Monday, June 13, 2016

Thank every single person by Steven Aitchison


I often think about gratitude in my recovery work. I have read many books and articles that discuss the importance of gratitude in healing. And I get it intellectually. It makes so much sense. How can you build on a shaky foundation? The current life has to reside in my heart. There has to be a love for what is if I want to take what is to the next level. I have made my list of all the things I am grateful for. I have even listed five things in a journal every night before going to sleep. My children list their five things every night before they go to bed too (the pets have no idea how lucky they are).

And while I am truly grateful for everything on my list, there is something missing. I know it intellectually, but I don’t feel it in my heart. I don’t feel that joy of gratitude for what I have been blessed with. How do I know? I know because I have felt it for brief moments. Recently, I had fifteen minutes of pure joy and gratitude for what I have. What did I do with it? I cleaned my stove. I have never been so happy to clean my stove. And that stove was thoroughly cleaned. I didn’t even want to use it again it looked so good. But it was different from my manic cleaning. I was completely present throughout the entire process.

That’s the thing about that level of joy. It can make anything a positive experience. Of course, it is a feeling I want back. I pray to have it every day. When I pray for something, the feelings blocking that abundance float to the surface to be processed. I have learned that. So I only pray when I am ready to do the work. But I have also learned that when those feelings are processed, I get the joy that lives underneath. So I am willing. The Practice of Awareness

And those emotions have shown me those parts that don’t really feel grateful. It has been an enlightening experience. I have come …Go Here to See Full Article… Thank every single person by Steven Aitchison

Thank every single person by Steven Aitchison

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