positive affirmations for birth & For the complete Hawaii Retreat (8 Day Recording), start your free 30-day trial at …
Watch more Self-Help & Improvement videos: A few simple attitude …
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It can be beyond comprehension to understand how the Universe can keep all of us straight in this physical world. You would think with there being so many of us that the Universe might forget somebody and their wishes. Or maybe the Universe cares for one person more than another because they have more. But […]
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Start your new story with us! Click here http://DreamBIG_MITMillionaires Unleash the Power Within is Anthony Robbins’ cornerstone weekend program: a crash …
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You don’t have to protect yourself from anything! In fact, an attitude of protection will surely bring you to the vibration of the thing from which you’re protecting yourself. Because you can’t look at something and say, “Oh no, I’m saying a prayer to protect myself from you,” without achieving vibrational harmony with “you”, whatever you are. —Abraham | Thoughts become things ~ Only thing Good Thoughts
It’s not about age.
It’s not about youth.
It’s about decline.
And decline is about alignment, or not.
Decline is about, in this moment, which way am I forking?
In this moment, which way am I forking?
In this moment, which way am I forking?
That’s all it’s about.
—Abraham— | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!
Excerpted from the workshop: San Diego, CA on August 13, 2005
“Show respect even to people who don’t deserve it, not as a reflection of their character, but as a reflection of yours.”
— Dave Willis
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I’ve got a new source of inspiration for this year’s intentions.
In the past I’ve drawn inspiration from what others are doing that I admire or desire for myself.
Or sometimes it comes from something I’ve wanted to accomplish but haven’t yet.
(I know from past experience I can accomplish big things once itR
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Sydney, March 12 2013 “Life Is Supposed To Be Fun” ~Abraham Hicks~ Who is Abraham? Abraham is a name. A symbol. A feeling. Evocative-yet simple-like …
“I don’t chase after people anymore. If they like spending time with me, they will do so. If not, I’m content with my own company.”
— Unknown Author
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New Sessions @ Take your Meditation practice to radical new heights with the extraordinary power of Binaural Beats!
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Many of us were taught that our core beliefs were implanted early via our authority figures and childhood experiences.
Some say our beliefs are tricky to identify and hard to change.
I’m opting out on some of that.
Instead, I think a belief is just a thought that got a lot of air time.
And I think I can direct my thoughts, and that reality follows from them.
Which is why I’m choosy about what to believe. For example …
I don’t believe in:
I do believe in:
I don’t believe it’s possible to get it wrong. And I don’t believe in wasted time.
I believe everything works out perfectly. And I strongly in the value of goofing off.
I don’t believe in The One; I believe love abounds.
I don’t believe in broken hearts; hearts heal when we let them.
I don’t believe in death. Or mistakes. The devil. Or fate.
But I do believe in angels. And our divinity. And that anything’s possible.
I don’t believe we’re here to learn life lessons or prove ourselves worthy.
I believe we’re already worthy. All the time. Automatically.
I believe puppy kisses are the secret to good health, and I believe life is meant to be fun.
I believe everyone can win, and that life just keeps getting better.
I believe this place is crawling with fabulous people and that we’ll never run out of things to love about this amazing life.
I believe I’m getting better every day, and that Universe is rooting for me.
I believe in my power to choose, and I believe that perspective makes all the difference.
And I believe all of us get to be right, whatever we dare believe.
But all that really matters is …
… what do you believe?
* * * * * * * *</center
Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.
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Follow Melody: We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of …
No matter what it is, if you really want it, and if you get out of the way of it, it will happen.
It must be.
It is Law.
It can be no other way.
It’s the way this Universe is established.
If you want it and you relax, it will happen.
—Abraham— | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!
Excerpted from the workshop: Cincinnati, OH on September 21, 2002
Talk With A Spiritual Advisor
Truly inspirational! Love living life there are no excuses!
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The achievement of anything that you desire must be considered success, whether it is a trophy or money or relationships or things.
But if you will let your standard of success be your achievement of joy—everything else will fall easily into place.
For in the finding of joy, you are finding vibrational alignment with the resources of the Universe.
—Abraham— | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!
