buddhist,
Sufi, or Zen.
Not any religion or cultural system.

I am not from the east or the west,
not out of the ocean or up from the ground,

not natural or ethereal,
not composed of elements at all.

I do not exist,
I am not an entity in this world or the next,
did not descend from Adam and Eve
or any origin story.

My place is the place-less,
a trace of the trace-less.

Neither body or soul.
I belong to the beloved,
have seen the two worlds as one
and that one call to and know,

only that breath
breathing human being.
RUMI - Rumi"s Poetry - Poems by Rumi - Only That Breath
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Preparing For What You Want

How I Used Law of Attraction To Get Money: $3000 Manifested In Three Days With Three Simple Steps

Simple and very powerful technique to manifest money or anything in your life, using the Focus Wheel as presented by Abraham-Hicks Thank you to so many of ...

Success or Failure: It"s Your Choice

Thumbnail for 4727

Tony Robbins - I Must Not Fear | Tony Robbins Motivation

Develop Your Imagination

Law of Attraction and Taking Action

Positive Affirmations meditation session to increase positive thinking and attitude Enjoy these positive affirmations as you take some time for yourself and relax. Positive affirmations can help focus your mind on ...

You have 7 billion very special friends...

earthroatationJust look around, Tex. In your office, your neighborhood, down the street. You have 7 billion very special friends.   (Add your thoughts below!)

Yet every single one of them have upcoming forks in the road of their life that will take them, at least temporarily, out of your sight and beyond your reach.

Although for now, they"re so incredibly near, you have so much in common, and they"re in your life because you love them and they love you.

Treasure every beautiful second.

Love, love - The Universe  | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!

Questions I Never Answered

Proctor Gallagher Students Host a Webinar on Paradigm Shifts

**For more visit our website: **
You"re all invited for an inside look at Paradigms from 3 of Bob and Sandy"s closest students.

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Feminine vs Masculine Compassion

Compassion -- A distinction between two forms of compassion that you probably never knew existed, and how compassion works.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books

Focus On Yourself And Not Others (One of the Best Speeches Ever)

New beginnings

"Every ending is creating the space and opening for an amazing new beginning."
— Bryant McGill

New beginnings


How To Become Rich – The Number One Reason You’re Not Already Rich

Thumbnail for 5615

Bob Proctor Makes a Powerful Suggestion

**For more visit our website: **
Stay Strong. Stay Positive. That"s a powerful suggestion, and suggestion is the most powerful force there is. What are you suggesting into your own life? Dream big!

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Saturday, December 23, 2017

QSCA Christy Whitman: My Edited Video

The Law Of Non Resistance - Law Of Attraction

Learn The Secrets To Money & Success :

Law of Attraction Coach: Winning the Dating Game

ASMR Minecraft [Binaural 3D] #22 Positive Affirmations & Motivation (HD Resource Pack & Shaders)

ASMR Minecraft is back with the most tingly triggers and the most beautiful graphics you will find anywhere! Featuring the very best shader packs, texture packs, ...


Kanye West – Believe In Yourself (Law Of Attraction)

Nothing Is Stopping You – Floyd “Money” Mayweather

You Were Born Rich – DVD 3 (part 2)

Interview with Greg Kuhn, Grow a Greater You

Episode #78 Viewer Q&A Show - Law of Attraction with Michael Losier

It"s time to hear from you again. Below the live video you can leave your questions in advance or during the live show. Michael"s panelist will read the ques...

How To Live Life Without Limits! -Law Of Attraction- (Powerful!)

Purchase this book here:

Visit the authors website here:

Visit Michael of who created the beautiful relaxing music used in the background of this video.

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to you. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others has testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

You Can"t Have a Happy Life Without This

Louise L Hay AudioBook Full ~ I CAN DO IT ~ Law Of Attraction

Louise L.Hay - I Can Do It The Power of Thoughts and Affirmations Louise Hay Full Audiobook Louise L. Hay is a bestselling author, speaker and inspirational ...

