Monday, February 5, 2018

Get your fix of kumbaya right here.

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“People need a constant jolt of kumbaya that’s not goody-goody.”—Carlos Santana

I am pretty much in love with everything right now. I’m so digging the new book (that if I was counting, I could tell you is due at the publishers in 48 days, 23 hours and 58 minutes), so infinitely grateful for all the stories that come to me every day from readers and so pumped that I get to collect all this awesome evidence that the field of infinite potentiality loves us SO MUCH and wants nothing more than to interact with us and guide us.

Synchronicities and signs are literally falling into my lap.

“Well, duh!” I hope you’re thinking. Because, after all, one of the many gifts of tuning into the gratitude frequency (the topic of the new book) is you start noticing the universe sending up flares that make it easy for us to follow its vast and eternal guidance. It’s like everything just magically falls into place and you don’t really have to do much of anything. Except, of course, heed its guidance.

Not to step on Alfred Hitchcock’s toes, but recently I’ve been hearing lots of bird stories. You know how everybody thinks dolphins have extrasensory powers and send us good ju-ju? I’m thinking birds might also be in on the action.

Tesla, of course, had a thing with pigeons. My friend and power posse cohort, Annola, recently reported that a bird (I think it was a wren) flew straight towards her, landed gently on her heart and then perched for a minute on her shoulder. Not exactly normal bird behavior. But a true gift, a gift to say, “All shall be well.”

Carlos Santana, back in the early 70’s, was trying to decide whether or not to become a disciple of Sri Chinmoy, an Indian guru who required certain commitments. The giving up of drugs and drinking didn’t deter him, but when Chinmoy asked him to cut his hair and shave his beard? That was a whole different steel guitar.

“Long hair was a mark of honor, my identity,” he said.

He was talking with his soon-to-be wife, Deborah, and said something like, “I don’t know. I don’t want to sound weird, but I got to have some sort of sign.”

At that very moment, a bird came swopping into the room, flapped around for a minute and then flew back out the open window.

“Holy shit,” he said. “Did that just happen?”

Deborah turned to him and said, “Okay. I guess you’re going to cut your hair.”

Santana stayed with that guru for nine years and I was thrilled to find out he’s now a fan of my homeboy–Course in Miracles.

Speaking of birds, I’m boarding a big metal bird (also known as an airplane) this weekend to give a workshop in Seattle. I’m speaking at East West Book Shop both Friday night and Saturday. Kinda cool, coz Mark Nepo will be there, too.

Two weekends later, I’m flying to California for yet another event in San Diego. It’s called Make Your life Extraordinary.

So if you’re anywhere in the neighborhood, please come by and say “Hi!” or collect your hug (My goal is to hug everyone on the planet) or tell me your cool synchronicity story. And if you have a bird story, please send it to me. I’m contemplating doing a whole section in the new book on these harbingers of the new and exciting world that’s being born.

Either way, have an awesome and amazing day!!!

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.

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