Saturday, June 11, 2016

Q&A: Disillusioned about Law of Attraction

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Every once in a while I get a question that feels right to post here for a couple of reasons:

1 – you can do a better job answering it

2 – others will benefit from the discussion

3 – several are asking the same question

Today’s question satisfies all three reasons for asking your input.

Here it is in the words of the person who asked it most recently:

I hope it’s okay to ask this question, because I’m starting to feel disillusioned about the whole manifesting thing.

The things I try to manifest don’t work. And the things I don’t even try to create do happen.

(I was pray rain journaling for a new boyfriend, and got a surprise tax refund instead. Then I set an intention for a good doctor’s appointment, which didn’t turn out well at all; and instead manifested a promotion at work which I wasn’t even trying to get and am not really sure I want.)

What does that say about law of attraction? I’m getting things I’m not even focusing on and while they’re cool things, they aren’t what I’d like to be manifesting.

It’s in your hands now, Good Vibers.

What say you to our LOA-disillusioned friend?

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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

This content was something I sensed you might probably enjoy.

The author possesses an engaging viewpoint on the subject that resonates with me and I wanted to share it with my followers.

Kindly provide your thoughts in the comments area below …

Q&A: Disillusioned about Law of Attraction

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