Thursday, March 3, 2016

Janette’s Identity Shift Challenge

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When I saw Janette Dalgliesh post this LOA alignment challenge to her private Identify Shift Ninja group, I knew it had the potential to be a game-changer for our manifesting success. Janette generously gave permission to share it here:

If there is anything you want to change in your life, you’re seeking to shift identity into that version of yourself.

Shifting identity takes you another step toward alignment, so you become that girl with the healthy body, that guy with the fabulous relationship, or that woman with the kickass business.

But it can be tricky to get into that new identity while you’re spending 24/7 living (and maybe hating) the life of your old self.

So what’s a conscious creator to do?

The first thing is to be at peace with your current self (because hello – what we resist persists).

For more on that, read this and maybe this for starters.

Next, you need to find ways to connect to that new identity right here, right now. The magic lies in your brain and your spirit, and activating both to get you lined up may be easier than you think. The keys are repetition, and juiciness.

I’d like to invite you to join me for a 14 day Identity Shift Ninja Challenge (because who doesn’t love a challenge??).

Here’s how we do it:

Step 1: Find three things/people/activities/locations that activate your new identity.

I like to call these things “anchors” because they anchor us into that new identity. Look for something you can connect with every day (so don’t say “the ocean” if you live in the mountains). Make ‘em juicy and doable!

For example, if your new identity is “rockstar web developer” the three things might include a badge with that label (made by your kid or a leading silversmith, doesn’t matter); a short FB post rich with helpful tips; and 30 minutes reading up on the latest WordPress plug-ins.

If your new identity is ” bestselling author” the three things might be drinking coffee from a mug that says AUTHOR; maintaining or setting up your Amazon author page; and two hours of writing.

Step 2: Do/wear/play with those three things daily for the next two weeks.

Note: you can do your three things more than daily if you like, and you can have more than three things, but you must connect with all of them them, at least once, every single day.

My new identity is ‘lightworker making a difference’ and my things are:

  • wear my EASY necklace, to remind me that I’m a brilliant lightworker who knows how to thrive by following her highest excitement (ie taking the easy path) – also to remind me I live in Easy World

  • one hour of research or reading into brain science or astrology or tarot or numerology (upskilling like a rockstar!)

  • thirty minutes of intuitive practice (on top of meditation) to keeping amping up my connection to Source (this practice is a mix of things, based on my own spiritual lineage)

That’s it. Who’s with me?

Share your three things in the comments, and let’s go!

And by the way – if you’d like to be a part of my Identity Shift Ninja group, you’d be very welcome to the party.

Access is free, but you need to be my FB friend to join. So hit me up for a friend request (unless we’re already connected!) and then send me a private message to request the sekret knock for access.

Identity shift, engage!


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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

This subject was something I sensed you might probably enjoy.

The originator offers an intriguing perspective on the subject that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my readers.

Please offer your ideas in the remarks area below …

Janette’s Identity Shift Challenge

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