Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Science of Getting Rich Seminar

How To Make Easy Money With Law Of Attraction | Manifesting Easy Money 2014

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Bank Account! (Law of Attraction) – Part 5

Abraham Hicks Learning to interpret the communication coming from your inner being (no ads)

Uncovering Your Childhood Vows - Unwire Your Neurotic Personality

Childhood Vows - A practical guide to re-examining the decisive moments that shaped your neurotic personality.

Homework Assignment Worksheet:

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo Reviews Top 180 Self Help Books Forum

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Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.

Is Your Brain Giving Good Advice?

For the full article go here

The LOA Science Guy, Greg Kuhn, explains how he deals with his brain’s bad advice when it comes to managing emotional pain.

Enjoy learning from an LOA savvy brainiac how to work with the brain and emotions:

When in emotional pain, I am no different, perhaps, than anyone else. My brain usually screams, “Who did this to us?”

This content was something I felt you would probably appreciate.

The author offers a helpful perspective on the subject that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my followers.

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How to receive your manifestation - Law of Attraction

Veronica shows you how to properly receive your desire.

Bruce Lee - like water (in memory of Bruce Lee) - inspirational and motivational video

Four Little Words to Help you Remember to Release Those Worry Vibrations

Click Here to Visit the Website

You believe that what you think creates your personal world. All that you think and focus on is what comes right back into your life in some way, shape, or form. Even if we believe it to be true, it can be challenging to not worry about current experiences we may be having; yet when […]

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Law of Attraction Q&A with Bob Doyle From The Secret - January 11, 2017

The Importance of a Team

Abraham-Hicks: 17 Seconds To More Money

Law of Attraction – The Power Of Thought (Mind Power)

How To Engage Your Positive Affirmations In A Visual, Auditory, Physical and Emotional Way


A Tribute To LOUISE HAY, Author of "You Can Heal Your Life" by Awesome AJ

YouAreCreators Podacst Ep4: Manifesting Wealth! -Law Of Attraction

The law of attraction is for White people

These animal whites are TRYING ITTTT. Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome:

Learn How to Develop YOUR Intuitive Skills

What Approach are you Taking?

Go here for the entire article...

This content was something I sensed you would probably enjoy.

For the full article go here

We always have a choice in how we look at life. We can see the glass half full of have empty.  We can choose to look at all the things about our bodies that we don’t like or we can think of all that our bodies do for us and be thankful. We can choose […]

The blogger features an insightful viewpoint on the subject that resonates with me and I wanted to share it with my readers.

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Jack Canfield SGR - The Secret behind THE SECRET

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Good Morning! Positive Affirmations + Solfeggio Sound

Law of Attraction Tips | The Secret of Attracting Wealth

The Magical Manifestation Chart

Go here for the entire article...

This material was something I felt you would probably value.

For the full article go here

Michel Marcellot recently mentioned an LOA tool called a “manifestation chart.” I hadn’t heard of it, so I asked him to elaborate for us. Here’s Miche on a new way to have fun creating what you want:

A manifestation chart comes from Edgar Cayce’s Ideals Chart. It works best when applied to a specific thing, situation or relationship. The more specific the better.

Start with labeling your chart with your specific request. In the center write a word or short phrase that conveys the highest idea or ideal that can you can use to describe the best outcome for this situation, e.g. True Love, Compassion, Relief, etc.

(Nothing is cast in stone here so don’t stress out about it, just let your intuition run with all of this.)

In the second ring write words or phrases that convey the best emotional or psychological attributes the highest outcome can have, like Relaxation, Fun, Secure, Generous. Try to stay away from negative-based descriptions, like Stress-Free. (Relaxation works better.)

Then in the third outer ring write what things look like in the physical. Be specific here, keeping in mind that there may be an “even better” outcome that may unfold in a completely different way than expected.

Your next step is to keep positive, stay open, have fun, and forget about your chart! Don’t chase that dog! That’s the best way to have it run in the opposite direction.

* *   And that’s all it takes to engage the magic of a manifestation chart!   * *

Someone who created her chart asked if she was doing something wrong because it didn’t seem to be working …

I told her the problem is Time is a relative concept made up by humans and does not reflect the true nature of the universe.

We think (hope or wish) things should happen in a given time frame. But the reality is – All Things cause All Things, meaning there are an infinite number of variables that need to coalesce to cause a given outcome.

Given the complexity of this, we are left with only the application of Trust and Faith as tools to affect an outcome. These are powerful tools which can maneuver the necessary elements into place to affect the desired outcome.

So hang in there and rest assured that although they may be doing so outside of your view, things are coming together to bring you your desired result.

We have to be different from the Us we are now in order to manifest a different reality than the one we have been experiencing. Feel yourself becoming the You that already has what you are asking for.

The key here is acknowledging that change must take place and allowing yourself the space/time to make the internal changes necessary to BE the person who manifests what you are desiring.

Michel Marcellot began The Peace Gardens at Seven Arrows with his wife Judy in 1980. They’ve created a public Peace Garden which is always open for strolling through, sitting, relaxing, contemplation. Michel’s greatest delight is sourcing new botanical offerings from all over the world and connecting with others who do so.

* * * * * * * *</center

Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

The creator possesses an interesting perspective on the subject that resonates with me and I wanted to share it with my viewers.

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Abraham Hicks • Your beliefs are being validated every time • Master Law of Attraction

How To Stay Healthy – The Psychology of Maintaining Consistent, Effortless Health

The Greatest Advice Ever Told (Law of Attraction)

Are you Conscious of your Repetitive Thoughts that no Longer Serve your Life?

For the full article go here

When you become conscious of what you are thinking of, you find repetitive thought patterns that really aren’t in alignment with what you want in life. Your focus may be thinking about what you don’t want in life instead of what you do want. And the more we put focus toward a certain thought pattern, […]

This subject matter was something I perceived you would value.

The originator features an intriguing point of view on the topic that resonates with me and I wished to discuss it with my subscribers.

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How Thought Manipulates Physical Reality! (Law Of Attraction)

Episode #135 - Designing The Self: Perspective - The Appreciationist

Mind Your LOA Business

Full Article Here

This post is for those of us who have a tendency to step on Universe’s toes (and block our own desires) by sticking our nose where it doesn’t belong …

When one is tempted to figure something out in an attempt to fix a problem or change a situation, savvy creators take a pause.

Because we know our job isn’t to connect the dots and make things happen.

We’re not meant to come up with answers or coordinate solutions.

That’s Universe’s job.

Our job is to give Universe the instruction for what will be.

It figures out how to do it.

And it does it way better than you or I ever could.

When you’re fixated on a problem, you’re not giving instructions for solutions. You’re just creating more problem and blocking results.

So the next time you find yourself “figuring it out,” take that as your cue to get your nose out of Universe’s business and get back to your own. Which is to focus on what you want; feel how you want to feel; vision your desire to life.

After that Universe calls you forward via your inspiration. All there is for you to do is simply answer the call of whatever feels best.

That doesn’t feel like resolving issues or working hard for results.

It feels like fun. It feels joyful. It feels like your favorite thing.

Surely we got the easy part, right?

Let Universe do the heavy lifting for you.

* * * * * * * *</center

Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

This subject was something I sensed you might probably appreciate.

The author features an intriguing viewpoint on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to share it with my followers.