I told you everything was lining up for you

See, Tex?

quaserI told you everything was lining up for you; that the right people were headed your way; that the right things would be said;

that you"d become a total love magnet; and that very little of this would be apparent as it was unfolding, yet in hindsight you"d see the stunning perfection.

It"s just that right now, you"re mostly in the unfolding part.

All is according to plan -
The Universe | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!

Abraham Hicks 2016: An appreciative cruise closing | 2016-09-03 Mediterranean Cruise

A lesson on the Impression of Increase from Bob Proctor

Attract Good luck & Money Sleep Affirmations, Binaural Beats, Money Meditation.

How To Control Anger - The Shocking Truth Behind Your Anger Problems

How To Control Anger - Handle your anger once and for all by understanding its root cause, and using these techniques.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books

Full Video Transcript Here:

Video Summary:
We get angry when someone or something violates our standards, even though we may be the only one who knows what the standard is. People who are angry are operating at a low level of consciousness. Almost nothing out in the world can justify an angry outburst -- the problem is on the inside, not with the world.

Giving in to your anger doesn"t reduce or purge it, but actually reinforces it, forming a bad habit.

Sometimes you can talk yourself out of the anger for the minute. Remember that the person you"re judging so harshly never agreed to abide by your standards. Can you accept that their value system may be different than yours? Ask yourself if you"ve ever done the same thing that you"re now judging so harshly. Think of some possible scenarios why they may have done it.

Your anger arises from the disintegration of part of yourself. Your anger is caused by repressing or denying something within you. Your ego can"t deal with the contradiction of the standard you wish to enforce, when you can"t uphold it yourself. So you project blame onto someone who exhibits the same behavior. Once you realize what shortcoming is making your so judgmental and angry, you can work to change it.

Abraham Hicks ~z~ God Works in Mysterious Ways

Start living your dreams this week, to any degree we can...

beachHey, Tex, what if, instead of waiting for everything to be perfect, we start living your dreams this week, to any degree we can?

The Universe | | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!

Millionaire mindset subliminal program #2

How Mastering Awareness Can Reinvent Your Reality (law of attraction)

Friday, December 22, 2017


Les Brown on how to keep yourself motivated and be successful at the highest level.

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VYBO is dedicated to inspiring and empowering you to become the greatest version of yourself.

Keywords: Motivation, Inspiration, Success, Law Of Attraction, Abundance, Money, Wealth, Greatness, Visualization, Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Les Brown

The Magic Rhonda Byrne Day 12 | Magical People Who Made a Difference

Why The Rich Get Richer & How To Vibrate With Wealth! (Law Of Attraction)

How to Change Your Story with Scripting

Lifestyle Minimalism – Renouncing Your Busy Stupid Life

The Law Of Gratitude- (Guided Meditation) -Use This!

Visit Healing4Happiness YouTube Channel here:

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

A Law Of Attraction Movie - The Three Key Components To Creating The Life You Want

Abraham Hicks New 2016 – The Key To Your Happiness (Law of Attraction)

How to Attract Money * Law of Attraction * Guided Meditation * Manifest Abundance & Prosperity *

Issue 217 – 6 Essential Rules of Designing Your Ideal Life

Issue 217 – 6 Essential Rules of Designing Your Ideal Life

Nearly all people live their entire lives without a design, without a journey plan, which means of course they live their life without a map. They go on the most amazing journey of all yet they do it without a map… Virtually everyone on Earth lives their life by accident bumping into things wondering what happened, and wondering why their life isn’t going to plan. But it is going to plan, they and probably you, failed to plan so of course, they and probably you by default planned to fail… (have you had enough of living this way yet?) Would you consider EVER going on a car journey to somewhere you have never been before without a map? No, of course you wouldn’t, that would be insane wouldn’t it… After all how would you know where to go? Where the heck would you end up if you had no map? Your journey would not be successful and would end in a pathetic waste of time and energy… Yet you do not give a moment’s thought about a map for your life. You do not think tha...
See all stories on this topic

HIGH VIBRATION FOODS: What foods raise your vibration?

