Saturday, March 19, 2016

Vibration Activation: Passed the Test!

Full Article Here

As part of our vibration activation series, this script is designed to help get to the feeling of passing the test with flying colors.

Use it whenever you’ve got some sort of exam, assessment or evaluation coming up that you’re feeling nervous about passing.

One read through will turn on the vibration of rocking out fabulous results, but feel free to expand the script or put it in your own words to strengthen the vibe even more.

Enjoy activating the vibration of passing the test:

Whew, what a relief! I did so much better than I thought I would!

I almost feel a little silly, now, for how nervous I was about taking this test. I deserved more credit than I realized for how well I’d do!

Maybe I’m better at this sort of thing than I knew.

I don’t know if it was that I studied all the right things, or if I drew from some sort of inner intuition to give all the right responses, or if I’m just way smarter than I ever realized … whatever it was, I rocked that thing!

Woo hoo!!

Feels so good to have that over with. Yay, me!

Time to celebrate!

And now I have so much more confidence for the next time I’m feeling nervous about taking any exam. Because I know how to start it with the feeling of success already in place, and that helps guide me to the right answers and the best results.

I got this!

In fact, when anyone asks how I managed to be such a great test-taker, I might even tell them it’s because I know how to practice the vibration of passing before I even start the exam. Or maybe I’ll keep this little secret to myself – who knows?!

Here’s what I do know: I know what it feels like to succeed. I know the vibration of doing well. And when I start from that place, I can’t help but get impressive results.

Yay me again!

I’m ready to go rock this thing!

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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

This material was something I felt you might enjoy.

The writer provides an insightful perspective on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to share it with my audiences.

Please provide your ideas in the comments section below …

Vibration Activation: Passed the Test!

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