Thursday, June 9, 2016

5 Muggle Values Worth Dropping

Quick read that speak to enhancing your law of attraction abilities…

5 Muggle Values Worth DroppingCultural values are commonly held standards of what is acceptable or important in society. We have lots of them.

It just so happens that our venerated standards of conduct often directly contradict our successful creation process.

If you haven’t already released these muggle values, you’re invited to recognize how it would serve your manifesting practice to do so:

1. Patience

Yes, there are times in which patience serves, but the common wisdom that it takes time to get what we want and that we must be willing to wait it out isn’t for conscious creators.

There are two ways this value sabotages our LOA practice …

First, whatever we truly want is always within reach, since that is always a feeling. I don’t have to wait until my perfect job manifests before I revel in the delight of doing my best work. I don’t have to wait on my sweetheart to ask me out before I flow feelings of love and connection. How I feel is always up to me, so I don’t need patience to get there. (Although practice – yes, sometimes that.)

Second, it doesn’t have to take long to manifest what we want. When we align to our desires and follow inspiration, results come very quickly. As in hours or days (even minutes sometimes!); not months, and certainly not years.

Which means we don’t have to wait until our desires manifest before we give ourselves the gift of what we really want.

Having said that, I often find it helpful to be patient with myself as I adopt LOA-friendly habits like self-love and appreciation. But that’s probably the only time I preach patience!

2. Effort

This one is pervasive. Pinterest boards are filled with “no pain, no gain” reminders and we’ve all heard the Edison quote that genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. We’re told to never give up and we treat as heroes those who struggle the most to create their happy ending.

And yet, we know from Abraham that:

“Effort is not your friend. Effort is what you do when you don’t believe. Trying is your indication that you’re not going with the flow.”

Conscious creators realize that resistance disconnects us from our true power and that the only effort worth making is that of alignment and inspired action. The downstream journey is the quickest path to what we prefer, and, as Communion of Light says, we’d be smart to “give up early and often.”

3. Compromise

“You can’t always get what you want,” remind our parents and the Rolling Stones. Many relationship therapists teach that compromise is a cornerstone to a good marriage.

Yet Abraham teaches that (because of the tension inherent in it) to compromise is to give up your power. They say the only agreement you should seek is the agreement between you and your Inner Being.

Yet Abraham teaches that (because of the tension inherent in it) to compromise is to give up your power. They say the only agreement you should seek is the agreement between you and your Inner Being.

Anything less than that blocks our highest desires from manifesting. Anytime it seems like we can’t all get what we want, that’s a limiting belief worth dropping as well.

I love the real life story of the wife who wanted to live secluded in the country, surrounded by nature, while her husband wanted to be in the heart of the city enjoying an active social life along with all the cultural benefits.

Instead of compromising, they each focused on the essence of their desire. Long story short, he got a promotion in another city that had a brand new housing development just 15 minutes out of downtown that was designed to make people feel like they were living in the country. Streams, wildlife, and neighbors well-hidden – all within driving distance of bustling city life.

Conscious creators know that compromise is overrated!

4. Truthfulness

As soon as we’re old enough to string sentences together, we’re taught the importance of telling the truth. Parents, teachers, bosses, spouses – no one seems to appreciate our imaginative story telling skills.

But it’s common knowledge in LOA circles that attention to “what is” only gets us more of the same. So finding a way to tell it how you want it and to see what you prefer is a better value for conscious creators.

Many of us have learned what an art it is to walk that line in a muggle world!

5. Empathy

Empathy is the ability to recognize and share another’s feelings. It’s a highly desired quality in many cultures.   Go Here to See Full Article… 5 Muggle Values Worth Dropping

5 Muggle Values Worth Dropping

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