Do you Appreciate Yourself?

For the full article go here

When was the last time you took a moment to really appreciate who you are? Here you are, this amazing spiritual being having a physical experience. Your physical body just automatically takes care of all the physical needs without you having to think twice about it; your heart pumps, your lungs fill with air, the […]

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The blogger has an insightful viewpoint on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my followers.

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Financial Security Manifestation Success Story

What Happens After We Die, And How We Create Reality! (Dannion Brinkley Speaks)

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
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►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets:
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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

Be Unsinkable - Inspirational Video

Law of Attraction – How To Be More Courageous (Psychology)

Are You Affected By Your Child"s Meltdown , Abraham hicks , NO Ads During , Law Of Attraction

3 Ways to Make Law of Attraction Work for You!

The Incredible Power Of Your Thoughts! (Share this!)

Follow Jeremy"s YouTube channel here:

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

Learn to 3X your Business Revenue This Year

You can find the perfect state of being at any age...

roseYou are Beings who intend to come forth and to continue to expand and grow and change.

What is the perfect age?

"Well, it"s the age where I finally understand my freedom, and I finally understand that I am free to create, and it"s the age that I am at my most beautiful."

And we say, by whose standards?

In other words, who gets to decide the perfect age?

And we say, rather than determining what the perfect age is, why not decide what the perfect state of being is—and then discover that you can find the perfect state of being at any age.

---Abraham--- | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!

Excerpted from the workshop: Tarrytown, NY on May 10, 2003

Thursday, December 21, 2017


A Viewer"s Question Answered - How Does Self Love Influence Mani"s?

Proctor Gallagher Matrixx Elite

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How to Get in a Positive "Feel Good" Space

Paradigm Shift - Full Google Hangout

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The paradigm shift seminar begins May 4th in Los Angeles, California. Reserve your spot before they"re sold out! Online tickets also available here:

The Secret Place You Can Enter To Build Your Desires On a Solid Foundation

3 Ways to Get a Narcissist to Leave You Alone


Thumbnail for 5883

Jack Canfield: 6 Daily Gratitude Habits to Attract More Abundance and Joy & More!!

Appreciating what you have little of is easy

milkywayAppreciating what you have little of is easy, Tex. Appreciating what you have lots and lots of takes a spiritual master.   And you so have lots,
The Universe | | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!

Stop Smoking Now - Theta

Tony Robbins: The Magic Of Visualization (Law of Attraction)

Wayne Dyer"s Surprising Law of Attraction Breakthrough That The Secret Movie Didn"t Teach You!!


Abraham Hicks New 2016 – Releasing Resistance – A Skeptic Tries To Understand Law of Attraction

What Is God? – Leo Becomes Absolute Infinity (Aka God) – All Of Reality Explained

Using LOA to Resolve Panic Attacks

Click Here to Visit the Website

Some conscious creators find their manifesting skills to be useless in the face of a full blown panic attack. Here’s how fellow creator and guest poster Namaste Faustino successfully overcame his anxiety using his LOA knowledge … 

Are you experiencing anxiety and/or panic attacks?

Are you a student of the law of attraction?


This material was something I believed you might value.

The author has an intriguing point of view on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to share it with my audiences.

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How To Live Your Dream Life | You Can Live Your Dreams | Live your Dreams 2014

Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Opulence -Repeated over 140x"s (Subconscious Affirmations)

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
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►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
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Use this to play the video on repeat:
Repetition is the key to forming new subconscious beliefs. The subconscious never turns off, never sleeps, and is constantly recording everything heard and said. To get the full effect and benefit from these affirmations, say them in your mind or out loud with feeling and conviction... Or just let your subconscious soak it up. (Listen to this on repeat in a low comfortable volume every night)

Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Opulence repeated over 140x"s
Wealth; the state of being rich; prosperity; affluent.

