Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Law of Attraction Tips - Make More Decisions (Psychology)

Law of Attraction Tips - Make More Decisions (Psychology)

☯ Live Today With Passion is an educational organization founded in 2015 by Nicholas & Anthony. We are a small international team based in Norway, we started this website with the intention of inspiring like-minded people all over the world.

👉 Speakers: Brendon Burchard, Donald Trump

👉 Actualizing your dream begins with initiating movement. You have to show up every single day and work toward your dream. The highest performers didn’t get to where they are because they were lucky; they worked every day for years toward their dream. They honored the struggle and didn’t complain about the effort involved in becoming world-class. Remember, when you knock on the door of Opportunity, it is Work who answers!

The only one who can ever give up on your dream is you. When you realize this, you get to make the decision to stay with your dreams and keep going. Refuse to give up on your dream and you will experience what we call The Charged Life!

👉 Source: Brendon Burchard

👉 Make more decisions in every day. Because a decision is a summoning of life. That"s why a little chaos is good for you, because often you don"t make a decision until you get yourself in a jam. And then, in the middle of the jam, you make a decision, but that decision summons Life Force.

It’s easier to make decisions earlier than later. For example, if you hate your job, make a decision to leave sooner. Yes, be judicious and and collect information…but don’t get into analysis paralysis or become scared of change. Set a date and prepare. Making bold decisions for yourself is the secret to moving your life forward. Ask,“What’s decision have I been putting off in my personal life? What decision have I been waiting to make at work? What decision do I need to make in my relationships?" Avoidance may be the best short-term strategy to avoid pain and conflict, but it is also the best long-term strategy to ensure suffering. Stop putting it off, make that decision and stick to it.

Bad decisions are often a result of acting without any information, listening to the wrong people or forcing a false choice. Intelligent research means collecting as much information as possible from informed people. There’s nothing you want to achieve or overcome in your life that someone hasn’t already achieved or overcome. You can access an expert roadmap for dealing with anything you’re going through. Before you make your decision, go out and consult other informed, happy, smart, joyous, accomplished people who have done what you want to do. Often, you’ll find it’s not just a matter of choosing A or B, but rather there are a multitude of choices available to you.

Become more attentive to the process of making good decisions in your life and suddenly your life will advance with stunning speed and health, and you’ll start to experience what we call The Charged Life.

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