Wednesday, December 28, 2016

How To Meditate & Practice Of Meditation (Guided Meditation!)

#Meditation for New Beginnings - How To #Meditate & Practice Of #Meditation
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☯ Live Today With Passion is an educational organization founded in 2015 by Nicholas & Anthony. We are a small international team based in Norway, we started this website with the intention of inspiring like minded people all over the world.

☯ See More video Law of Attraction Here:
►Jim Carrey - Ask And It Is Given :
►Law Of Attraction - How to Get Whatever You Want :
►Law Of Attraction Money - How to Get Rich By Tony Robbins , Napoleon Hill & Earl Nightingale :
► Law Of Attraction - The Secret Formula For Success:
►The Law Of Attraction - How Can You Use The Law Of Attraction?
► Law Of Attraction - We Attract What We focus On :
► Law Of Attraction - The Secrets Of Vibration And How Does This Vibration Work? :
►Think And Grow Rich: Learn The Secrets of Success! (Law Of Attraction):

☯ About How To #Meditate:
Meditation is therefore spiritual concentration; the bringing of the mind to a focus in its search for the divine knowledge, the divine life; the intense dwelling, in thought, on Truth. Thus a man aspires to know and realize, above all things else, the Truth; he then gives attention to conduct, to life, to self-purification: giving attention to these things, he passes into serious contemplation of the facts, problems, and mystery of life: thus contemplating, he comes to love Truth so fully and intensely as to become wholly absorbed in it, the mind is drawn away from its wanderings in a multitude of desires, and, solving one by one the problems of life, realizes that profound union with Truth which is the state of abstraction; and thus absorbed in Truth, there is that balance and poise of character, that #divine action in repose, which is the abiding calm and peace of an emancipated and #enlightened mind.

#Meditation is more difficult to #practice than concentration because it involves a much more severe self-discipline than that which obtains in concentration. A man can practice #concentration without purifying his heart and #life, whereas the process of purification is inseparable from meditation. The object of meditation is divine enlightenment, the attainment of Truth, and is therefore interwoven with #practical purity and righteousness.

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