Monday, February 1, 2016

The Responsible Thing To Do

Go here for the entire article…

Conscious creators know the power of our focus. We know that we empower whatever we pay attention to.

And that’s why many of us don’t watch the news or read things we don’t want to co-create.

Sometimes that’s easier said than done, though…

  • Like when a loved one is concerned about something and wants us to pay attention with them.

  • Or when our community is up in arms about a social injustice that needs to be righted.

  • Or when our job calls for us to focus on something we know doesn’t help.

Sometimes it just doesn’t fly to tell the spouse that we don’t want to hear what the doctor said, when they really want someone to share with. Or that we aren’t going to concern ourselves with our teenager’s signs of trouble.

It doesn’t usually go over well to tell the boss that looking for problems only makes them worse, so we’re not going to participate in that particular project.

(Or maybe it does fly – all we have to do is have the guts to say so? Maybe it’s worth changing our minds about what we think would happen if we honored our LOA ways.)

But I’ve talked with fellow creators, and have experienced myself, how it can feel “irresponsible” to just put our heads in the sand about important issues.

Shouldn’t we step in when we see our kids experimenting with something unhealthy? Shouldn’t we be aware of global warming, endangered species and political turmoil? Shouldn’t we do our part to take action and spread the word or whatever seems the socially responsible thing to do?

Yesterday I got a delightful answer from P’taah on this very subject.

Something rather alarming crossed my radar recently – a world event that was both compelling and dramatic. It seemed important to know about, and maybe even spread the word about.

I shared with P’taah that there was a lot of evidence to support the argument that a very real problem was getting worse by the day, and that it didn’t seem very responsible to just ignore it.

P’taah said, on the contrary, it’s irresponsible to pay attention to it, knowing what we know about the power of our focus.

The responsible thing to do is to use our creative power in service of what we want, which means turning attention away from what we don’t.

That’s the responsible thing to do.

I’ve known that on an intellectual basis, and I often succeed in practicing it. But hearing P’taah put it that way liberated me from feeling like I was shirking social duty by closing my eyes to what I don’t like.

Abraham says the same thing, encouraging us to put our heads in the sand and turn deaf ears to anyone who wants us to know what’s going wrong in the world.

Next time I’ll do it with pride and empowerment, not with apology or second guessing my LOA ways.

P’taah added, and I’ve heard Abe say the same thing, that if there’s something on your personal path that you can do that makes you feel better, by all means do that. But paying attention to something you don’t want and can’t do anything about isn’t helpful.

The responsible creator knows too much to entertain unwanted thoughts – no matter how important or real or popular they may seem.

Here’s to doing the responsible thing.

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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

The originator possesses a fascinating viewpoint on the topic that resonates with me and I wished to share it with my viewers.

Kindly provide your thoughts in the remarks section below …

The Responsible Thing To Do

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