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Use This The power of belief , Abraham Hicks, Law Of Attraction

The Secret to the Law of Attraction - Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

What does happiness mean to you? Visit

Advice For High School & College Students – The Keys To Mastering Life

The Science of Getting Rich – Bob Proctor

How To Be A Strategic Motherfucker - The 7 Pillars Of Strategic Thinking

Strategic Thinking - How to apply military and business strategic planning skills to self-actualization in your personal life.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books Forum

Abraham Hicks♥Tune your frequency to your Inner being!

Create your reality : my advice #1

The Unfailing Success System - Learn this! (Law Of Attraction) PT9

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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

The Greatest Proof The Law Of Attraction Works! (Woman Wins 5000+ Contests!)

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
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►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

Personal Development Plan - The Essentials Of Getting Results

Personal Development Plan - What you must know to start working on your own personal development.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books

Full Video Transcript Here:

Video Summary:
Anyone committed to building an amazing life will benefit from a personal development plan. Creating one, however, needs to be a customized design, based on your own personal needs and goals. It"s not something you can copy from your friend or colleague. If you do, it won"t meet your specific needs. Spend time figuring out what your needs are, and what you hope to accomplish. That information will pay off handsomely so you don"t chase down blind alleys that get you nowhere productive.

Once you know what you"re looking for, with a stunning array of material and programs available, use every resource at you disposal to narrow the search to what"s best for you. Tap into free resources first, until you identify the experts to best direct your path. Gather the lay of the land, and where you hope to arrive.

Minimize time and energy zappers and addictions. Replace destructive habits with constructive ones.

Identify a life purpose, if you don"t already have one, that speaks to the center of your being. Only then will you have the commitment to pursue your self-improvement plan.

Keep track of your progress, so you can review and realize the journey you"ve made.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Thoughts of plenty, not rarity - Abraham Hicks

Law of Attraction - How to Feel Happier (Psychology)

Law of Attraction - How to Feel Happier (Psychology)

☯ Live Today With Passion is an educational organization founded in 2015 by Nicholas & Anthony. We are a small international team based in Norway, we started this website with the intention of inspiring like-minded people all over the world.

👉 Speakers: Brendon Burchard, Wayne Dyer.

👉 Happiness is one of the most studied areas of human endeavor in the history of the world. When you look at psychology and philosophy, this is all they’ve been talking about for literally centuries.

So we figured out the basics of happiness, but it’s just that sometimes common sense isn’t common practice, so people struggle for no reason.

👉 Source: Brendon Burchard

👉 Wayne Dyer was an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth. Over the four decades of his career, he wrote more than 40 books, including 21 New York Times bestsellers. He created many audio and video programs, and appeared on thousands of television and radio shows.

👉 Brendon Burchard is the world"s leading high-performance coach, one of the most watched personal development trainers in history, and a Top 100 Most Followed Public Figure on Facebook. Over 50,000,000 people watched his videos in the last 12 months, more than 30,000,000 see his posts every week on Facebook, and 1,000,000-plus students have completed his online courses or video series, making

You Have Greatness Within You! Moving Past the Fear of Failure - Les Brown (motivational)

There is greatness within you! Moving past the fear of failure is as easy as making the decision to believe that it"s a stepping stone to your success. Successful people condition their mind to expect success. Without the expectation, or belief, the mind will find no motivational value in seeking more success for itself. You can train your mind to attract success through law of attraction principles by teaching it to expect a certain outcome. Use this motivational video to inspire your mind to take action!

★50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks to Hack Your Mind & Increase Your Manifestation Power ➜

Law of Attraction does not bring positive results without positive beliefs and positive patterns. These principles are the secret formula to follow if you wish to align with your desires the way countless others have. You are a limitless creator. Learn how to break free from self-imposed limitations and live the life you desire!

Les Brown is one of the world’s most renowned motivational speakers. He has a dynamic personality and is a highly-sought-after resource in business and professional circles for Fortune 500 CEOs, small business owners, non-profit and community leaders from all sectors of society looking to expand opportunity. For three decades he has not only studied the science of achievement, he’s mastered it by interviewing hundreds of successful business leaders and collaborating with them in the boardroom translating theory into bottom-line results for his clients. You can visit his website @

All audio content belongs to their original creators / owners. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, research and parody. Please notify us by email @ if there is a copyright concern.

Please subscribe to our channel for more law of attraction and mastering your mind videos.

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► Self-Maid - A maid-turned-doctor explains how to deliberately create your life using Universal Laws and the law of attraction →

For personal coaching:

More law of attraction and mind secret videos:

Creating Miracles in Your Life with the Law of Attraction – Stuart Wilde

How to Use Intention and Inner Experience to Create a New Future

How To Get Whatever You Want – Jim Rohn (loa)

The Science of Wealth & Why You Deserve To Be Rich (law of attraction)

Law of Attraction Money Magnet Power Affirmations + Binaural Beats

Metaphysical Principles of The Secret Law of Attraction

The Power of Your Mind + 4 Techniques to Control Your Reality

Prosperity Consciousness – The Spiritual Science of Attracting Money

Condition Your Mind to EXPECT Success (motivational) Les Brown

How to Rewire Your Brain to Create a New Reality – The Science of Law of Attraction

Imagining Creates Reality – Neville Goddard (law of attraction)

Law of Attraction Success Principles – Let Your Mind do the Work

Think Like a Creator | The Mental Environment That Attracts What You Want (LOA)

4 Major Life Lessons for Attracting Success – Nothing Changes if YOU Don’t Change (loa)

Law of Attraction Energy Secrets That Attract Money | Understand the Metaphysics of Wealth

How to Access Your SuperConscious Mind Power & Magnify Your Success

Why You Might Not Be Mastering the Law of Attraction & How to Stop What’s Stopping You

Instant Manifestation – Amazing Tips to Manifest Fast! (LOA)

Law of Attraction | mind | secret | powerful | key | success | life | training | coach | personal | business | speaker | development | inspiration | motivation | public speaking | leadership | marketing | management | coaching (industry) | sales | motivational | positive | entrepreneur | seminar | inspirational | new | 2016

How to TRANSCEND the Law of Attraction Delay (Law of Attraction Secrets)

The SURE WAY Of Attracting Prosperity! (Law Of Attraction)

Law of Attraction in Action: Episode VIII (Preview)

Secrets to Developing Sexual Magnetism and Self Confidence - Women Attraction

Law of Attraction: How does Manifestation REALLY Work? Here"s the Key.

In this video, I bust the myth that all we have to do to attract what we want in life is declare our desire then be open to receive it; the word Attraction itself can"t be ...

Tony Robbins - How to Attract What You Want Law of Attraction

The Effects of Human Thoughts, and Words on WATER… WOW!

Life will Change for The Better

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Sometimes it can seem impossible to stay positive in an experience that is challenging; but truly that is where the inner work comes in. You want life to change but life won’t change until you are able to change your current thoughts and focus. In order to have the life that you want you have […]

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Cleanse Your Aura and Protect Your Vibe - Expand Your Energy Field and Consciousness

Speaking & Thinking Your Life Into Existence! (Law Of Attraction)

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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

The Magic | Day 27

One of the most forgotten tips when using the Law Of Attraction!

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
►222 Prosperity Affirmations:
►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets:

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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

You Have To Grow Your Faith! (Law Of Attraction)


Top Scientist: “People perish for the lack of this hidden knowledge…” – Law Of Attraction

Peace and blessings

"Merry Christmas. Wishing peace and blessings to everyone."
— Simple Reminders

Peace and blessings


How To Change The World - What It Takes To Have Massive Social Impact

How To Change The World - Learn what it really takes to start having a big impact on the world. Changing the world starts with changing yourself.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Waking Up As If

For the full article go here

You know how after something big has happened in your life, when you wake up the next day it takes a minute to get used to the idea?

