Thursday, February 4, 2016

Issue 211 – STRESS (Get Out From Under It)

Issue 211 – STRESS (Get Out From Under It)

Remember how I said that when we get stressed, we tend to fuel that stress by trying to control the outcome of things that we normally wouldn’t care about? And I shared the story from my own life to help you really see how that happens. Now I want you to do the same thing – look at your life, think back over the past week and honestly and without judgment notice the times you became attached to controlling the outcome of something that really didn’t matter to you. Pay attention – start to take notice when you feel yourself getting tense and ask yourself – “Am I trying to control something here?” “How can I go with this instead of fighting for it to be different?” So often our STRESS is caused by the struggle we get into when we are trying to force something to be different than it is. What if it is ALL for our greatest purpose and all you have to do is let that be true??? How differently would you feel then? My stress is created by a very specific reason… I can…
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Issue 211 – STRESS (Get Out From Under It)

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