Excerpted from the workshop: The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham on July 01, 2006
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When it comes to creating a successful life, there are a variety of skills we’re often taught important to master, like:
Certainly those are very helpful abilities in navigating our way through life.
But there are a handful of other competencies that are perhaps even more important to living a happy life.
Here are 10 success skills you probably weren’t taught to master:
1. How to say no.
Most of us were trained to accommodate the desires of others rather than to clearly communicate our preference to opt out of what we don’t prefer. Doing so without feeling guilty seems rare. But make no mistake, this is an essential skill for happiness.
2. How to accept rejection.
From the very beginning we learned to value the love and acceptance of others, which leads us to fear situations where that isn’t the case. Yet fear of rejection keeps many of us from following our biggest dreams.
3. How to know what you want.
Many of us become experts at discerning what others want, and we prioritize their desires in an attempt to win affection and approval. This is not a habit that leads to personal fulfillment.
4. How to hear inner guidance.
It is a true gift when one is taught to find answers within, and how to listen for and honor that guidance. Little else contributes to successful living more than recognizing and following this inner voice.
5. How to prioritize joy.
As most of us were programmed, work comes first and dessert later if we’re lucky. We pay our dues up front and hope we earned the reward later on. Stress and misery is too often the result of this life approach.
6. How to put yourself first.
Selfishness is often criticized and selflessness revered in many of our societies. And yet we know how useless we are to the world when we haven’t taken care of ourselves first.
7. How to give up.
We’re encouraged to continue on no matter the pain or cost because if we want something we must work hard for it. And yet nothing we want is upstream, as Abraham reminds us. Do as Paul advises and learn to give up early and often.
8. How to appreciate what is.
More, bigger, better, and faster is the focus for many folks. But if we don’t learn how to appreciate the present moment and enjoy what life offers right now, it’s hopeless that we ever will.
9. How to ask for help.
Jack Canfield opened my mind when he suggested we become “world class askers.” The very idea seemed somewhat immoral. Yet nothing great is ever created in isolation, so learning to invite support is a key success skill.
10. How to receive.
Most of us learned how to be good givers and are actually uncomfortable on the receiving end, even when it’s something as simple as a compliment or a favor. This is a success skill worth mastering since all our dreams remain out of reach until we know how to let the goods in.
Conscious creators are better than the average bear at many of these secret success skills, but if your attention was drawn to any one in particular, I suggest exploring it further. It’s never too late to embrace a new way of being.
If you’ve got a great tip for mastering these life skills or others, please share in the comments.
* * * * * * * *</center
Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.
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“Being male is a matter of birth. Being a man is a matter of age. But being a gentleman is a matter of choice.”
— Vin Diesel
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Go to for more info on how to attract true love and have the happy relationship you want.
“Describe yourself in one word?”
— Simple Reminders
“You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe. Trust. Let go. And see what happens.”
— Mandy Hale
I have to tell you, Tex, that one of the greatest things about being the Universe, is knowing absolutely everything.
Well, that and making dreams come true.
I also love being eternal… and having no limits.
Creating worlds simply with thought.
Knowing that reality is unfolding just exactly as it should. Having it all, being it all, doing it all.
And I like being perpetually in love… and loved.
How ’bout you, Tex? What’s your favorite thing about being the Universe?
The Universe | | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!
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Do you have an experience in your life that just doesn’t seem to change? Maybe someone that you just clash with keeps coming into your life or maybe a situation at home or work that agitates you each time you think of it? When you are in a situation where a person or experience won’t […]
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You can purchase/listen to the full version of this video at – (I LOVE THIS WEBSITE!) They have over 474 Audio Lectures …
The premise that so many people come from is that good isn’t natural; good must be demanded or manipulated or orchestrated.
And we say, good IS natural!
It must be asked for, and it must be expected — but Good is the only Stream that flows.
—Abraham— | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!
Excerpted from the workshop: Tarrytown, NY on May 15, 1999
Should you ever hear that voice inside exclaim that you’re working too slow, are too easily distracted, or that you should take life more seriously, please rest assured, dearest Tex, that it absolutely, positively is not me.