Sometimes it even takes longer than that to get used to the change?

Like after you quit your job, when you wake up on Monday, it’s sort of a surprise to remember you don’t have to go to work.


This content was something I thought you might value.

The author has a helpful viewpoint on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to share it with my subscribers.

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Life Coaching – The Powerful Benefits Of Working With A Life Coach

Positive Thinking Subliminal - Chill-Out Mix

Download Free Positive Thinking Subliminal - Chill-Out Mix here:

Relationship Attraction: Practicing Intentional Dating

If You Can Think and FEEL It, You Can Attract It! - By Rev Ike (Law Of Attraction)

Want to Watch More of Rev. Ike?
Click here To Subscribe to his YouTube Channel:
Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
►222 Prosperity Affirmations:
►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets:
►The Mind Of Money:

Download FREE Law Of Attraction books/Mp3"s here:

★ Purchase YouAreCreators Posters and Sweatshirts here →
★ Download the YouAreCreators Manifestation Reminder on your app store now!

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...


Change is painful


"Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don"t belong."
— Mandy Hale


How To Live Life Without Limits! -Law Of Attraction- (Powerful!)

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
►222 Prosperity Affirmations:
►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets:
►The Mind Of Money:

Download FREE Law Of Attraction books/Mp3"s here:

★ Purchase YouAreCreators Posters and Sweatshirts here →
★ Download the YouAreCreators Manifestation Reminder on your app store now!

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

How to vibrate at the same frequency as money and win the LOTTERY

Condition Your Mind to Expect Success (motivational) Les Brown

Feelings Are Information - An Excerpt from Why Quantum Physicists Play "Grow a Greater You"

★MANIFEST ANYTHING★ Follow your Instincts Hypnosis

Creating Your Life Through Visualization! – By Rev. Ike

Effortlessly feel sexy, healthy and fit In your body

Straight from Our Matrixx Graduates Proctor Gallagher Matrixx is an incredible 6 day experience designed to bring your ideas to life. Bob Proctor, Sandy Gallagher and their team have perfected these six days for optimal experience and results … but don’t take it from us – hear what the graduates have to say.

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Abraham Hicks 2016: Navigating contrast | 2016-09-03 Mediterranean Cruise

You Have a Desire

It"s not necessary for you to exacerbate your contrast with struggle
in order to get it into a higher place.

It is not necessary to suffer in order to give birth to desire.

But when you have suffered and you have given birth to desire,
so what?

You"ve got a desire.

Turn your attention to the desire.

Think about where you"re going and never mind where you"ve been.

Don"t spend any more time justifying any of that stuff.

Excerpted from San Antonio, TX
- Saturday, April 21st, 2001

Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)

Manifest Money & Prosperity 💰 Money & Wealth Affirmations, Attract Abundance ✔

It will happen


"Just because it isn"t happening right now doesn"t mean it never will."
— Unknown Author


Abraham Hicks ~z~ How do you choose when there are too many options?

Saturday, January 27, 2018

A Course In Miracles 2015 Revival (Powerful lessons!) Join for FREE!

The secret episode 12

Self Esteem – Understanding & Fixing Low Self-Esteem

Abraham Hicks New 2016 – The Power of Focused Breathing (Law of Attraction)

The Magic Rhonda Byrne Day 18| The Magical To-Do List

How To Feel Happy - Scientifically Proven Ways of Creating Lasting Happiness

How To Feel Happy - Learn how to get lasting fulfillment and happiness in life without succumbing to common pitfalls that only lead to disappointment.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books

Full Video Transcript Here:

Video Summary:
Hey, this is Leo for We are going to talk about how to feel happy. This is going to be a practical, quick self-help segment where I tell you, in about eight or 10 points, what you really need to know to get sustainable happiness in your life.
The challenge is that most of us do not really understand what it takes to be happy -- not on a deep level, at least. Most of us are out chasing the wrong things. Happiness is a counterintuitive concept.

So, let"s get into it. I"m going to give you some key points. By doing a lot of research, I"ve discovered these points. I think you"re going to really like them.


Number one is gratitude. Studies have actually been done on this and gratitude is a really great technique for creating sustainable happiness. The most practical way to practice gratitude is to actually have a gratitude journal and consistently spend five minutes every morning jotting down the five or 10 things that you are grateful for in your life.

This could be something that you"re grateful for that happened to you years ago, like your parents or your college education, or something you are grateful for that just happened to you today or the other day. It can be big things and small things.

The thing is that human beings have this tendency toward what"s called "hedonic adaptation." This means that it"s hard for us to become happy because any external change in your life -- like if you find $1,000 tomorrow in your car that just randomly showed up -- is going to make you feel thrilled in the moment, but then after a while -- a week or a month from that point -- you"re not going to really feel that happiness anymore because you"ve adapted to that difference.

Human beings are really good at adapting to either positive changes and circumstances or even negative ones. There have been many studies done on this with lottery winners to paraplegics. They"ve compared happiness levels between people who won millions of dollars and people who have become crippled. What they"ve discovered is that about after a year, the happiness level returns to about where it was.

So, gratitude is a great way to turn this tide. It"s all about thinking of the things that you are appreciative of and being more appreciative of all the good things in your life. Happiness is a mind game. You want to start shifting your focus from all the negative things that you"re thinking about to all the positive things that are in your life.
Are you grateful for the country that you live in? How often do you think about that? Are you grateful for the city that you"re in? Are you grateful for the family that you were raised in? Are you grateful for the friends you have? Are you grateful for the fact that you can pay your bills? Are you grateful for the fact that you have food? Are you grateful for the fact that you have your boyfriend or girlfriend? What are you grateful for? Take stock of those things.

If you"ve never done this exercise, you"ll discover some amazing things when you actually sit down and do it. Force your mind to go back and think about this stuff consciously and articulate it. That"s a really good strategy.


The next one is optimism. Be more optimistic. This is not an abstract concept. There"s actually a practical way to be more optimistic. With optimism, I"ve found that one of the best exercises to do is journaling. Again, you can do a five minute exercise in the morning. Sit down and ask yourself, "What am I doing in the next year that I can be excited about? What am I doing over the next week that I can get excited about? What am I doing over the next five years that I can get excited about?" It can happen on the micro scale from what you are doing today to what you are doing in a week to the macro scale of what you are doing in five years or what you are doing in 10 years.

It"s about setting a positive expectation for your future. When you feel good about your future, you"re going to get engaged. You"re going to feel happy. You can do this in the morning with your journal or you can do it when you"re in the shower or throughout your day when you"re sitting in traffic or standing in a line waiting for your Starbucks Frappuccino, just think about what you"re excited about.

As you"re doing that, you"re actually going to be setting goals, too. Setting goals is a point further down on the list and I"m going to get to it in a second.

So, building that level of optimism is a great way to feel happier.

Law of Attraction – Money Isn’t Everything (Psychology of Life)

Starting NOW! Create Your Life - 3 Months To A New World

You Attract What You Expect! (Law Of Attraction)

How to Avoid Making Mistakes (Law of Attraction)

Episode #96 Law of Attraction Coaches and Trainers - Why and How Your Handouts Will Help You and...

Upcoming and previous Episodes: Michael"s NLP & Law of Attraction Community http://www.

