Sunday, February 4, 2018

How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You - What Girls Really Want

How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You - The ultimate keys to attracting a girl and owning her heart forever!

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books

Full Video Transcript Here:

Video Summary:
Hey, this is Leo for and this is another quick self-help segment where, in about 10 minutes, I"m going to tell you how to make a girl fall in love with you.

This is actually a personal topic that I"ve been studying hardcore for the last two years because I"m involved in the pick-up community. I came from a place where I had horrible skills with dating and no experience. I didn"t know how to flirt. I didn"t know how to attract women. I didn"t know how to land or keep a girlfriend.

These were all new experiences that I had to go through and learn the hard way -- much harder than most people did. Through my journey, I actually went through two years of brutal training. I studied hundreds of hours of theory about how to attract women, what women want, and female psychology. Then I went out and practiced it in the field in clubs and in bars to test the theories and the techniques and teach myself how to attract women.

This is a slightly different than how to get a girl to fall in love with you. We need to clarify it. There"s the attraction phase and then there"s the love phase.

This is the same thing I said in a similar video that I shot for girls. Before someone can fall in love with you, you need to first meet them and get some attraction and chemistry going. Then you"ll build up to love.

In some ways, the love comes naturally. You don"t need to worry about that too much. What you need to focus on is more of the attraction phase. Once you can attract somebody, then the love just kicks in naturally and things just start to happen.

All you have to do is take the biggest obstacles out of the path. Then that process will be smooth. If you have obstacles in the way, you"ll have some problems and you"ll be falling down here even though you"re attracting women.

I know some guys who are good at attracting women, but then they aren"t able to keep them around because of several problems that they have. We"ll cover some of those and get into attraction as well.

What do women want in guys? This is related to the point of attraction. Even though people separate love from attraction, there"s a deep connection there. The fact is that to get love, you need attraction. The attraction carries off into love.

What attracts girls to guys? Girls are attracted to personality and not looks. This is a big misconception among guys, especially guys who have trouble attracting women. They think that their looks are a detriment and because they are a little overweight or they have some crooked teeth or pimples or this or that -- they don"t have the perfect body or the perfect face -- they can"t attract a girl. Nothing can be further from the truth.

What women are attracted to are emotions. If you can make her feel the right emotions that she likes to feel, then that"s it. She"s yours. It"s done. It"s so easy, as long as you can make her feel the right emotions.

It"s all about the emotions. Women are sensitive to emotions. Guys are logical and visual. We"re going to analyze everything about a woman logically and we"re going to be instantly attracted to her within five seconds because of how she looks. That"s not the same for girls.

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