I’m the one saying, “You totally rock!” –
The Universe | | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!
Get out into the sunlight — out where everything is — with a vibration that is so dominant that those who annoy you; those who don’t agree with you; those who make your life feel uncomfortable don’t come into your experience, because your vibration — through your practice — has become so clear, so pure, so clean, so in keeping with what you want, that the world that revolves around you just feels like that. That’s what you planned.
—Abraham ( | Thoughts Become Things
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Abraham – who is Non-Physical Source Energy as translated by Esther Hicks – responds to a question from a lesbian activist who wants to affect social change in …
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What I teach is that when you change your inner beliefs, your outer life changes.
In other words, what you are attracting today is due to your mental programming, whether you consciously realize it or not.
Your beliefs set up a “filter” in your mind.
Your brain then only allows you to …
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MP3 Download: ▻High Quality MP3s: …
See the Proof of this Law of Attraction Story: Law of attraction works and you can create your own law of attraction story, set clear intentions …
Download this track here: My iTunes Tracks: …
I SO wish I could have put Jay’s “positive thinking” quotes before this, but I don’t have those episodes in English… The song is “Positive Thinking” by Eric …
“Pause and remember— When you stop holding on so tightly to the way you once thought, you create space in your mind and life for new opportunities to arrive.”
— Jenni Young
Do you know that the universe vibrates and so do you, even grass vibrates at 528hz, so what does that mean for you, well check out the video and be amazed for …
‘Pick from the truths, those that you want to experience, and make those what are most active in your vibration, and that will be what makes up the most active in …
Part 1 here: Purchase Les Brown’s books here: Visit his website here: …
Get the SUBLIMINALLY SUPERCHARGED FULL VERSION below: The way you think can have dramatic impacts on your …
You’re going to love what I have for you today!
Last week I told you about Sonia Ricotti’s Unsinkable Bounce Back Webinar Workshop.
It was a solid 2 hour long content-rich webinar. The positive feedback about this webinar was off the charts!
Well, I know that for many of you, watching a 2 hour long webinar is just not feasible with your busy schedules.
So I wanted to let you know that Sonia has released the short and sweet “FAST TRACK” version of her webinar!
It’s a much shorter version!
Watch The Fast Track Version <<< Bounce Back Fast
In fact, she stripped down the original webinar and left just the foundational 3 steps.
So you can learn the 3 step “bounce back” formula in less than half the time!
This “Fast Track” version is also a great refresher for those of you who watched the original 2 hour version.
Also, many of you have been asking about Sonia’s Unsinkable Bounce Back System and how you can get your hands on it.
From what I understand (and you won’t believe this), she ONLY offers this program on the webinar itself (and the occasional rare telesummit interview she does).
She doesn’t even offer it on her website!
She says it’s because this “bounce back” formula is the answer to shifting your life FAST and it is important to understand these “3 STEPS” first before beginning your new path to your greatest life!
You need to be mentally ready and prepared for it (to ensure your success!).
This webinar training does that for you.
Once you have a complete understanding of these 3 steps, THEN she recommends you get the Unsinkable Bounce Back System.
Watch The Fast Track Version <<< Learn The 3 Step Formula
She’s only going to have this Fast Track version up for a very short time, so make sure you watch it now.
To your success,
P.S. And yes, you CAN get the Unsinkable Bounce Back System on this much shorter FAST TRACK version too. The “Add to Cart” button will pop up toward the end of the training.
Go Here To Watch Now.
This video will inspire positive thinking and drive away any kind of bad mood.
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“What would constitute a perfect day for you? Why do we always go home and watch Netflix instead?”—Susanna Wolff
I love Jessica Ortner. We just recorded a podcast for her new series, “Adventures in Happiness.” Stay tuned. Our episode will run soon.