Coffee Manifestation Tips

Today I will tell myself that I am lovable

"Today I will tell myself that I"m lovable. Just because some people haven"t been able to love me in ways that worked doesn"t mean that I"m unlovable. I"ve had lessons to learn, and some of them have hurt deeply, but I can still love, and I still am loved."
— Melody Beattie

Today I will tell myself that I am lovable

How To Achieve Your Dream Life!

The Power Of I-AM (Chapter 7) - The 2 Most Powerful Words!

Purchase the Official "The Power of I Am" paperback here: Download our YouAreCreators ...

Everyday Try To Reach This Goal And See What Happens! Abraham Hicks , Law Of Attraction No Ads

Online Tickets Available! The Science Of Getting Rich

Make Peace With the Present!

What Is Happiness? - An Extremely Advanced Definition Of Happiness

What Is Happiness - If you come to accept and live this definition of happiness you can permanently end all suffering, forever!

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books

Full Video Transcript Here:

Video Summary:
At a deep level, happiness is an elusive state that few actually achieve. What we typically mistake for happiness is actually just excitement as a result of external stimuli. There"s certainly no shortage of stimuli in our world today. We have literally become addicted to the elevated mood we get from daring feats, exceptional food, an absorbing movie, or cruising the internet. When that thrill is over, we are already hungering for the next.

Our ego encourages us to stay on this unending roller coaster ride of highs and lows, telling us that"s just the nature of life. In truth, we"ve become creators of the drama in our life on which we"re now hooked. Devoid of stimulation, our body goes into withdrawal much like that of an addict. Our minds have grown lazy with all the easy thrills, and we"ve distorted the arc of our life with all these cheap diversions.

Unfortunately, true happiness is an inside job. To find it, we must first unplug and seek it. Meditation and deep contemplation will shrink the ego"s influence so that we can find inner peace.

John Assaraf"s Super Smoothie Recipe

Friday, January 26, 2018

(PT 5 of 5) Lionel Fanthorpe Talks – Power Of Thought and Intention!

Law of Attraction - How to Change Your Life (Psychology)

Law of Attraction - How to Change Your Life (Psychology)

☯ Live Today With Passion is an educational organization founded in 2015 by Nicholas & Anthony. We are a small international team based in Norway, we started this website with the intention of inspiring like-minded people all over the world.

👉 Speakers: Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer

👉 The only thing that changes our life long term is when we raise our standards. What does that mean?

Holiday Period Anxiety - What You Can Do

Law of Attraction - This Will Help You Work Smarter (Psychology)

Law of Attraction - This Will Help You Work Smarter (Psychology)

☯ Live Today With Passion is an educational organization founded in 2015 by Nicholas & Anthony. We are a small international team based in Norway, we started this website with the intention of inspiring like-minded people all over the world.

👉 Speakers: Jim Rohn, Jack Ma, Tom Brady, Ralph Lauren

👉 Regardless of our background, location, or profession, there is one language that is the same, and that language is the language of progress.

Progress certainly comes from putting in the hard work, but working hard is not enough.

To achieve our desired outcome, each one of us needs to find our own ways to work smarter.

Working smarter requires a combination of critical thinking, discipline, and techniques that make us productive every day.

It"s a matter of making continual progress.

Rather than work harder, you can work smarter. When you work smarter, you remember your objectives and you focus on tasks which help you to achieve them

How to Learn Meditation - Law Of Attraction Tip

Dan Bilzerian – How Bad Do You Want It?

11:11 How to Use the Numbers 11:11 to Help Manifest A New Life

Law of Attraction Success Story from A short video recalling the remarkable transformation in my life (and income) after I began using the ...


Self Help – How Self-Help Can Revolutionize Your Entire Life

Barack Obama, Elon Musk And Others On BITCOIN!

You? A Best Selling Author! - FREE Training with Peggy McColl & Bob Proctor

Join this Best Seller Money Makers LIVE Webinar with world renowned experts Bob Proctor and Peggy McColl to learn how you can take control of your business, finances and future!

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Law of Attraction - Instant Euro Attraction - Theta HD (strong subliminal programme)

The Power Of I-AM (Chapter 2) - The 2 Most Powerful Words!

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
►222 Prosperity Affirmations:
►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets:
►The Mind Of Money:

Download FREE Law Of Attraction books/Mp3"s here:

★ Purchase YouAreCreators Posters and Sweatshirts here →
★ Download the YouAreCreators Manifestation Reminder on your app store now!

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

Powerful 5 Step Law of Attraction Morning Ritual To Attract What You Want in 2018!

How To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight – The Psychology of Weight Loss Success


Abraham Hicks New 2016 – Clarifying the Purpose of Meditation (law of attraction)

When Emotion Meets Thinking (Secrets to Success)

Abraham Hicks - Let The Law Of Attraction Work For You

Abraham, through Esther Hicks, speaks of the most important message of the great teachers. It was my intention to make this video as simple as possible in or...

The Power Of Imagination and Visualization! (Law Of Attraction)

How Can I Succeed in Life | Do You Know What Does It Takes To Succeed At Life

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The best is still to come

"What if you haven"t even scratched the surface yet? What if the best is still to come? Consider the possibility."
— Bryant McGill

Abraham Hicks Know That You Have It And IT Will Manifest 2017 (no ads during video)

Your Business is Like a MIRROR IMAGE Manifesting the Law of Attraction

Resisting a downward spiral or lack in your business only makes it worse. Your business is a real-time manifestation in the mirror of what"s happening inside of ...

Open your heart

"No bird can fly without opening its wings, and no once can love without exposing their hearts."
— Mark Nepo

Source: SimpleReminder


Chef Gordon Ramsay Stop doubting yourself - blind chef baking american pie, see the result..

Bob Proctor Reveals 'The Ultimate Secret' Beyond The Law Of Attraction

Group Coaching Announcement


Abraham-Hicks: Parkinson"s Disease

Child of mine, I will never do for you that which I know you can do for yourself

northernlights-3Child of mine, I will never do for you that which I know you can do for yourself. I will never rob you of an opportunity to show yourself your ability and talent. I will see you at all times as the capable, effective, powerful creator that you"ve come forth to be. And I will stand back as your most avid cheerleading section. But I will not do for you that which you have intended to do for yourself. Anything you need from me, ask. I"m always here to compliment or assist. I am here to encourage your growth, not to justify my experience through you.  ---Abraham  | Thoughts Become Things | Only Entertain Good Thoughts & Add Your Thoughts Below!

Guidelines and Techniques For Writing Affirmations That Produce Results

The Relationship Between Success and Failure

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Bob Proctor discusses the relationship between success and failure, and why it’s not better to be safe than sorry.

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Law of Attraction - The SECRET Behind BOLLYWOOD Success | Proof That Law of Attraction Really Works

5 Law of Attraction New Year’s Resolutions to Manifest More of What You Want in 2017

If you are Unsure of What you Want

Click Here to Visit the Website

There are times where we just don’t know what we want in life. We may know how we want life to feel but take pin it to a certain place or experience. Many will envision what they want and have a strong focus on the goal but if you are unsure of what you really […]

This subject was something I felt you would appreciate.

The writer possesses a helpful perspective on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my audiences.

Kindly offer your thoughts in the remarks section below ...

Seek love and be love

"Know yourself. Be yourself. Love yourself. Seek goodness and be goodness. Seek beauty and be beauty. Seek love and be love."
— Bryant McGill

Seek love and be love

About Your Alignment Practice

I think this is the best intro to this article and the author wrote it himself: "The magic doesn’t automatically happen just because we know about law of attraction, or have an Abe subscription, or read everything on this blog.

