Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Does the Law of Attraction only work if you believe in it?

Full Article Here

Does the Law of Attraction only work if you believe in it?


The Law of Attraction always works!


Whether you are aware of it or not.

Whether you believe in it or not.

The Law of Attraction always works.

Everything that we experience is a result of what we have been attracting up till now. And we are all experienced in using the principles of the Law of Attraction and creating our own lives – most people are just not aware of it and are therefore attracting automatically and unconsciously.

Did you ever wonder why some people seem to be working hard year after year, seem to be financially responsible, and yet it is as if they never have enough money?

Or why some people seem to always be unlucky?

And then there are others who seem to always be lucky and with very little effort go from one success to the other?

Or you might even know it from your own life, how for longer periods of time everything seems to go wrong? And then for other periods everything seems to go right, smoothly and easily?

All of this is the Law of Attraction in action!

So the trick is to learn how to use your attraction power deliberately.

And that is precisely what this blog is about

This content was something I thought you would probably appreciate.

The originator has a fascinating point of view on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my audiences.

Please provide your ideas in the comments area below …

Does the Law of Attraction only work if you believe in it?

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