In the meantime, I decided to listen to Episode One which she recorded when her brother Nick woke her up at 7 a.m
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Let Drama Go — Be Free —
Go Here to See Full Article… Let drama go by Simple Reminders
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What do you believe? Do you believe that no matter what you may be experiencing that there is a light at the end of the experience? That the solution or the end result is the best answer for your life even if you don’t agree with it? You see, it all depends on how you […]
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8 Hours of Spoken Positive Affirmations for personal development & Spiritual growth! Manifest Miracles,magic and amazing opportunities with these powerful …
Hello! In today’s video, I whisper some nice messages created just for you, in hopes of countering some of the negative messages that men receive today about …
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“Well, in Whoville they say – that the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day.”–Dr. Seuss
Regulars to this blog know all about my series: “Why I’m the Luckiest Person on the Planet.” There’s Episode One, Two, Three, etc…..
Today, one of the gazillion things I’m celebrating about my life is that Coach Linda Ryan sent me the following blog post. It’s called (how could I resist clicking on it immediately?) “How Pam Grout fixed my printer.”
There’s even an audio version for those who’d rather listen than read. Check it out here and below:
Thanks, Linda!
“A few weeks ago, I interviewed one of the coolest people I know, Pam Grout.
“One of the topics we discussed was the power of intention; the “I AM” statement. You know the one I mean: it’s when we make broad, sweeping statements like ~
“I AM lazy”
“I AM a procrastinator”
“I AM disorganized”
“I AM addicted to binge-watching Friends.” (Wait…is that one just me?)
It’s pretty normal to say these things. After all, we were taught to “tell it like it is.” So when we take the easy way out, we think it’s because we’re lazy. We don’t consider that we might just be a hardworking, dedicated person who chose the easy way in this one scenario.
We tend to define our identities with some harsh judgement and criticism; more than we’d probably give a friend in the same situation. And this is a very dangerous habit if you want to change your future self.
You see, the “I AM” statement is extremely powerful; in many religions, it refers to God. And in the grand scheme of life, it sends a proclamation to the world.
I AM disorganized.
I AM always late.
I AM forgetful.
I AM overweight.
I AM so stupid.
I AM (fill-in-your-blank).
Saying you ARE whatever sends out a strong message, not only to yourself, but to The Universe too. Tying your identity to a characteristic or behavior is powerful stuff, so it’s important that you send the message you want to send.
This idea of sending the right message applies to “I AM” statements as well as the general thoughts and intentions we put out there to the world. It’s a pillar of the Law of Attraction, and it’s a lesson I re-learn every single day. And I really learned it the day I spoke with Pam Grout.
Here’s what happened….
I have this convoluted “system” to printing documents. My wireless printer is…well, let’s just say she’s got spunk…and I’ve gotta do this whole song and dance when I want to print something.
It goes like this:
I click “print,” on my computer, then I click the “Detect LAN Settings” button on my printer. Then I walk downstairs and push the “WPS” button (absolutely no idea what WPS stands for, btw) on my wireless router, then back up the stairs to wait for the printer to recognize the signal, then I click “OK” on the printer… and then it prints.
Oy Vey!
The day after I spoke with Pam, I was sitting in my office getting ready to start the “printing process.” I did what I always do and found myself thinking “okay, now I’ve got to go downstairs and hit the stupid button…..” when I caught myself. I realized I was putting out the thought (based on my past experience) that the printing would be complicated, instead of considering that it could be simple and easy.
I remembered what Pam said and I shifted my thoughts to “how great would it be if it just printed on its own? How awesome would it be not to have to go downstairs and push that WPS button?!”
While holding that thought, I clicked print, and guess what happened?
Oh yeah, that’s right ~ it printed!
If you know me, you know what a fan of “little” miracles I am. To me, that was a little miracle. It wasn’t earth-shattering; it didn’t end world hunger, but it was still a miracle. I found it uber cool and for the rest of the day, I was buzzed and amazed at what a difference a single thought can make.
Today, think about the thoughts and intentions you’re inadvertently sending out to The Universe. Notice the signals and the “I AM” statements that may be sending the wrong message, and change them to project what you want.
Let me know in the comments what little miracles creep into your day today ~ I live for and love hearing these stories!
Thanks, Linda.
Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.
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Positive affirmations are simply just short sentences that can bring about positive change. They can be utilized to manifest positivity in a person’s life. However … Abraham-Hicks Money and the Law of Attraction.
