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Who’s in the mood for a fun law of attraction success story?
This one comes from Sabeen and made me laugh out loud with delight at her willingness to ask the ‘impossible’ and Universe’s ability to deliver it.
Here’s Sabeen:
I’m having a new shower installed in my bathroom. Yesterday, the contractor worked on it all day and was gone by the time I got home from work.
I came home tired and stressed (perfect vibration for a negative manifestation, not to mention I have vibrational kinks anyway about things going wrong with home renovation projects).
When I walked into the bathroom, what were supposed to be bright white tiles in the shower were dull grey tiles.
This is not what I had picked out and not what I wanted! I was upset and disappointed.
Somehow the wrong tiles had been installed and now it would be difficult to do anything about it because the contractor had spent a day installing them and it was a done deal.
Suffice it to say I was not a happy camper.
I debated calling the contractor that night but I didn’t have it in me to have a difficult conversation so I decided to wait until morning, go in to work late and have a discussion with the contractor. Not that it would matter because the shower had already been installed.
Here’s where the story gets interesting …
I decided there was nothing to be done until morning so I would try not to think about the mistake.
Before going to bed, I had a thought that I wanted this to resolve easily and half-jokingly asked the Universe to magically turn the tiles white during the night.
This morning, I went into the bathroom and the tiles were still grey.
But … I noticed the side of one of the tiles looked like it was peeling off.
That’s when I realized that the tiles were indeed the bright white tiles I had wanted all along – they were just covered in a thin film of grey plastic which had started peeling off during the night.
Wow, that really hit me over the head! Nothing had gone wrong after all. Things were exactly how I wanted them to be.
The only “problem” had been that I wasn’t seeing what was really there because I had been looking through a grey filter that I hadn’t realized was there. All I needed to do to see what was truly there was to peel off the layer that was in the way – but even better than that, all I really had to do was let the Universe peel it off for me when I wasn’t looking.
Like I said, it was an awesome epiphany for me and that Voice inside told me that this principle applies to absolutely everything.
It’s always ok, it’s always exactly how you want it, you just can’t see it while you’re looking at it through the grey cover of worry, disappointment, fear etc.
So true, Sabeen! And such a perfect example of it.
My takeaway from this story is that Universe knows how to give us what we want. All we have to do is let go the contrary vibes and get out of the way.
Congrats on getting your white tiles with no extra fuss, and thanks for sharing your fun story with us, Sabeen!
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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.
This content was something I sensed you would enjoy.
The originator has an insightful viewpoint on the topic that resonates with me and I wished to share it with my readers.
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Universe Can Do the Impossible (While You Sleep)
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