It happens when we engage our creative powers"
About Your Alignment Practice

Work Your Alignment Plan As a law of attraction coach I get a lot of questions fellow creators about how to manifest what they want …

They want to know how to manifest money for travel, home, surgery, etc. Or why it’s taking so long to manifest a new love. Or what the trick is to attracting a new job.

Since I don’t specialize in converting muggles, my peeps already know about law of attraction and how it works.

That’s why I respond by asking what their current alignment practice is .

And even from people who already know about vibration and focus and matching the frequency of their desire, the majority of inquirers respond that they don’t have one.

They aren’t actually doing any of the LOA work to create what they want.

So I’m going on record here to say that’s your first step . Engage your creative power by putting to use one or more of the manifesting methods you’ve learned here or anywhere else. Because it isn’t enough to know how the system works – you’ve got to actually work the system .

The magic doesn’t automatically happen just because we know about law of attraction, or have an Abe subscription, or read everything on this blog. It happens when we engage our creative powers .

There’s a lot of different ways you could do that … You could use the “set it and forget it” intention setting routine.

You could use a powerful affirmation or pray rain journal .

You might eliminate tolerations in favor of what brings you joy.

Maybe you visualize five minutes every day about your dream come true.

Or work on getting better at upgrading your thoughts . Maybe you act as if it’s already done, or you meditate nightly to better hear guidance. It doesn’t matter as much what our alignment plan is, as much as that we have one and are working it . Right now the foundation of my alignment plan is Vishen’s 6 phase meditation .

I also add in affirmations and a couple of resistance-releasing techniques as called for. And I do my best to remember that having fun is key to my highest success. That’s my current plan. Over the summer I used lots of 17 second repetitions , and some rich visualizations by giving 3 answers to the 3 questions . That’s how I’m doing the vibration management work.

I know that I lead my manifesting party by working my alignment .So before you wonder where your stuff is – or write me asking about it – make sure you’re walking the LOA talk in some form or fashion.

It doesn’t have to be hard work or a complicated process – but you do need to work your alignment before you expect something different to happen.

If you’d like professional support in putting your personal plan together, there are lots of us who can help.For those of you who already have an alignment plan and are working it – kudos!   Go Here to See Full Article... About Your Alignment Practice

Using the Law of Attraction to learn and share the Secret

The way you become brave

"The way you become brave, is one terrifying step at a time."
— Bryant McGill

The way you become brave

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Key to Living the Law of Attraction - Audiobook


Law Of Attraction Coaching Intro Video

You’re Invited! Goal Achiever Webinar – July 14th

Abraham Hicks • A path of lesser resistance • Master Law of Attraction

The Power Of I-AM (Chapter 2) - The 2 Most Powerful Words!

Purchase the Official "The Power of I Am" paperback here: We (YouAreCreators) created ...

Tony Robbins: Think Your Way to Wealth | Tony Robbins 2017

Abraham Hicks New 2016 - Manifest MONEY by getting the feeling of ABUNDANCE (Law of Attraction)

Episode #136 - Designing The Self: Acceptance - The Appreciationist

Tony Robbins: The Magic Of Visualization (Law of Attraction)

Tony Robbins on how to use the power of visualization to create belief and certainty towards the achievement of your goals.

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VYBO is dedicated to inspiring and empowering you to become the greatest version of yourself.

Keywords: Motivation, Inspiration, Success, Law Of Attraction, Abundance, Money, Wealth, Greatness, Visualization, Tony Robbins

It"s already created you just need to do this to get it, Abraham Hicks, Law Of Attraction

MANIFEST YOUR GOALS – The Magic Of Goal Setting (Law of Attraction)

3 Powerful Ways To Instantly Speed Up The Law Of Attraction

Law of Attraction – How To Find Yourself Again (Psychology)

The Power Of I-AM (Chapter 7) - The 2 Most Powerful Words!

Purchase the Official "The Power of I Am" paperback here:

Download our YouAreCreators App for free!


We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret... Purchase my Best-Selling book for even more insight

RUMI – Caught In The Fire Of Love

Abraham Hicks♥Guide your momentum & stand in stability.

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Bank Account! (Law of Attraction) – Part 1

How to apply the law of attraction #2

When is someday? - Bob Proctor

**For more visit our website: **
Tomorrow is this imaginary place where dreams and goals go to die so that complacency can live just a little longer. What are you putting off? When is your someday? For the first time in almost 20 years, Bob is doing a LIVE "You Were Born Rich" Event – and you need to be there.

"How often do you find yourself sitting around with a loved one, and thinking of all the wonderful things you"d like to do, maybe the trips you"d like to take..." #someday #what is someday

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What are the benefits of Meditation - Abraham Hicks

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

When You Want to Manifest a Specific Lover

Click Here to Visit the Website

Maybe it’s the time of year, but my inbox has a definite theme of queries this month.

It seems like every other person who writes wants to know how to manifest a specific someone into their love life.

Ay yi yi.

I’ve been responding individually, but I’m just going on the record with an official post on this subject

This subject matter was something I sensed you might probably enjoy.

The blogger has an interesting viewpoint on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to discuss it with my readers.

Please provide your ideas in the remarks area below ...

Manifestation Visualization Technique You Have NEVER Heard of before

Is it Time to See How you Feel?

Click Here to Visit the Website

Our life experience is made up of many components. We view the world through our upbringing, our environment, our beliefs, and our own unique views of what we think and feel about how we live in this world and how we see others. It’s important to evaluate your personal beliefs about life often. We change […]

This subject was something I thought you might enjoy.

The author offers an interesting viewpoint on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to share it with my followers.

Kindly provide your thoughts in the comments area below ...

Law of Attraction in Action: Episode IX (Preview)

Abraham Hicks New 2016 – Manifest a Relationship With Your Vortex & Everything Else Will Follow

How to Easily Manifest Money and Success (law of attraction) 2016 (new)

You can use the law of attraction to easily manifest money and success. Law of Attraction does not bring positive results without positive beliefs and positive patterns. These principles are the secret formula to follow if you wish to tune into wealth the way countless others have. You are a limitless creator. Learn how to break free from self-imposed limitations and live the life you desire!

★50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks to Hack Your Mind & Increase Your Manifestation Power ➜

Purchase Catherine Ponder"s book "Open Your Mind to Receive" here:

Audio content provided by with permission to use. You can visit the channel at

All audio content belongs to their original creators / owners. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, research and parody. Please notify us by email @ if there is a copyright concern.

Please subscribe to our channel for more law of attraction and mastering your mind videos.

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► Self-Maid - A maid-turned-doctor explains how to deliberately create your life using Universal Laws and the law of attraction →

For personal coaching:

More law of attraction and mind secret videos:

Law of Attraction - How to Develop the Energy Pattern that Attracts Money (new) 2016

Law of Attraction Tune Into Money & Wealth with Ease Formula (new) 2016

Law of Attraction 10 Powerful Ways to Have a Prosperity Mindset and Receive Wealth (new) 2016

Powerful! Mind Secrets you MUST know! (New) 2016 - The Key To Permanent Change (Law of Attraction)

10 Law of Attraction Principles You Must Implement to Have Everything You Want (new) 2016

The Master Key System (Master Your Mind):
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Part 7 -
Part 8 -
Part 9 -
Part 10 -
Part 11 -
Part 12 -
Part 13 -
Part 14 -
Part 15 -
Part 16 -
Part 17 -
Part 18 -
Part 19 -
Part 20 -
Part 21 -
Part 22 -
Part 23 -
Part 24 -

Law of Attraction | mind | secret | powerful | key | success | life | training | coach | personal | business | speaker | development | inspiration | motivation | public speaking | leadership | marketing | management | coaching (industry) | sales | motivational | positive | entrepreneur | seminar | inspirational | New | 2016

Law of Attraction - Advanced Manifestation Techniques - Tips & Troubleshooting

5-MeO-DMT - The Magic Pill To Enlightenment & God

5 Meo DMT - Learn about the most powerful psychedelic in the world and how it can be used to radically raise your consciousness.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books Forum

Contribute subtitles & translations for any video, watch how:

Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.

