Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sneaky Self Love Test

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Conscious creators know alignment is the name of the game.

Whether you think of it as alignment to Source, or alignment to what you want, or lining up with who you really are – it’s what makes the difference.

Closing that vibrational gap is a game changer!

And we also know that the external reflects the internal.

Which is why this little test of self-love can reveal your state of alignment.

All you do is look around the room until your eye lands on something in particular, and as you’re contemplating this item, answer the question, “How is this thing like me?”

Don’t overthink it; just let your answers be uncensored and unedited – whatever comes to mind.

For example, you might glance around and notice the cup holder full of pens on your desk. As you focus on it, ask yourself, “How is this like me?”

And you might hear yourself saying something like: “A colorful variety of potential. Bright, fun, ready to play.”

Or you might hear something like: “Chewed up, used up, not working right, ready to be replaced.”

Can you see how this thing you’re describing can offer insight into how you feel about yourself?

It’s kind of magic.

Again, it’s a simple test:

  1. look around for something specific to focus on.

  2. while looking at it, answer the question, “How is this like me?”

  3. don’t edit your responses!

Your answer will be a reflection of how you feel about yourself.

Let’s try another example …

Maybe you glance around and see the Scooby Doo bobblehead on your shelf.

When you ask how this thing is like you, you might hear: “Delightful, entertaining, beloved by all. A true classic.”

Or you might hear: “Outdated, past its prime, no use to anyone. Taking up space.”

I don’t know what you’ll hear, but I suspect it will clue you in on your state of alignment these days.

So if it isn’t glowing and lovely, it might time to amp up your practice of self-love.

If you need tips for that, I wrote a whole book on it.

I talk about this subject a lot because I believe it is the single most important key to successful manifesting (let alone successful living).

But a powerful self-practice can begin with something as simple as learning to treat yourself (in thought, speech and action) the way you would treat someone you love.

It doesn’t have to be complicated.

At any rate, I hope you have fun with this little alignment check. I’d love to hear your results if you care to share!

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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

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Sneaky Self Love Test

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