Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Magical Power of Thought Currents - Thoughts Are Things - Law of Attraction

Thought runs in currents as real as air and water. What we think and talk about, we attract to us through those currents. These thought currents intermingle with other "like" currents to manifest conditions similar to the thoughts we generate. Being aware of the thoughts we each have, and altering them if undesirable, is one of the quickest ways to create what is desired in life. If you are able to consider what these thought currents look like as you are producing them, your mind will begin to have a better understanding of the power it possesses.

★ 50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks to Hack Your Mind & Increase Your Manifestation Power here: ➜

Law of Attraction does not bring positive results without positive beliefs and positive patterns. These principles are the secret formula to follow if you wish to align with your desires the way countless others have. You are a limitless creator. Learn how to break free from self-imposed limitations and live the life you desire!

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► Self-Maid - A maid-turned-doctor explains how to deliberately create your life using Universal Laws and the law of attraction →

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More law of attraction and mind secret videos:

Man Is The Sum of His Mind – As A Man Thinketh (law of attraction)

Mindsets, Habits and Emotional States of Successful People - Science of Achievement – Tony Robbins

Tuning In To The Secret Power of Infinite Love and Wisdom – Law of Attraction

How Mastering Awareness Can Reinvent a New Reality (law of attraction)

God and the “I” of Man Are One – Neville Goddard

The Unlimited Capacity of the Spiritual Mind – law of attraction

10 Spiritual Principles of Alignment – Wayne Dyer (law of attraction)

The Science Behind Mental Action & Material Conditions – Edinburgh Lectures Part 2 (law of attraction)

The Science Behind Mental Action & Material Conditions – Edinburgh Lectures Part 1 (law of attraction)

Golden Rules for Making Money – The Art of Money Getting (Science of Achievement)

Align With Your Higher Self Through New Consciousness – Stuart Wilde – Law of Attraction

You Were Born to Win! Taking Risks in Order to Be Successful – Les Brown – Motivational/Science of Achievement

Man’s Power to Control the Mind, Body and Circumstances - law of attraction

In Tune With the Infinite – Conscious Realization of the True Self (law of attraction)

Prosperity Paradigm Formula – 11 Steps to Create Your Reality

Mind in Action – How to Make Prosperous Mental Deposits – Ernest Holmes – Law of Attraction

The Miracle of Your Mind – Exercising Your Power (loa) Earl Nightingale

Your Invisible Power – How to Attract to Yourself the Things You Desire (law of attraction)

Law of Attraction | mind | secret | powerful | key | success | life | training | coach | personal | business | speaker | development | inspiration | motivation | public speaking | leadership | marketing | management | coaching (industry) | sales | motivational | positive | entrepreneur | seminar | inspirational | new | 2016

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