Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The soon-to-be national holiday of Rhondafest begins today



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“Spontaneous dance parties are important in my life.”—Amy Poehler

Okay, so I should probably be writing my book.

But, NO!!! I’m taking this break to celebrate the dawn of Rhondafest. Seems I’m taking lots of celebration breaks this week. My power posse from Omega agreed during our Magic and Miracles weekend that we’d all dance together (wherever we happened to be) on the next full moon. That was Wednesday.

Today, Friday, is Rhonda’s birthday. I won’t say which number. That’s for her to reveal, if she so chooses. And since she reads Dr. Christiane Northrup, too, I’m guessing she agrees with me. Why bother?

Rhonda is my amazing friend, the one I’ve written about here on the blog and in my books. She’s the friend who vowed never to say no to fun. Maybe if there’s room (Who am I kidding? There’s always room on the internet) to repost my blog about her anti-Nancy Reagan campaign. Actually, she’s never mentioned Nancy Reagan, but if you remember, Nancy suggested saying “no.” Rhonda always says ‘yes.” At least when there’s fun and joy involved.

She’s the friend who, last Friday, joined me in spontaneous celebration of the awesome Supreme Court decision to “Choose Love.” I felt so jubilant, so grateful that my country did the right thing that I had no choice but to go downtown (it’s a thing here in Lawrence) and whoop it up! At 10:30 in the morning. Most adults are working at that time and unwilling to just extemporaneously celebrate. I made a couple calls. Couldn’t find a taker. To be fair, one of my friends was undergoing hernia surgery and had a pretty good excuse.

Then I called Rhonda. The party began. And this is even when she’s in the throes of launching her new feng shui business. She’s an interior designer, a pet sitter and now she’s starting–I think it’s called White Orchid Feng Shui. Although she might want to call it Fun Shui (it would fit her personality), I have no doubt it will be a smash hit. I might just hire her to Fun Shui the whole world.

Anyway, Rhonda is a wonderful listener, an inspiring, compassionate friend who offered to smash the knees of the person who dissed my Denver talk (yes, Rhonda was there and, no, she really didn’t–that was just my temporary insane fantasy) and did I mention, today is her birthday, yo!!!

Here’s the post (again!!!!

I have a couple groups here in my hometown who get together with the sole purpose of HAVING FUN. And therefore attracting MORE FUN. It’s a constant reminder of why we are here on planet earth. I walk out of those groups….no, I should say I dance out of those groups buzzing with joy and love and creative ideas.

Yesterday, one of our newest members told this story. A couple years ago she made a New Year’s resolution to “never say no to fun.” That meant if anyone asked her to go to a concert or go out dancing or out to lunch, she was committed to say “You betcha!”

She had begun to notice that she was turning down invitations because well, she’s a mom and she had a busy day or she was tired or…..you get the idea. There are a million rational reasons adults can give for declining an offer to enjoy themselves.

Kids, she noted, never turned down fun. They were in constant search of the next good time. Teenagers, too, would never spurn a party…no matter how late or how much they were going to piss off their parents by sneaking out the bedroom window.

It begs the question….when was the tipping point? At what point did we begin rejecting the chance for joy and glee?

What she discovered during her year of “just saying yes” is that the energy she thought she was going to conserve by staying home actually grew. The tired feeling that had previously impelled her to give the other answer completely disappeared.

And now, she says, “I don’t even have to think about it. I always say yes to fun.”

Happy birthday, dear Rhonda!! Can’t wait for tonight.

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.

This subject matter was something I felt you might probably value.

The author features a fascinating viewpoint on the topic that resonates with me and I wanted to share it with my viewers.

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The soon-to-be national holiday of Rhondafest begins today

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