Tony Robbins - How to Master Anything | Motivational Video

Law of Attraction - START OVER AGAIN (Psychology)

Conor McGregor – The Law of Attraction (PART 1)

9 Worries to Give up in the New Year - Stop Anxiety and Fear

The Magic | Day 28

Bob Proctor Talks About Designing Your Dream Life

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Live the way you really want to live. Don"t just go through the motions of everyday life -- intentionally design the life you want to live.

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Vegan Holiday COMFORT FOOD: Mac & Cheese, Stuffing and Cornbread | Leeor Alexandra

The Power of Meditation (law of attraction)


You Can’t Get it Wrong

Click Here to Visit the Website

So many have asked, “What am I doing wrong? I just feel like I don’t have what I want in life so I must be doing something wrong.” Here’s a little secret: You are doing nothing wrong my friend. We are here to experience life.  That is our purpose here on this beautiful planet.  Now […]

This content was something I believed you would enjoy.

The author possesses an insightful perspective on the subject that resonates with me and I wished to discuss it with my readers.

Kindly supply your ideas in the remarks area below ...

How to BECOME the ULTIMATE CREATOR of Your Life! NLP Technique (Law of Attraction)

Psychology - How to Overcome Fear (Secrets to Success)

Psychology - How to Overcome Fear (Secrets to Success)

☯ Live Today With Passion is an educational organization founded in 2015 by Nicholas & Anthony. We are a small international team based in Norway, we started this website with the intention of inspiring like-minded people all over the world.

👉 Speakers: Tony Robbins, Usain bolt, Travis Kalanick

👉 Fear is something everyone faces, and in same cases, it can even help keep you safe. There are times when fear may interfere in your daily life, however. If you wish to overcome your fear, then this Live today with passion is for you.

Life is easy, if you allow it to be! (Law of attraction)

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
►222 Prosperity Affirmations:
►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets:
►The Mind Of Money:

Download FREE Law Of Attraction books/Mp3"s here:

★ Purchase YouAreCreators Posters and Sweatshirts here →
★ Download the YouAreCreators Manifestation Reminder on your app store now!

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

Monday, January 22, 2018

Brain Games | Season 5 Episode 11 | Positive Thinking | June 28, 2015

Brain Games | Season 5 Episode 11 | Positive Thinking | June 28, 2015 Brain Games | Season 5 Episode 11 | Positive Thinking | June 28, 2015.

True Vision – I Reveal My Life Purpose Until You Can Feel It

Hsin Hsin Ming – A Zen Poem || The Book Of Nothing

Law of Attraction Coach: Are You A Vibrational Match To Your Desires?

Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale Full Audiobook A practical guide to mastering the problems of everyday living.


Relationship Advice

Get mp3/transcript of this episode: Get Brendon"s new book free: ‪ Join Brendon"s 2MIL FB fans:‬ ...

How To Deal With Difficult & Toxic People

Why Quantum Physicists Do Not Get Fat with Sandy Leveque

Abraham Hicks New 2016 – Stop Being In Complete Opposition To What You Want! (Law of Attraction)

The Power Of Routines - How Your Daily Routine Holds You Back From Your Dreams

The Power of Routines - Why you"re not getting the results you want to be getting from personal development.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books

Under A Bridge - Trailer


LOA Youtube

Powerful Relationship Exercise

Abraham Hicks 2016: Her paintings are accumulating | 2016-09-03 Mediterranean Cruise

Law of Attraction: A Complete System

Full Article Here

Yesterday my facebook husband forwarded an article explaining why law of attraction isn’t enough to make the differences we want.

The author wrote that there are three schools of thought about creating success (mindset, action, and tools/techniques) and that most teachers focus only on one but we actually need all three to succeed.

He’s not th

This content was something I perceived you would probably appreciate.

The writer possesses a fascinating viewpoint on the subject that resonates with me and I wanted to share it with my followers.

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💲 Attract Money 💲 Wealth Abundance ★The Real Money Magnet ★ 528hz ✔


I was gonna say this vlog is a lil different but I feel like every vlog of mine is different lol I hope you enjoyed nevertheless! :)
P.S. I was hanging out with the beautiful soul named Caitlin, we actually roadtripped together in a van, our roadtrip vid:

I sell my art on Etsy:

INSTAGRAM → @annietarasova


Abraham Hicks ~z~ Spirituality of Money

Personal Development Blueprint – Charged Life

Sunday, January 21, 2018

The secret episode 13

How To Be A Strategic Motherfucker - The 7 Pillars Of Strategic Thinking

Strategic Thinking - How to apply military and business strategic planning skills to self-actualization in your personal life.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books Forum

Thumbnail for 6803

The Magic Rhonda Byrne Day 17 | The Magic Check

The only two things you need to avoid EVER attracting another narcissist

The 12 Universal Laws That Governs Our Lives! (Create Your Life!)

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
►222 Prosperity Affirmations:
►I Wish I Knew This 20 Years Ago:
►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets:
►The Mind Of Money:

Download FREE Law Of Attraction books/Mp3"s here:

★ Purchase YouAreCreators Posters and Sweatshirts here →
★ Download the YouAreCreators Manifestation Reminder on your app store now!

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

You Have Questions - We"ll Respond

How To Actually Change Your Mind (Law of Attraction)

Law of Attraction - How To Actually Change Your Mind

☯ Live Today With Passion is an educational organization founded in 2015 by Nicholas & Anthony. We are a small international team based in Norway, we started this website with the intention of inspiring like-minded people all over the world.

👉 Speakers: Brendon Burchard, Joel Osteen.

👉 When you try to change, people will often ask, "Who do you think you are? Why can"t you just be happy?" They"ll judge your ideas: That"s a stupid idea. When it comes, don"t let their fears become your fears. Are you going to put your dreams on hold just because some person who doesn’t even know you or what your capabilities are, judged you once? No.

Your job is to live that fullest expression of who you know you can be. Your job is to judge yourself as capable, deserving and ready. Your job is to judge the terrain ahead and get going. They"ll never stop judging you but that doesn"t mean you need to stop.

Sometimes, the fear of uncertainty, judgment or struggle is overwhelming. But what"s more important for you to value? Your fear, or your heart saying it"s time for a change? Your fear, or your mind saying, "I deserve better." Listen to your strength more often.

We Are All Made Of One Thing...ENERGY! (Law Of Attraction)

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
►222 Prosperity Affirmations:
►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets:
►The Mind Of Money:

Download FREE Law Of Attraction books/Mp3"s here:

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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

The Little Red Book That Makes Your Dreams Come True! (Unknown Author) - Law of Attraction

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
►222 Prosperity Affirmations:
►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets:
►The Mind Of Money:

Download FREE Law Of Attraction books/Mp3"s here:

★ Purchase YouAreCreators Posters and Sweatshirts here →
★ Download the YouAreCreators Manifestation Reminder on your app store now!

