Monday, August 13, 2018

How To Become Rich - The Number One Reason You"re Not Already Rich

How To Become Rich - The wisdom, not gimmicks, that you must understand to become ridiculously rich and fulfilled.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books

Full Video Transcript Here:

Video Summary:
With so many people trying to tell you how to get rich, why aren"t you rich already?

Obviously, you"re listening to the wrong advice. Stock tips and quick cheats are not the path to wealth. "But they all tell me it"s supposed to be "so simple" ... ?" Oh, it is, but that doesn"t mean it"s easy!

Just five basic principles -- the principles that rich folks practice to GET rich -- can make your life transcend your fondest dreams. These principles are so simple as to appear simplistic, but they aren"t:



Do what you"re passionate about.

Make it extraordinary.

Accept responsibility.

That"s it ... five super-short sentences, a mere dozen words. You were expecting more?

Oh, there is more, but the "more" has to come from you -- from the soul-searching process of adopting each precept, but still finding your own unique way in this world. And it must be a way that others want a piece of, too. So much for the first four ...

The fifth principle, "Accept responsibility," is the hardest and least-often adopted by the would-be-rich. That"s why they typically remain the wanna-be"s.

Do you have the courage to hear the hard truth and then press it into service?

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