Sunday, June 12, 2016

Righter Than You Realize

Righter Than You Realize

This is the manifesting trick that changes everything when put into practice.

It’s the #1 skill worth mastering if you care about your LOA game, not to mention general life happiness …

Today I woke up – and completely took it for granted.

I woke up. Which meant I slept!

Sleeping through the night used to be a huge miracle! The kind of thing that inspired a chorus of angels singing as I phoned friends to share the great news!

And here I’d just slept through the whole night. Didn’t even think anything of it.

Got out of bed. Took that for granted, too.

I got out of bed without even thinking about it. No back pain! No careful maneuvering. No wincing or groaning as I started this day on my feet! That wasn’t always the case.

And then I got on the internet. As if it were nothing. As if that’s how it always is.

But the truth is Comcast has inspired many a swear word in the past.

Then I sat in my chair without having to clean up cat throwup. Didn’t even thank them for it. There are more days than I care to count where that is not the case.

I share this because it speaks to the point I want to make about today’s manifesting tip …

Things are going more right than you realize. There’s way more working out for you than there is going wrong.And when you know that, especially when you can remember it in the face of contrast – it makes all the vibrational difference. You can’t get too kinky in your vibe when you look around and see all the rightness in your world.And if you can’t see that how that’s already true for you, it’s time to practice .Because many of us have an unhelpful tendency to spot what’s wrong and dwell on what needs to change, rather than appreciating what’s going right. If your first thought when you woke up wasn’t a lovely one, then I’m talking to you. That’s a sign we have room for improvement on where we’re dialed vibrationally.This manifesting skill is about developing the perspective of love and appreciation rather than grinding through another day of effort and struggle and angst.And for some of us, it is work. It can take a committed practice of looking for the good news before it becomes our new habitual perspective .(It’s why I regularly post to four or five different “ good news ” and “what’s going right ” type threads in the GVU forums.)It’s hands down the single most powerful thing you can do to support your manifesting success.So the next time you hear yourself complaining about this that or the other, take a pause for a reality check .Look around your life and tally even just a handful of things going right. (It’s impossible to list all the things going right – that’s how many there are.)But when you can get a handle on more things going right than things going […]

Righter Than You Realize

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