Abundance; an extremely plentiful or over-sufficient quantity or supply.

Prosperity; a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition, especially in financial respects; good fortune.

Opulence; wealth, riches, or affluence.

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

You are here to be that which you want to be

There are as many different worlds as there are perceivers or Beings or individuals. You are not here to create one world where everyone is the same, wanting and getting the same. You are here to be that which you want to be, while you allow all others to be that which they want to be.


Excerpted from: The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham on July 01, 2006
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)

Oprah Winfrey Speaks on Law Of Attraction - Must See - Larry King show, CNN

Oprah shares a great example of how she used the secret law of attraction in her life and how it has changed her life. Oprah Winfrey is very successful.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Becoming A Zen Devil – The Dangers Of Half-Assing Enlightenment

How To Be Funny - Comprehensive Guide To Developing A Sense of Humor

How To Be Funny - Suck at humor? Learn how to develop a sense of humor with zero prior experience and how to use it to become attractive to girls and guys alike.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books


Stressful situations

"Just because we"re in a stressful situation doesn"t mean that we have to get stressed out. You may be in the storm. The key is, don"t let the storm get in you."
— Joel Osteen

Stressful situations

Self Image – The Amazing, Absolute Key To All Personal Growth

The Law Of Increase - 11 Forgotten Laws - Make it Happen The Law Of Attraction

BEING: Special Law of Attraction Q&A with Bob Doyle from The Secret

# 165 - *Whisper* The Power of Positive Thinking

Hey guys :) The power of positive thinking can change and improve our lives. We all have problems and issues that we think about and have to deal with every ...

The Placebo Effect! (and Positive Thinking)

What is up guys! Today we"re going to be talking about one of my favorite psychological phenomena... The Placebo Effect! And ill be giving you a brief overview ...

Abraham-Hicks: There"s No Such Thing As Fixing a Problem

Positive Thinking Guided Meditation Overcome Depression Sleep Learning

Rachael Meddows Hypnosis See our IOS and Android apps. ...

Potential Meditation: Best Guided Meditation in 17 Minutes

Michael Phelps – Psychology Of A Winner

Money and the Law of Attraction Book by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks Audiobook

I MET JUSTIN BIEBER USING LAW OF ATTRACTION - Manifestation #52: How to Apply Law of Attraction

Abraham Hicks New 2016 – (How To) Downloading Infinite Intelligence (Law of Attraction)

Essential Oils raises Vibrations to Manifest Your Dreams!

The Way Of Abundance! By Florence Scovel Shinn (Law Of Attraction)

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
►222 Prosperity Affirmations:
►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets:

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★ Purchase YouAreCreators Posters and Sweatshirts here →
★ Download the YouAreCreators Manifestation Reminder in your app store now!

Purchase her books here!

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

Behind The Secret - Making of The Secret Movie

How to Change Your Life Path

A Course In Miracles 2015 Revival (Powerful lessons!) Join for FREE!

Enjoy all 365 lessons completely free, join here!

Law of Attraction Coaching Free Course and MP3 Download

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Abraham Hicks New 2016 – “You Have Summoned Us” “You Have Put Us in Your Vortex” (Law of Attraction)

Abraham Hicks • Stay in your own truth • Master Law of Attraction

Bob Proctor Sings Pretend

Bob gives us a little tune to remember to pretend. Ever wonder why some people just have it better than you? Discover their secrets by going to

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Tony Robbins: Relationships Are Hard, But Why?

P Diddy - You Are Powerful (Law of Attraction)

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During his commencement speech for Howard University, Sean Combs aka P Diddy aka Puff Daddy shared some words of wisdom on the power of believing in your dreams and your own power.

"Do you know how powerful you are?"

