Friday, April 21, 2017

How To Reinvent Yourself (Law of Attraction)

It"s Never Too Late To Reinvent Yourself (Law of Attraction)

☯ Live Today With Passion is an educational organization founded in 2015 by Nicholas & Anthony. We are a small international team based in Norway, we started this website with the intention of inspiring like-minded people all over the world.

👉 Speakers: Jack Ma, Les Brown, Chris Gardner

👉 It’s easy to feel stuck doing a job you hate or living somewhere that’s just not right for you. Maybe you just hate that your closet still looks the same as it did in the ’90s. It doesn’t matter whether you’re 18 or 80, it’s never too late to start over and reinvent yourself. I know it sounds terrifying, but when you do it a little at a time, it’s easier than you might think.

You honestly don’t have to change yourself overnight. It could take weeks, months, or even years to truly become a new person. But if it’s something that will make you happy, it’s worth the time. Besides, the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll look in the mirror and see a new you. Finding ways to reinvent yourself is simple. All you have to do is stick with them.

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