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

Addiction and the Law of Attraction: What Creates Addiction?

The Law Of Attraction - How To Manifest What You Want Fast

Get your free Life Mastery Toolkit: You"re about to discover how you can use the law of attraction to manifest what ...

LMFAO On The Law Of Attraction

A Rant Against The Pickup Community – Must Watch For All PUAs

Healthy Habits of Happy People with Sonia Ricotti

Episode #39 Using The Law Of Attraction With Emotions Code Healing...With LOA Trainer Penny Peddi...

Where is the love of my life? Why do I never have enough money? When will I get out of this underpaying job? Why does my life still suck? So you"ve been ...

Abraham Hicks Reaching Your Goals 2018 With This Simples Rules

The Extraordinary Power Of Gratitude! (Law Of Attraction)

This book is narrated by Tasha Chen from
Check out Tasha"s YouTube Channel here:

Download our YouAreCreators App for free!


We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret... Purchase my Best-Selling book for even more insight

The One Thing Holding You Back From Success

Thumbnail for 4803

Lose Weight, Keep it Off, and Gain Energy

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Episode #217 Holiday Food or Habits ELIMINATED with the Emotion Code with Michael Losie


How Do I Deal With a Abusive Person While I Work on Self Love?

Feminine vs Masculine Compassion

Compassion -- A distinction between two forms of compassion that you probably never knew existed, and how compassion works.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo"s Top 140 Self Help Books

How to Manifest Success in Business with Law of Attraction Tips

"The Shocking Truth About God" (Eye Opener!)

You can purchase/listen to the full version of this video at - (I LOVE THIS WEBSITE!) They have over 474 Audio Lectures ...

Always Have The Upper Hand Over Anyone Who Gets In Your Way of Manifesting Desires

Program Your Mind For Success (Law of Attraction) - Bob Proctor Bob Proctor on how to program your subconscious mind for success. Motivation, Inspiration, Success, Law Of Attraction, Abundance, Music, ...

You Must Affirm What You Want! (Law Of Attraction)


Four Amazing Books – The Classics

The True Law | The Mind & The Law of Attraction

ASMR Positive Affirmations & Motivation Sample

Allow me to introduce Scarlet, she has been kind enough to try recording a impromptu video together with myself with only a few minute"s preparation. Please be ...

Abraham Hicks New 2016 – The Most Significant State of Being (Law of Attraction)

Self Improvement - Improve Your Learning abilities - Theta HD (strong subliminal programme) Theta

#1 Advanced Law of Attraction Manifestation Technique NOBODY TELLS YOU About | The Secret

Tuning In To The Secret Power of Infinite Love & Wisdom - Law of Attraction

Tune in to the secret power of infinite love & wisdom to create harmonious conditions that attract desires. This power dwells in all men and has the ability to bring Oneness will all things, while observation shifts to all that is good. Entertaining negative thoughts is no longer an option once a person understands how it effects everything, including themselves and their manifestations. Each person has the option to call on their infinite wisdom for anything they desire, at any time. Aligning with the Universe in this way (the way in which it naturally operates) tunes a person into effortless receiving of all desires.

★ 50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks to Hack Your Mind & Increase Your Manifestation Power here: ➜

Law of Attraction does not bring positive results without positive beliefs and positive patterns. These principles are the secret formula to follow if you wish to align with your desires the way countless others have. You are a limitless creator. Learn how to break free from self-imposed limitations and live the life you desire!

Music provided by: Americana - Aspiring by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Please subscribe to our channel for more law of attraction and mastering your mind videos.

Purchase our best selling book here:
► Self-Maid - A maid-turned-doctor explains how to deliberately create your life using Universal Laws and the law of attraction →

For personal coaching:

More law of attraction and mind secret videos:

How Mastering Your Awareness Can Create a New Reality (law of attraction)

God and the “I” of Man Are One – Neville Goddard

The Unlimited Capacity of the Spiritual Mind – law of attraction

10 Spiritual Principles of Alignment – Wayne Dyer (law of attraction)

The Science Behind Mental Action & Material Conditions – Edinburgh Lectures Part 2 (law of attraction)

The Science Behind Mental Action & Material Conditions – Edinburgh Lectures Part 1 (law of attraction)

Align With Your Higher Self Through New Consciousness – Stuart Wilde – Law of Attraction

You Were Born to Win! Taking Risks in Order to Be Successful – Les Brown – Motivational/Science of Achievement

Man’s Power to Control the Mind, Body and Circumstances - law of attraction

In Tune With the Infinite – Conscious Realization of the True Self (law of attraction)

Prosperity Paradigm Formula – 11 Steps to Create Your Reality

Mind in Action – How to Make Prosperous Mental Deposits – Ernest Holmes – Law of Attraction

The Miracle of Your Mind – Exercising Your Power (loa) Earl Nightingale

Your Invisible Power – How to Attract to Yourself the Things You Desire (law of attraction)

The Science of Self Control – 5 Steps to Mastering Your Mind & Your Destiny

The Secret Self That Creates All Things – Understanding Your Power – Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction | mind | secret | powerful | key | success | life | training | coach | personal | business | speaker | development | inspiration | motivation | public speaking | leadership | marketing | management | coaching (industry) | sales | motivational | positive | entrepreneur | seminar | inspirational | new | 2016


Let go of the Past and Embrace the Now

Click Here to Visit the Website

What is it about the past that draws in the mind to revisit a past experience over and over again reliving mistakes we felt we made or bring up unpleasant memories?  Why do we do that to ourselves?  You see the past in the past for a reason.  We can observe the past experience without […]

This content was something I felt you would probably value.

The creator possesses an intriguing viewpoint on the subject that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my viewers.

Kindly offer your thoughts in the remarks section below ...

Result based testimonial : law of attraction hypnosis

How to get what you really want


"The only way to get what you really want, is to know what you really want. And the only way to know what you really want, is to know yourself. And the only way to know yourself, is to be yourself. And the only way to be yourself is to listen to your heart."
— Mike Dooley


The Ultimate Guide to Wealth & Prosperity! (Law Of Attraction)

Follow us on Instagram: youarecreators Check out my blog-spot for more life changing videos! (We update daily!) Join our ...

How to Use The Secret and The Law Of Attraction to Find YOUR "Soulmate"

DJ Khaled – Words Of Wisdom (Motivation)

Friday, January 19, 2018

Abraham Hicks Making Changes Relaxing (no ads during videos)! Law of attraction

Success and Failure

How to Attract a SPECIFIC CELEBRITY Crush!! (Law of Attraction)

April-May "16 FAVOURITES// Books, Songs, IG Accounts, etc.

MY ETSY DreamyMoons
Links to things I mentioned below!!!

○ Books from Savers

○ Gemstone handmade necklace from my girl Alex

○ Silver moon crescent necklace from

○ Outdoor spray from EcoTan

○ Sterling silver rings from

○ Skirt from VergeGirl

○ Denim shirt from Savers

○ The Messy Heads magazine

○ IG acc"s @leafandpetalvintage @gypsea_lust @penabranca

INSTAGRAM → @annietarasova



YouAreCreators Podcast Ep7: Meditation Guru Advice (Law Of Attraction)

Arnold Schwarzenegger Motivational - arnold schwarzenegger motivational speech

Prosperity is your BIRTHRIGHT! (Law Of Attraction)

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics ...