"Be your own light"

"Don"t be afraid to close your eyes and dream, but then open your eyes and see"

"You cannot achieve success without failure"

Episode #139 - Self-care and how to practice it - The Appreciationist

Conor McGregor: The Rise To Success (Motivational Documentary)

Abraham Hicks, 2017,Things To Do To Unlock The Power Of Manifesting NEW, Law Of Attraction

Law of Attraction and Abundance.mp4

In this presentation I’m going to show two keys to attracting money through the Law of Attraction. As you’ll soon find out, we need to have a special care when it comes to money because we need it in our daily lives.

My Awakening Experience Story | The Secret

Powers Of The Mind! (What we all can actually do!)

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
►222 Prosperity Affirmations:
►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets:
►The Mind Of Money:

Download free Self-Help Mp3"s here:

★ Purchase YouAreCreators Posters and Sweatshirts here →
★ Download the YouAreCreators Manifestation Reminder on your app store now!

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

Law of Attraction Subliminal Affirmations - Positive Affirmations for Money, Love & Success

Abraham Hicks New 2016 - You Can Have ADVENTURE & SATISFACTION Every Single Day! (Law of Attraction)

★50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks to Hack Your Mind & Increase Your Manifestation Power ➜

*All Abraham Hicks audio materials are copyrighted by Esther Hicks and are being shared using their USE OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL GUIDELINES:
For additional information on Abraham Hicks or Esther Hicks, visit their website at

Purchase our best selling book here:
► Self-Maid - A maid-turned-doctor explains how to create your life using Universal Laws and the law of attraction →

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More Abraham Hicks Videos - law of attraction:

Abraham Hicks New 2016 – Translating the Vortex Into Physical Manifestation

Abraham Hicks New 2016 – Why Minding Your Own Business Speeds Up Manifestation

AbrahamHicks (New) – Dissolve A Problem by Focusing on the Solution

Abraham-Hicks (2016) – How To Comfort Someone With a Dying Loved One

Enjoy more New 2016 Abraham Hicks and law of attraction videos by subscribing to our channel!

Abraham | hicks | New | 2016 | law of attraction

Law of Attraction - How to Discipline Yourself (Psychology)

Law of Attraction - How to Discipline Yourself (Psychology)

☯ Live Today With Passion is an educational organization founded in 2015 by Nicholas & Anthony. We are a small international team based in Norway, we started this website with the intention of inspiring like-minded people all over the world.

👉 Speakers: Bruce Lee, Brendon Burchard.

👉 Emotionally engage with your dreams every morning. lose discipline is that we lose touch with our dreams – we stop thinking about what we want with real emotion and consistency. So, each morning, practice visualizing yourself achieving your goals and dreams. Allow yourself to truly feel the joy and power as you accomplish what you want. Emotional engagement like this, done consistently, can fire you up and keep you committed.

Don’t wake up and immediately jump into your inbox. Don’t start the day in reaction. Instead, begin your morning taking steps toward what you want to achieve. Make it a habit to own your morning and achieve what you want to. If it’s a habit that you fire off first thing in the morning, you won’t need willpower or discipline later in the day to do it.

Create scheduled blocks of time where you do only one thing. Use that block of time to move your life forward, to create art, to strategize, to work diligently on one important activity. If you don’t have blocks of time already set up in today’s calendar to do things that matter, you’re already losing ground.

When you achieve something that you have been working toward, take time to celebrate with other people. It is hard to continue your discipline, if you do not feel socially rewarded for your hard work. The more you celebrate the small wins, the more you’ll stay on track in achieving the big things.

👉 Source: Brendon Burchard

👉 Brendon Burchard is the world"s leading high-performance coach, one of the most watched personal development trainers in history, and a Top 100 Most Followed Public Figure on Facebook. Over 50,000,000 people watched his videos in the last 12 months, more than 30,000,000 see his posts every week on Facebook, and 1,000,000-plus students have completed his online courses or video series, making.