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When it comes to creating a successful life, there are a variety of skills we’re often taught important to master, like:
- time and money management
- self discipline
- comprehension
- cooperation
- accountability
- persistence
- interpersonal and communication skills, etc.
Certainly those are very helpful abilities in navigating our way through life.
But there are a handful of other competencies that are perhaps even more important to living a happy life.
Here are 10 success skills you probably weren’t taught to master:
1. How to say no.
Most of us were trained to accommodate the desires of others rather than to clearly communicate our preference to opt out of what we don’t prefer. Doing so without feeling guilty seems rare. But make no mistake, this is an essential skill for happiness.
2. How to accept rejection.
From the very beginning we learned to value the love and acceptance of others, which leads us to fear situations where that isn’t the case. Yet fear of rejection keeps many of us from following our biggest dreams.
3. How to know what you want.
Many of us become experts at discerning what others want, and we prioritize their desires in an attempt to win affection and approval. This is not a habit that leads to personal fulfillment.
4. How to hear inner guidance.
It is a true gift when one is taught to find answers within, and how to listen for and honor that guidance. Little else contributes to successful living more than recognizing and following this inner voice.
5. How to prioritize joy.
As most of us were programmed, work comes first and dessert later if we’re lucky. We pay our dues up front and hope we earned the reward later on. Stress and misery is too often the result of this life approach.
6. How to put yourself first.
Selfishness is often criticized and selflessness revered in many of our societies. And yet we know how useless we are to the world when we haven’t taken care of ourselves first.
7. How to give up.
We’re encouraged to continue on no matter the pain or cost because if we want something we must work hard for it. And yet nothing we want is upstream, as Abraham reminds us. Do as Paul advises and learn to give up early and often.
8. How to appreciate what is.
More, bigger, better, and faster is the focus for many folks. But if we don’t learn how to appreciate the present moment and enjoy what life offers right now, it’s hopeless that we ever will.
9. How to ask for help.
Jack Canfield opened my mind when he suggested we become “world class askers.” The very idea seemed somewhat immoral. Yet nothing great is ever created in isolation, so learning to invite support is a key success skill.
10. How to receive.
Most of us learned how to be good givers and are actually uncomfortable on the receiving end, even when it’s something as simple as a compliment or a favor. This is a success skill worth mastering since all our dreams remain out of reach until we know how to let the goods in.
Conscious creators are better than the average bear at many of these secret success skills, but if your attention was drawn to any one in particular, I suggest exploring it further. It’s never too late to embrace a new way of being.
If you’ve got a great tip for mastering these life skills or others, please share in the comments.
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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.
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Success Skills They Didn’t Teach Us
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