Wednesday, June 1, 2016

How Manifesting Is Like a Chinese Finger Trap

Full Article Here

Successful manifesting is all about aligning to the desire, which is sometimes tricky when we’re in the throes of resistance …

Like when we really don’t want to be at this weight or are tired of dealing with this disease.

Or when we’re scared about looming debt or hate our stupid job.

Or when we absolutely cannot stand a particular person in our life or are determined to create change in a key relationship.

Resistance like that can keep our desires from manifesting because that vibe is so contrary to what we want.

And we can’t get what we want until we know the vibration of it.

Conscious creators know this.

And yet releasing that resistance isn’t always the easiest thing to do.

The process of dropping that resistance sometimes reminds me of a Chinese finger trap … where the way out isn’t to struggle against, but to relax in. That’s what takes the pressure off and allows the release.

It’s the same with vibrational resistance – making peace with the thing we don’t want actually leads the way out.

It seems counterintuitive that we get what we want by getting okay with what is. But it works!

Just like it seems weird that you escape the finger trap by going further in.

(Bashar says the highest truths seem paradoxical – here’s another one!)

That means our manifesting work is to …

  • Practice being okay with how our body is right now.

  • Or make peace with our money (or lack of it) in its current state.

  • Or learning to accept the person or job that drives us crazy.

… or whatever we’re flowing negative energy toward.

Finding a way to accept what we’ve been pushing against is a good LOA trick. But embracing what we’ve been pushing away is a powerful step toward transformation.

That doesn’t make a lot of intuitive sense or come to us very naturally, so it’s a mark of a master to be able to practice this.

Whatever conditions you’ve been trying to escape in your life, consider making peace instead and watch the magic unfold.

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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

This subject matter was something I thought you might probably value.

The blogger provides an engaging perspective on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to discuss it with my audiences.

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How Manifesting Is Like a Chinese Finger Trap

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