Saturday, May 13, 2017

How to Sharpen Your Intuition (Law of Attraction)

How to Sharpen Your Intuition (Law of Attraction)

☯ Live Today With Passion is an educational organization founded in 2015 by Nicholas & Anthony. We are a small international team based in Norway, we started this website with the intention of inspiring like-minded people all over the world.

👉 Speakers: Wayne Dyer, John Mayer, Tim Cook.

👉 Intuition is the ability to get a sense, understanding, or feeling about something. Your intuition is an aspect of you, it is an extension of you. It is how you speak to yourself about getting yourself together and making new choices that move you forward into advantageous possibilities.

Your intuition can help you see when you are staying in your balance, or if you are getting pulled out of your balance by other people or events.

It has been said that intuition is your own voice of higher consciousness, or your own divine spirit talking to you.

Intuition is not from the logical mind, but from a higher perspective. Albert Einstein once said, "The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, the solution come to you and you don"t know how or why. The truly valuable thing is intuition." Even if you have not been accustomed to listening to your intuition, or trusting your intuition, you have this amazing power!

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