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How much do you trust others? Sometimes, when we have someone take something from us or say something that is hurtful; we begin to mistrust not only the person who was responsible for the mistrust, but we begin to look at others and mistrust them as well. We get into a cycle of mistrusting everyone […]
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I finally got around to making another video. Hope you find yourself super relaxed afterward and ready to face the day or night. 🙂 Please leave a comment an…
Reupload of a popular older video I did, I kept getting messages and comments about it, so I decided to bring it back. This is NOT a sexual video.
“We don’t stop being beautiful, we stop believing we are beautiful.”
— Bryant McGill
We do not stop being beautiful
Ultra-rapid blueprinting method for prosperity mindset. Manifest money. If you like this mind training session, and would like to see more please leave a …
Here is the first of this month’s DAILY videos! I hope you enjoy it, practice is and see the amazing life transformation that can be achieved in just one month!
Upcoming and previous Episodes: Michael’s NLP & Law of Attraction Community http://www.
Download this track: Sleep Hypnosis Special Collection: …
Hey everyone, I’ve been listening to some positive affirmations I found on Youtube and I thought what a cool idea to combine ASMR + Positive Affirmations! I …
The achievement of anything that you desire must be considered success, whether it is a trophy or money or relationships or things.
But if you will let your standard of success be your achievement of joy—everything else will fall easily into place.
For in the finding of joy, you are finding vibrational alignment with the resources of the Universe.
—Abraham— | Thoughts Become Things | Add Yours Below!
Excerpted from the workshop: The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham on July 01, 2006
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Join Jewels as she chats with Dr. Shumsky on Awakening Your Third Eye. This is so important to learning on how to depend on our own connection to the Universe.
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Let Drama Go — Be Free —
Go Here to See Full Article… Let drama go by Simple Reminders
The Law of Attraction The Secret – Abraham Hicks – Audiobooks.
If you want to change your reality, you must first understand how reality is working, and your role in it. In this video I teach you to fully understand ‘vibration’ and …
8 Hours of Spoken Positive Affirmations for personal development & Spiritual growth! Manifest Miracles,magic and amazing opportunities with these powerful …
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Everyone has a past and everyone has experiences that they aren’t too proud of but that doesn’t mean you have to live in that past of regret, guilt, or shame. Observe the past experience without attaching to the emotion of it. Glean what you have learned from the experience and then let it go once […]
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A good watch for someone that wants to manifest wealth, the secret law of attraction full movie This is Real Beatz Inc. To all the m…
“All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time.”
— Mitch Albom
You can purchase/listen to the full version of this video at – (I LOVE THIS WEBSITE!) They have over 474 Audio Lectures …
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The other day someone asked how I’d managed to lose 20 pounds.
She was guessing the number, because all I know is I’ve gone from Beautiful to Cute to Ravishing past Hot on the Yay scale. If anyone knows how much that is, don’t tell me – I like living beyond the numbers!
I gave her the answer she was expecting, although it wasn’t an accurate or helpful one …
I told her what I’d been doing differently.
Conscious creators know how misleading that is – to attribute the change to actions only and not acknowledge the role of the vibrational shift.
The helpful and more accurate response to her question would have been to tell her how I’ve been feeling differently.
Because that’s where our entire reality comes from – our vibration.
It was factual to say that I’d begun drinking a daily detox tea. That was true.
But that’s not what any weight loss was a result of.
This weight loss began with finding the vibration of body love. Making that the norm rather than the exception for how I felt about myself. And then just following inspiration. Which led to Doc of Detox’s daily tea.
If I drank that tea with my old vibration in place, I doubt it would have any effect. Because it’s not actions that matter most – it’s the vibration.
Someone else could do the very same things and get a very different result.
As she found out when she started drinking the same daily detox tea. She got the opposite results, if you can believe it.
Conscious creators wouldn’t be surprised by that because we know everything arises from the vibration. A new vibration may inspire us to new actions, but it is inaccurate to attribute change solely to those actions.
The same action can lead to very different results for people flowing different vibrations.
Which is why this post isn’t about the most amazing detox tea I’ve ever found.
This post is a reminder that the vibration is what matters. Once we tune into the frequency of what we want, we’ll be inspired to take any actions that support that result.
