Sunday, November 22, 2015

5 Manifesting Mistakes Many People Make

For the full article go here


I thought you might enjoy some insights that might help you have more of what you want!

1 – Not Building a Strong Enough Vibe (Of What You Want)

Sure, we CAN have manifestations by thinking (or not even consciously thinking) of something and it seemingly showing up ‘out of the blue’.

The best way though is to progressively build the vibe.

You want what you want to be to be more familiar than what you do NOT want.

Most techniques and processes are about cumulative and compound building of the vibe of what you want.

Oftentimes (especially when starting from a ‘bad vibe’), particularly with transformational and long term life changes, where we are and where we want to be aren’t only one energetic step away.

Hence, multiple iterations in building the vibe are often required.  (This is different to manifesting a parking space or a date or cheque for the end of the week, which may not require as much vibe building)

The good news is there are no limits to where you can exponentially take your energy.  The human race is still realising the full potential of this.


2 – Not Noticing the Change in Your Feelings and Ideas

When you have a genuine building of your vibe your emotions and energy change, your thoughts, ideas and insights will also change (more on this in 4, below).

The frequency of your consciousness will change – like tuning into different radiowaves.  You will get new ideas and inspiration, and at times even manifestations themselves.

Sometimes ideas may not make sense but that is because you are trying to evaluate Infinite Intelligence with a rational mind.

So, a mistake many make is they do not notice the changes within themselves even when the manifestation of what they are wanting is already under way!


3 – If There isn’t a Change In Your Feelings, Look Into Addressing Internal Conflicts

If you aren’t getting excited about what you want then in likelihood:

1 – Either what you want isn’t meaningful (/important enough) to you – example remedies: connect to what you really want, redefine what you want, make it bigger etc.

2 – Or there is an internal conflict (mixed emotions/associations etc) about what you want.  We often talk of ways of addressing this on Manifesting Excellence.


4 – The Change in Energy and Feelings Will Lead to Insights and Manifestations – Recognise Them

Oftentimes people manifest what they want but do not recognise it because it is in a different form to what they expected (let go of the ‘form’).

Similarly, if they haven’t manifested it yet, the solution/answer/next step appears and they do not recognise that either.

When you change your energy and feelings, be vigilant of what happens and what ideas you get.  Follow through on the most subtle of ideas to create space for the next one, and so on and so on.

Sometimes manifestations happen with ‘out of the blue’ wow moments, at other times as a progression of energetic steps that lead to them.

The Universe will provide whatever steps are needed for you to have what you are destined for (you change your ‘destiny’ with your energy).  Recognise them and follow through on YOUR part in making it happen.


5 – Whilst Having Built the Energy of What You Want, Reverting Your Energy Elsewhere and Avoiding Actually RECEIVING What You Want

This is one of the BIGGEST reasons why most people do not get what they want.

Some people do great energetic work to have the building vibe but then their thoughts (even outside of their awareness) move towards:

– “Why isn’t it here yet?”

– “When will it come?”

– “Is this working?”

– Focusing on (and thus building) the energy of what displeases them about the now, whether via discord, frustration, fear, anxiety etc

– “Am I doing this right?

– And many more

Do you see what is happening here?  This shifts your energy to the absence of what you want and not on building your energetic familiarity to the PRESENCE of what you want.

One of the biggest things when it comes to human behaviour and also manifesting is most people CONSCIOUSLY think they have done enough to have what they want but actually haven’t changed the unconscious momentum at all – which is where all our memories, emotions and patterns are stored.

It is about learning the methods and ways to more deeply have greater harmony with yourself on multiple levels.  This is something most people are likely not to be aware of, and if they are then not aware of the tools and methods to make this happen.


“11 Tips to Speed Up Your Manifestations”

This Saturday (tomorrow!) and the next we will be talking about “11 Tips to Speed Up Your Manifestations” on Manifesting Excellence.

If you aren’t registered for it and would like to access the call (and the audio download) for it then click here.

Every manifestation that occurs is because of a changing of your energetic relationship with it.

We will talk about how this happens, the signs to look out for so you know where you are at, and much much more!

You can register for it here.


The post 5 Manifesting Mistakes Many People Make appeared first on Manifesting and Law of Attraction.

This content was something I sensed you might probably appreciate.

The originator provides an intriguing point of view on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my audiences.

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5 Manifesting Mistakes Many People Make

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