The Power of Habit: Setting Up "Triggers" to Sustain Habits

Summary below! This is Brendon freestyle, without notes or prompter. Get mp3/transcript of this episode: Get Brendon"s new book ...

Abraham-Hicks: The Vibrational Universe

How to Stop Procrastinating

How Positive Affirmations Can Change Your Life - State Change Explained In Details

Money & The Law Of Attraction: For Dummies Part 4

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
►222 Prosperity Affirmations:
►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago:
►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets:
►The Mind Of Money:

Download free Self-Help Mp3"s here:

★ Purchase YouAreCreators Posters and Sweatshirts here →
★ Download the YouAreCreators Manifestation Reminder on your app store now!

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...

Actress RAKUL PREET SINGH Believes in Law of Attraction | Proof That Law of Attraction Really Works

How To Manifest Anything! (Law Of Attraction)

View this speakers website here: We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe ...

How To Meditate Deeper

Law of Attraction Expert Dr. David Che

Are you Going Upstream or Downstream When it Comes to Your Day?

Click Here to Visit the Website

Are you going upstream or downstream when it comes to your day?  How can you tell? You can tell by how you feel. Let’s say you have a full day ahead of you. If you are feeling rushed, too much to do, frustrated, and agitated, then you are swimming against the current of life. When […]

This content was something I believed you would enjoy.

The blogger has an interesting point of view on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my viewers.

Please offer your thoughts in the remarks section below ...

Law of Attraction Wealth Program CD"s Course

The Wealthy Mind Manual! ~Law Of Attraction Training

RUMI - Gamble everything for love

RUMI - Rumi"s Poetry - Poems by Rumi- Gamble everything for love

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☯ Live Today With Passion is an educational organization founded in 2015 by Nicholas & Anthony. We are a small international team based in Norway, we started this website with the intention of inspiring like minded people all over the world.

☯ We absolutely LOVE life changing quotes, if you read these quotes every morning for the next 30 days, we promise you, you’ll see unbelievable changes in your life .

☯ We will publish a new video every single day so please don"t forget to subscribe our Youtube Channel . WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? Leave a comment below, and sure that will be our next video.
♪♬ Voice-over : Martin

RUMI_ Gamble everything for love

Gamble everything for love.

If you are a true human being.

If not, leave this gathering.

Half-heartedness doesn"t reach into majesty.

You set out to find God,

but then you keep stopping

for long periods at mean-spirited roadhouses.

Don"t wait any longer.

Dive in the ocean,

leave and let the sea be you.



walking an empty road,

all praise.
RUMI - Rumi"s Poetry - Poems by Rumi - Gamble everything for love
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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Law of Attraction Coaching | Making Dreams Reality

Creating Miracles in Your Life with the Law of Attraction – Stuart Wilde

Your heart needs more time


"Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows."
— Unknown Author


Abraham Hicks • How to accelerate the healing process • Master Law of Attraction

Why Is Money Important? MAJOR Reality Check In This Video

Lock arms with us! Click here now Why Is Money Important? Why is Money Important to Our Economy Why is Money Important ...

Jim Rohn: How to Gain Financial Freedom | Law of Attraction

How to Make a Choice When Experiencing Indecision

Full Article Here

There are times where we know exactly what we want and we go for it. We have no doubt the direction we want to head. And then there are other times where we are confused and just can’t seem to make a decision. So how can you tell what is the right choice for your […]

This subject was something I sensed you would probably appreciate.

The creator possesses an engaging viewpoint on the topic that resonates with me and I wished to share it with my followers.

Kindly offer your thoughts in the remarks section below ...

Episode #137 - Designing The Self: Willpower - The Appreciationist

Personal Development Blueprint – Meditation

You are always connected to those who have passed on , Abraham Hicks, Law Of Attraction

Recondition Your Mind For Success! - By Les Brown (Pure Motivation!)

Purchase Les Brown"s books here:

Visit Michael of who created the beautiful relaxing music used in the background of this video.

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to you. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others has testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret... Purchase my book for even more insight

Purchase this animation here:

Are your Thoughts on Automatic?

For the full article or video go here:

There are times where we just let the mind automatically make a choice for us. It will give us a choice that we have gotten into the habit of. Let’s say that you are looking for a new job.  In the past, all the new job interviews have gone well but you haven’t gotten the […]

This subject matter was something I believed you might value.

The originator features an insightful point of view on the subject that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my viewers.

Please provide your ideas in the remarks section below ...

Multiple Sources of Income - Bob Proctor

**For more visit our website: **
Bob Proctor from "The Secret" teaches the power of creating Multiple Sources of Income (MSI)if you want to find out more about the brief case and the amazing opportunity check out

"...You know, I want to talk to you for a few minutes about money. It"s a subject that most people never understand during their entire life. They earn a little bit, they really stretch out a living. But they never learn how to earn money. School does not teach us how to earn money...: # Multiple Sources of Income # income making tips

Subscribe for more:

Social Media & Website:

Neville Goddard | Manifest Your Reality Through Mental Conversation | new video 2016 | loa

Neville Goddard - Manifest Your Reality Through Mental Conversation - New Video 2016

★50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks to Hack Your Mind & Increase Your Manifestation Power ➜

Purchase our best selling book here:
► Self-Maid - A maid-turned-doctor explains how to create your life using Universal Laws →

More Neville Goddard videos:

Neville Goddard - Feeling is the Secret - Use Your Thoughts to Create Your Reality

Neville Goddard (new video) - A Movement of Mind

Neville Goddard (2016) - Live in the End

Neville Goddard - How to Use Your Imagination to Create Your Reality

★ Your Youniverse created this channel to share the greatest secrets of the Universe. Our reality is created through alignment with Universal Laws that govern over all that is. Without knowledge of how to harmoniously work with these laws, & utilize them for purposeful manifestation, a person may meander through life believing that everything just happens "to" them. Conscious realization, & afresh ability to make favorable use of these laws, aids a person in crafting a life with precision regarding their dreams & desires. The law of attraction, & its counterparts, are a very real "thing". You can have everything you want!

The purpose of the videos presented through this channel are to encourage an open mind to the possibilities of who and what we each are, and to deliver messages to those that are in need of hearing them at the time that they do. Enjoy!

Personal coaching:

Neville Goddard | NevilleGoddard | Neville Goddard new | Neville Goddard newest | Feeling is the secret | New Video | 2016 | Neville | Goddard | law of attraction | imagination | the secret | create your reality | manifest | manifestation | create reality

Abraham Hicks♥ Play This Game With Yourself

Overcome depression and anxiety attacks : my story #3

Understanding Emotions – Part 1

10 Great Powers that Attract Success – Jim Rohn (law of attraction)

"Positive Self-Talk" - Bible Verse Affirmations - Please enjoy this sample of "Self-Talk from the Scriptures" Bible verse affirmations produced by Princess L. Surjopolos of Living ...

Trust and let go

"You don"t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe. Trust. Let go. And see what happens."
— Mandy Hale

Trust and let go

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Complete Guide to Feeling 100% Whole and Complete NOW

Even when the earth suddenly shakes, tides unexpectedly surge, and all hope seems lost...

earthandsunEven when the earth suddenly shakes, tides unexpectedly surge, and all hope seems lost, in the split second that follows, Tex, I have a brand new plan, I know what we"ll do, and I"ve got the pedal to the metal. Just get back in your saddle and ride,     The Universe | Thoughts Become Things | Only Entertain Good Thoughts! | Share your thoughts below...