That’s what we’re doing at Body Love Lab right now, but anyone who wants a hand in tuning into a new vibration can find one for a variety of dreams or desires in our Vibration Activation series. (Here’s the weight loss, healthy body, feelin’ sexy and the good news from the doc scripts.)
In the meantime, my next job is to drop my limiting beliefs about what I think muggles can hear and not hear. !!
* * * * * * * *</center
Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.
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Jewels begins talking about how the body communicates to your mind by pain which reflect your emotions. Then she brings on Jan H. Stringer, Best Selling Author and Business Academy Instructor about the first five steps that can transform your and your business. It is about getting straight about what it is that YOU really want. Powerful Show!
Visit Jan H. Stringer at and
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Would you like to finish this year ready to have what you want in 2015?
For many, this time of year, in addition to being about loved ones and the spirit of festivity, is a time where focus shifts to closing out this year and starting the next with anticipation, excitement and great expectations.
This post will help you with that as
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“The purpose of life is to fart around. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”—Kurt Vonnegut
Happy Wednesday!!! As many of you know, I just gave my first TED talk. It was extremely nerve-wracking, because, instead of viewing it as an opportunity to fart around, I took it very seriously. I tried really hard to make it perfect, awe-inspiring, the best talk I’ve eve
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Have you ever wondered how committed a conscious creator you are?
Here are 10 signs you drank the Kool Aid and are all in.
Punch all ten and you are officially a full-fledged manifesting aficionado:
(And if some of these don’t make sense yet, don’t worry. You’ll get there.)
If you said yes to all ten, then congrats – your conscious creator punch card is complete!
Obviously we’re just having fun here, which is another sign of a conscious creator (not taking things too seriously).
For real, though, a legit measure of whether you’re a conscious creator is simply whether you understand your power to create reality and you engage it.
Here’s to all of us doing exactly that!
* * * * * * * *</center
Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.
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Yes, miracles happen.
Things that seem extremely unlikely, that we might hope for but don’t really plan on – sometimes they happen.
But it’s smoother manifesting when we learn to expect it; to see it as the next logical step.
How to do that when it’s something that seems so far out of reach?
Practice, my friend.
We practice it in our mind’s eye until it feels normal in there.
And pretty soon it will seem normal out here, too.
That’s the cue Universe is waiting for.
Abraham says we can’t manifest the “big thing” as long as we think of it that way.
When it’s no big deal, when we’ve come to expect it – that’s when we’re a vibrational match and that’s when we see it in real life.
In addition to seeing it in my imagination I also do these things to practice expecting the “big thing” until it feels like an “of course”:
And then I get back to imagining it.
That’s the short version of how you put “miracles” within real life reach.
If you’d like more support, get hooked up with an LOA coach. My life changed more in three months of working with an LOA savvy mentor than in three years of working this stuff on my own.
And that’s a big part of how my LOA coach business went from pipe dream fantasy to real world fact.
Isn’t this manifesting stuff cool?!
* * * * * * * *</center
Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.
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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the “Law Of Attraction”, or the law of “Reaping and Sowing”. This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret…
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“Today be thankful and think how rich you are. Your family is priceless. Your health is wealth. Your time is gold.”
— Zig Ziglar
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Originally posted on Pam Grout:
“It’s the inner world that needs adjusting, tweaking and plucking when the outer world fails to please.”—Mike Dooley
I’m a travel writer and often end up confronting customs and laws different than my own. In Singapore, for example, it’s illegal to hug in public. In Cannes, you can be arrested for wearing a Jerry Lewis mask. I’ve also heard of some pretty weird laws in my own country. In Devon, Texas, I’m told, it’s illegal to make furniture in the nude. Darn that, Devon, Texas.
We might get a chuckle out of these (and let me just add that I don’t plan to pack my Jerry Lewis mask my next trip to Cannes), but more than these “laws,” we are also at the mercy of arbitrary laws we’ve imposed in our own heads. Laws such as “life is a struggle,” “I have to do everything myself,” “It’s me against the…
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Feeling stressed? I can help with that 🙂
“Quit saying you don’t have time. You have time for what you make time for in life.”
— Bryant McGillBryan…
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Parti din Marele Secret s-au aflat în traditiile orale, în literatura, în diferite religii si filozofii, de-a lungul secolelor. Pentru prima data, toate partile Secretului au fost reunite într-o revelatie incredibila, care va transforma vietile celor ce o traiesc.
Din aceasta carte, veti învata cum sa folositi Secretul în toate aspectele vietii dumneavoastra – obtinerea banilor, pastrarea si redobândirea sanatatii, relatiile interumane, fericirea si în orice interactiune pe care o aveti în aceasta lume. Veti începe sa întelegeti puterea ascunsa, nefolosita, care se afla în launtrul vostru si aceasta revelatie poate aduce bucurie fiecarui aspect al vietii dumneavoastra.
Secretul cuprinde întelepciune de la învatatori din vremea noastra – barbati si femei care au folosit-o pentru a dobândi sanatate, bunastare si fericire. Aplicând cunoasterea Secretului, ei aduc la lumina întâmplari captivante de vindecare a unor boli, de redobândire a sanatatii, de depasire a unor obstacole si de obtinere a ceea ce multi oameni ar considera imposibil.
Marele Secret a fost transmis de-a lungul epocilor, a fost mult râvnit, ascuns, pierdut, furat si adus cu mari sume de bani. Acest Secret vechi de secole a fost înteles de câtiva dintre cei mai importanti oameni din istorie: Platon, Galileo Galilei, Beethoven, Edison, Carnegie, Einstein – alaturi de alti inventatori, teologi, oameni de stiinta si mari gânditori. Acum, Secretul a fost dezvaluit lumii.
„Pe masura ce aflati Secretul, veti ajunge sa stiti cum sa aveti, sa fiti ori sa faceti tot ceea ce doriti. Veti ajunge sa stiti cine sunteti cu adevarat. Veti ajunge sa cunoasteti adevarata maretie care va asteapta în viata.”
– din Introducere.
Autor: Rhonda Byrne
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SONICAID music to inspire positive thinking juin 2013.
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Another re-run!
Originally posted on Pam Grout:
“We implore you to nourish yourself with delicious, nutritious tales and tunes that inspire you to exercise your willpower for your highest good.”—Rob Brezsney
I’m starting to feel like the Brothers Grimm or Hans Christian Anderson as I collect all these delicious and inspiring manifestation stories. My inbox, in fact, is starting to resemble Shibuya Station in Tokyo, crowded with the most amazing tales.
Here’s one that caught my fancy yesterday.
With no further adieu, here’s the slam-dunking Tim Spires:
“As a basketball obsessed 11-year old, I longed for an NBA style breakaway rim. Let me tell you, wanting this rim was as much an obsession as basketball itself.
I became fascinated with how this Goalrilla Rim worked, the spring action of which allowed Shaquille O’Neal and Michael Jordan to dunk the ball with such incredible force without shattering the backboard. I loved it when some of the more crazy…
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Please offer your thoughts in the comments area below … & For the complete Hawaii Retreat (8 Day Recording), start your free 30-day trial at …
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I went to a party about six years ago and apparently said something that made a difference in one woman’s life. Through mutual friends, six years later, the below story came to me. I’m posting it here to remind you that you never know how what you say and do …
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Get the Full 20 minute Audio version of Positive Attitude Affirmations Download today at: you like …
Visit Bob’s website here: We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the univ…
Our EBook will be available 10/20/15 Co-written By YouAreCreators & VYBO Visit his channel here: Music by: …
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Here’s a question from within the community that deserves your attention to do it justice.
It comes from a delightful young woman who’s manifested major success, but feels stuck now. What say you, wise ones?
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Maintaining a positive perspective will afford you the ideas and versatility necessary for overcoming life’s biggest challenges, explains The Amazing Kreskin.
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Last month Namaste Faustino shared this prayer in the comments of another post.
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“If someone has offended you, insulted you, or disappointed you, let it go! If you are remembering all the ways you have been hurt or forgotten, let it go! Ask yourself, what good does it do for me to hold on to this?”
— Iyanla Vanzant